Ecosystem Stainless Steel Recycling Bin
- Silver Metallic
- Pedal bin
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 85.99Original price: £ 101.99
- This item is not in stock and must be reordered. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. This item is currently out of stock. Leave us your email and we’ll notify you once it’s available!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Stainless steel pedal bin with 45 litres total volume
Three removable plastic buckets with carrying handles
Colour markings for hygienic and environmentally-friendly waste separation
Product description
The Klarstein Ecosystem tames mountains of rubbish whilst actively facilitating the recycling of various waste products.
The housing of the rubbish and recycling bin is made of stainless steel and has a floor-protecting plastic base. Three removable plastic buckets with 15 litres of volume each can accommodate regular waste, organic waste, and recycling. The inserts can be quickly emptied separately from each other via a practical carrying handle.
Via the three-pedal mechanism, waste disposal is completely comfortable and hygienic.
- Easy to clean
- Rear carrying handle
- Material: stainless steel, plastic
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 60.5 x 47.5 x 32.5cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 6.6kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
Delivery & shipment
No review available for this item.
Il n'a rien à dire c'est parfait ️
He has nothing to say, it's perfect ️
Il n'a rien à dire c'est parfait ️
He has nothing to say, it's perfect ️
Envois rapide, emballage soigné, arrivée en très état, cette poubelle de tri sélectif est vraiment génial elle est parfaite pour ma cuisine car elle se fond avec l'îlot.
Fast shipping, careful packaging, arrival in very good condition, this recycling bin is really great, it is perfect for my kitchen because it blends in with the island.
Ca reste un petit format pour le plastique….
It’s still a small size for plastic….
Ca reste un petit format pour le plastique….
It’s still a small size for plastic….
Poubelles de tri 3 compartiments au top qui rend bien service au quotidien. Plus besoin de se rendre à la poubelle extérieure tous les jours. Le tri n’est enfin plus une corvée !
Top-notch 3-compartment sorting bins that provide good service on a daily basis. No more going to the outdoor trash can every day. Sorting is finally no longer a chore!
Poubelles de tri 3 compartiments au top qui rend bien service au quotidien. Plus besoin de se rendre à la poubelle extérieure tous les jours. Le tri n’est enfin plus une corvée !
Top-notch 3-compartment sorting bins that provide good service on a daily basis. No more going to the outdoor trash can every day. Sorting is finally no longer a chore!
Cercavo una pattumiera da mettere in terrazzo antipioggia e vento. E' capiente e molto pratica da usare , grazie al pedale. L'apertura senza pedale non è comoda ma si riesce. Prodotto molto robusto non entra acqua quando piove e non si aprono gli sportelli con il vento ( rispetto al mio vecchio contenitore). I cestini hanno il manico che rimane comodo per estrare i sacchetti oppure portarlo al bidone esterno. Soddisfatto
I was looking for a dustbin to put on the terrace to protect it from rain and wind. It is roomy and very practical to use, thanks to the pedal. Opening it without the pedal is not comfortable but it can be done. Very sturdy product, water does not get in when it rains and the doors do not open with the wind (compared to my old container). The baskets have a handle that is convenient for extracting the bags or taking it to the outside bin. Satisfied
De buen tamaño. Ideal para clasificar la basura del hogar.
Good size. Ideal for sorting household waste.
Utilização muito pratica, higiénica e tamanho suficiente para um casal
Very practical, hygienic use and large enough for a couple
Très pratique
Very convenient
Très pratique
Very convenient
bon marché et pratique
cheap and practical
Súper Práctico
Super Practical
Robusta y vistosa, los pedales funcionan genial, son muy cómodos. Tiene mucha cabida cada cubo y se pueden sacar para limpiarlos, manipular… Una compra recomendable
Robust and attractive, the pedals work great, they are very comfortable. Each bucket has plenty of room and can be removed for cleaning, handling... A recommended purchase.
Me encanta la compra! Tengo la basura clasificada y escondida en este bonito cubo.
I love this purchase! I have my trash sorted and hidden in this cute bin.
Der Mülleimer ist gut, aber sehr niedrig und wird daher sehr schnell voll.
The bin is good but very low and therefore fills up very quickly.
Sans regret. Le fait d’avoir une pédale par poubelle est top. Le couvercle est plutôt léger contrairement à mon ancienne poubelle et se repose plus en douceur du coup. Je pense que le système durera aussi plus longtemps . Je suis satisfaire.
Without regret. Having one pedal per bin is great. The lid is rather light unlike my old trash can and therefore rests more gently. I think the system will also last longer. I am satisfied.
Ein schöner, platzsparender Mülleimer....
A nice, space-saving trash can....
Important gain de place, vraiment très pratique et un super look.
Significant space saving, really very practical and a great look.
Pour pouvoir faire le tri en ayant seulement un article
To be able to sort by having only one item
Wir haben den Mülleimer noch nicht lange aber er erfüllt seinen Zweck voll und ganz, ich hoffe er hält einige Zeit!
We haven't had the bin for long but it serves the purpose well, I hope it lasts for some time!
Prodotto elegante, fa la sua bella figura. Qualità elevata. Consiglio
Elegant product, makes a good impression. High quality. I recommend
Bon produit pour le tri, design tres actuel, joli. Dommage pour le prix un peu exagéré...
Good product for sorting, very current design, pretty. Too bad for the slightly exaggerated price...
Bon produit pour le tri, design tres actuel, joli. Dommage pour le prix un peu exagéré...
Good product for sorting, very current design, pretty. Too bad for the slightly exaggerated price...
Ottimo acquisto anche se un pochino caro
Great purchase even if a little expensive
Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell. Doch schon beim Auspacken machte sich ein deutlicher Geruch (wahrscheinlich die Weichmacher vom Kunststoff) bemerkbar. Dieser verflog auch nicht nach Reinigung und 2-tägigem Lüften auf dem Balkon. Ansonsten macht der Behälter einen stabilen, wertigen Eindruck und funktioniert tadellos.
The delivery was quick. But as soon as you unpacked it, you could smell it (probably from the plasticizers in the plastic). This did not disappear even after cleaning and airing it on the balcony for 2 days. Otherwise, the container makes a stable, valuable impression and works perfectly.
Je recommande pour les personnes qui n'ont pas envie d'avoir plusieurs poubelles pour le tri/ Taille parfaite pour une famille.
I recommend for people who don't want to have several bins for sorting/ Perfect size for a family.
siamo molto soddisfatti, sono esposti all'esterno e tengono bene , rendono la raccolta dei rifiuti comoda e ordinata
we are very satisfied, they are exposed to the outside and hold up well, they make waste collection convenient and tidy
Proprio la pattumiera che cercavo: un prodotto bello e di stile che non sacrificasse la robustezza e praticità
Just the bin I was looking for: a beautiful and stylish product that does not sacrifice sturdiness and practicality
Ich habe den Eimer erst seit ein paar Tagen aber ich bin total begeistert. Tolle Optik und das Volumen ist vollkommen ausreichend. Der Eimer macht einen guten und robusten Eindruck. Bis jetzt bin ich mega begeistert. Die farblich hinterlegten Pedalen sind super für Kinder, dadurch können selbst die kleinen den Müll einfach trennen. Klare kaufempfehlung
I've only had the bucket for a few days but I absolutely love it. Great look and the volume is completely sufficient. The bucket makes a good and robust impression. So far I'm super excited. The colour-coded pedals are great for children, so even the little ones can easily separate the rubbish. Clear purchase recommendation
Ich habe den Eimer für einen 2 Personenhaushalt mit Hund bestellt. Der Eimer kam unbeschadet bei uns an und ich bin mit dem Fassungsvermögen voll zufrieden, wir nutzen ihn täglich und das Austauschen der Tüten ist durch die herausnehmbaren Eimer mit Metallgriff sehr einfach. Also wer so einen Eimer sucht, dann ist er mit diesem Modell sehr gut beraten. Auf alle Fälle eine Kaufempfehlung.
I ordered the bucket for a 2-person household with a dog. The bucket arrived undamaged and I am very happy with the capacity, we use it every day and changing the bags is very easy thanks to the removable buckets with metal handles. So if you are looking for such a bucket, then you are well advised with this model. In any case, a purchase recommendation.
Hatten vorher einen ähnlichen Mülleimer. Jedoch mit Batterie betrieben. War innerhalb 1 Jahr kaputt und nicht auszutauschen. Daher gab es in einem Baumarkt das Geld zurück. Jetzt haben wir einen Treteimer der einfach funktioniert. Und genau passt
Had a similar trash can before. But battery powered. Broke within a year and couldn't be replaced. Therefore, the money was returned in a hardware store. Now we have a pedal bin that just works. And it fits
Me llegó a tiempo. Pensé que iba a ser pequeño y al contrario tiene el tamaño perfecto. Y en la cocina queda fenomenal
It arrived on time. I thought it was going to be small and instead it's the perfect size. And it looks great in the kitchen.
El único fallo que le veo son las asas en las cubetas. Al poner la bolsa ésta cubre el asa y cuando hay que sacar la cubeta tienes que mover la bolsa.
The only flaw I see is the handles on the buckets. When you put the bag in, it covers the handle and when you have to take the bucket out, you have to move the bag.
Después de mirar muchísimas, decidí comprar esta. 3 compartimentos. Carton, cristal y plástico.En la cocina queda muy bien. El material es bastante bueno. Tapas de plástico, y cuerpo de chapa. Estoy muy contento. LO RECOMIENDO
After looking at many, I decided to buy this one. 3 compartments. Cardboard, glass and plastic. It looks great in the kitchen. The material is quite good. Plastic lids, and metal body. I am very happy. I RECOMMEND IT.
Parfait ! Merci
Perfect ! THANKS
Preis-Leistung , Aussehen und Qualität finde ich gut . Da ich das System erst kurze Zeit habe kann ich über die Haltbarkeit und Robustheit noch nichts aussagen.
I think value for money, looks and quality are good. Since I've only had the system for a short time, I can't say anything about the durability and robustness.
Prodotto conforme alle aspettative, pratico, facile da pulire e molto funzionale. Prodotto ok
Product as expected, practical, easy to clean and very functional. Product ok
Was soll ich gross sagen? Ein Mülltrenneimer eben. Optisch finde ich ihn ganz okay. Qualität ist bis jetzt auch ganz gut. Es ist ein Kunststoff und Metallgestell mit Blech bespannt. Drinnen sind 3 Kunststoffeimer mit Metallhenkel. Für mich ist das Volumen ausreichend. Mit kleineren Volumen wird man gezwungen den Müll rauszubringen bevor er anfängt stark zu stinken. Leider lassen sich die Deckel nur mit dem Fusstritt öffnen. Ich bin es gewohnt gewesen die Deckel auch per Hand öffnen zu können. Geschmackssache.
What should I say? Just a rubbish bin. I find him visually okay. Quality is pretty good so far. It is a plastic and metal frame covered with sheet metal. Inside are 3 plastic buckets with metal handles. The volume is sufficient for me. With smaller volumes you are forced to take out the garbage before it starts to smell bad. Unfortunately, the lid can only be opened with a foot pedal. I'm used to being able to open the lid by hand. A matter of taste.
in Funktion ohne Beeinträchtigung, leichter Transportschadender wohl dem Logistiker anzulasten wäre. Manchmal muß eine Delle wie das Muttermal von Marylin Monroe bestehen :)
in function without impairment, slight transport damage which would probably be the responsibility of the logistician. Sometimes there has to be a dent like Marylin Monroe's birthmark :)
Ho usato questo prodotto per la raccolta differenziata di carta plastica vetro sul e il prodotto corrisponde alle mie necessita inoltre é esteticamente piacevole
I used this product for the separate collection of paper, plastic and glass and the product corresponds to my needs and is also aesthetically pleasing.
Mülltrennung kann nicht besser erfolgen. Artikel ist ist sehr robust, der Preis ist in Ordnung und die Qualität ist sehr gut.
Waste separation couldn't be better. The item is very robust, the price is right and the quality is very good.
Poubelle pratique et esthétiquement sympa mais bien trop chère pour ce que c'est. À voir si elle tient dans le temps. La livraison par GLS en revanche a été CATASTROPHIQUE! Je devais être livrée entre le 6 et le 11 mai. J'ai été livrée le 5 et prévenue par un SMS "Nous vous livrons dans 2h", sauf que je n'avais aucun moyen de rejoindre mon domicile à ce moment-là, j'étais au travail. Le livreur m'appelle et refuse de laisser le colis sur mon pallier car il y a des travaux dans ma rue et marcher 5 mètres était trop dur pr lui. Il me dit qu'il va laisser le colis dans un point relais de la ville voisine (alors que urbanité dans une grande ville avec bcq de points relais) car ça l'arrange sur ses livraisons. Je lui précise que je ne suis plus véhiculée et que je souffre actuellement d'une pathologie aux pieds ce qui ne facilite pas mes déplacements. Il s'en fiche. Le lendemain, je me prends donc le RER et le bus pour me rendre au point relais indiqué par le livreur la veille au téléphone alors que sur mon compte Amazon il y a marqué que j'ai bien été livrée à domicile la veille. Le point relais n'a pas mon colis. J'appelle donc le livreur qui me dit que le point relais à refusé de prendre mon colis la veille et qu'il l'a déposé à un autre point relais (sans me prévenir, mais cette fois dans ma ville). Je reprends les transports et arrive au point relais. Je récupère mon colis qui est lourd et encombrant. N'étant pas en mesure de marcher correctement en ce moment, je ne pouvais définitivement pas rentrer avec en transports. J'ai dû donc payer 8€ de Uber pour le retour jusqu'à mon domicile, perdre 2h30 de mon temps et me faire encore plus mal aux pieds, tout ça parce que le livreur n'a pas fait son travail et GLS non plus. J'ai tenté de joindre GLS au téléphone, deux fois. Non seulement ils ne répondent pas, mais en plus les appels sont payants. Le lendemain après-midi après avoir récupérer mon colis, je reçois un SMS et un mail de GLS pr me donner l'adresse du point relais où est censé être encore mon colis. Trop tard donc.
Practical and aesthetically pleasing trash can but way too expensive for what it is. To see if it holds up over time. The delivery by GLS, on the other hand, was CATASTROPHIC! I was supposed to be delivered between May 6 and 11. I was delivered on the 5th and warned by an SMS "We will deliver to you in 2 hours", except that I had no way of reaching my home at that time, I was at work. The delivery man calls me and refuses to leave the package on my doorstep because there is construction in my street and walking 5 meters was too hard for him. He tells me that he is going to leave the package at a relay point in the neighboring town (even though it is urban in a big city with lots of relay points) because it makes his deliveries easier. I told him that I no longer have a vehicle and that I currently suffer from a pathology in my feet which does not make my travels easier. He does not care. The next day, I take the RER and the bus to go to the relay point indicated by the delivery person the day before on the phone even though on my Amazon account it says that I was delivered to my home the day before. The relay point does not have my package. So I called the delivery man who told me that the relay point refused to take my package the day before and that he dropped it off at another relay point (without warning me, but this time in my city). I take transport again and arrive at the relay point. I collect my package which is heavy and bulky. Not being able to walk properly at the moment, I definitely couldn't get home with transport. So I had to pay €8 for Uber for the return to my home, wasting 2.5 hours of my time and hurting my feet even more, all because the delivery guy didn't do his job and neither did GLS. . I tried to reach GLS by phone twice. Not only do they not answer, but they also charge for calls. The next afternoon after collecting my package, I received an SMS and an email from GLS giving me the address of the relay point where my package is still supposed to be. Too late then.
Bello,robusto e facile da pulire con i cestini estraibili,e lavabili ,purtroppo piccolo per una raccolta di carta e plastica settimanale, ma bello e fatto bene,Soddisfatta !
Beautiful, sturdy and easy to clean with removable and washable baskets, unfortunately small for a weekly collection of paper and plastic, but beautiful and well made, satisfied!
Der untere Eimer lässt sich nur sehr schwer herausnehmen.
The lower bucket is very difficult to remove.
E' un'ottimo prodotto, robusto ed ho risolto il problema in casa sia per odine che per odori sgradevoli.
It's an excellent product, sturdy and I solved the problem at home both for order and for unpleasant odors.
J’en avais marre de remplir trop vite ma poubelle tout venant , là je fais plus attention et et l’impression de faire du bien à la planète . J’avais peur que les compartiments soient trop petits mais ça passe . Conforme à ce que je souhaitais
I was tired of filling my garbage bin too quickly, now I'm paying more attention and I feel like I'm doing good for the planet. I was afraid that the compartments would be too small but it works. Exactly what I wanted
Assolutamente indispensabile per chi vuole un oggetto utile per fare la raccolta differenziata, perfettamente in linea con la cucina colore nero.
Absolutely essential for those who want a useful object for recycling, perfectly in line with the black kitchen.
Ich bin einfach nur begeistert. Habe so etwas schon lange gesucht und kann dieses Produkt nur weiterempfehlen. So was von genial, auf so kleiner Fläche ein perfektes Mülltrennsystem zu verwirklichen. Danke dem Hersteller
I'm just excited. I've been looking for something like this for a long time and can only recommend this product. So ingenious to realize a perfect waste separation system in such a small area. Thanks to the manufacturer
Purtroppo mi è arrivato danneggiato nella plastica del bordo inferiore ...era spaccata è molto carino da tenere anche in luogo visibile ...lo ricomprerò ...
Unfortunately it arrived damaged in the plastic of the lower edge ... it was broken ... but it is very nice to keep even in a visible place ... I will buy it again ...
Cumple su función, comodidad, buenos materiales y un vendedor muy serio, recomendable 100%
It does its job, it's comfortable, it has good materials and a very serious seller, 100% recommended.
Müllereimer ist gut verarbeitet und erfüllt seinen Zweck. Das Leeren der Behälter ist zudem sehr simpel und einfach zu tätigen.
Müller bucket is well made and serves its purpose. Emptying the containers is also very simple and easy to do.
Bon produit
Good product
Das Produkt war Verpackungssparend ohne viel Plastik eingepackt. Die Konstruktion ist sehr leicht und teilweise etwas dünn, aber dafür sehr gut entwickelt. Die Maße stimmen genau und so hat man einen platzsparenden Mülleimer.
The product was packed in a packaging-saving manner without a lot of plastic. The construction is very light and a bit thin in places, but very well developed. The dimensions are correct and so you have a space-saving trash can.
Práctico. Facilita la clasificación de la basura. Buena capacidad de las cubetas. Cómodo para cambio de bolsas. Hay que tener cuidado con el pedal ya que la tapa se abre con ímpetu
Practical. Facilitates sorting of garbage. Good capacity of the buckets. Convenient for changing bags. Be careful with the pedal as the lid opens with force.
Me ha gustado el producto. Llevo un mes con el y todo bien
I liked the product. I've had it for a month and everything is fine.
Der Artikel kam sehr pünktlich, vor dem angekündigten Termin. Verpackung war unbeschädigt, Karton im Karton. Beim Auspacken stellten wir eine deutlich sichtbare Beule an der hinteren linken Kante fest. Da ich beruflich mit dünnen Blechen zu tun hatte, konnte ich sie aber zu 98% entfernen, Rest tolerabel da Rückseite. Muß schon beim Hersteller passiert sein, da beide Umverpackungen einwandfrei.
The item arrived on time, ahead of the promised date. Packaging was undamaged, box within box. When unpacking, we noticed a clearly visible dent on the rear left edge. Since I was working with thin sheet metal, I was able to remove 98% of it, the rest is tolerable because the back side. Must have happened at the manufacturer's because both outer packaging are flawless.
Eimer ist toll. Rutscht jedoch sehr. Bleibt nicht an Ort und Stelle
Bucket is great. However, it slips a lot. Don't stay in place
Los cubos interiores y los bordes son de plástico y en el transporte algunas partes se rompieron. Tenedlo en cuenta a la hora de adquirirlo ya que el precio es algo alto para la calidad del material de los cubos interiores.
The inner cubes and edges are made of plastic and some parts broke during transport. Keep this in mind when purchasing, as the price is a bit high for the quality of the material of the inner cubes.
Tamaño ideal para lo que estaba buscando. Acabados buenos y de calidad. Comodidad de mantenimiento y limpieza gracias a los cubos independientes de dentro de las papeleras.
Ideal size for what I was looking for. Good, quality finishes. Easy maintenance and cleaning thanks to the independent bins inside the bins.
No puedo dar el MUY BIEN, porque aunque es lo que necesitaba, no tiene opción de enganchar una bolsa en los cubos y tienes que ponerla como se pueda por lo que se ve desde fuera, claro, no contemplo usarlo sin bolsa porque tendría que estar lavándonos continuamente y se supone que compré esto para solucionar mi vida no para darme más problemas. Pero los cubos son suficientes para una familia de 1-4 personas, sobre todo el de orgánica y cristal (que nosotros utilizamos para papel) aunque los envases queda un poco justo aunque aguanta perfectamente 2-3 días. Lo que más me gusta es que cada cubo tiene su propio pedal y que los cubos son de 15 litros, lo que menos que no tiene para enganchar las bolsas (o yo no lo he visto) queda muy bonito en la cocina y no se ve para nada "un trasto".
I can't give it a VERY GOOD rating, because although it's what I needed, it doesn't have the option to attach a bag to the bins and you have to put it in as you can from what you can see from the outside, of course, I don't consider using it without a bag because I would have to be washing our clothes all the time and I think I bought this to make my life easier, not to give myself more problems. But the bins are enough for a family of 1-4 people, especially the organic and glass ones (which we use for paper) although the containers are a bit tight although they last perfectly for 2-3 days. What I like most is that each bin has its own pedal and that the bins are 15 litres, the least I like is that it doesn't have a way to attach the bags (or I haven't seen it) it looks very nice in the kitchen and it doesn't look "clunky" at all.
Prodotto buono e bello da vedere, quando mi è arrivato aveva un problema sull'apertura di uno dei tre coperchi che xrò ho risolto smontando il meccanismo di apertura e piegando un po' di più uno dei due tiranti che comandano l'apertura. Mi aspettavo tuttavia un po' più di robustezza sul meccanismo di apertura, che a mio avviso se non si usa con delicatezza nel tempo può dare problemi.
Good product and nice to look at, when it arrived it had a problem with the opening of one of the three lids that I solved by dismantling the opening mechanism and bending a little more one of the two tie rods that control the opening. However, I expected a little more robustness on the opening mechanism, which in my opinion if not used delicately over time can cause problems.
Ho cercato molto in giro, ma non sono riuscito a trovare qualcosa che fosse più elegante e al tempo stesso discreto/sobrio. Materiali robusti, contenitori abbastanza capienti, considerando le dimensioni globali del prodotto. Se dovessi fare due piccoli appunti: 1) è quasi impossibile aprire i coperchi "a mano", senza pedale. Peccato perché a volte se ne sente la necessità. 2) i cestini interni aderiscono molto bene allo scheletro esterno, con il risultato che non è molto agevole foderarli con il sacchetto per l'immondizia, ma con un po' di pazienza si riesce. Soddisfatto.
I searched a lot around, but I couldn't find something that was more elegant and at the same time discreet/sober. Sturdy materials, containers quite capacious, considering the overall dimensions of the product. If I had to make two small notes: 1) it is almost impossible to open the lids "by hand", without a pedal. Too bad because sometimes you feel the need. 2) the internal baskets adhere very well to the external skeleton, with the result that it is not very easy to line them with the garbage bag, but with a little patience you can do it. Satisfied.
il pacco è arrivato, nonostante la situazione attuale, in tempi velocissimi. La pattumiera rispecchia la foto indicata su amazon. è molto carina e può stare tranquillamente anche in cucina. noi l'abbiamo messa fuori (al riparo) perché abbiamo uno spazio esterno. tutto perfetto. grazie
the package arrived, despite the current situation, very quickly. The bin reflects the photo shown on amazon. it is very nice and can easily be placed in the kitchen. we put it outside (sheltered) because we have an outdoor space. everything perfect. thanks
Le produit correspond bien à sa description mais en terme de praticité (dans mon cas), je ne l'aurai pas pris. En effet, lorsqu'on pratique le tri, 15L sont suffisants pour les déchets non recyclables mais beaucoup trop justes pour les recyclables. Il vaut mieux selon moi se tourner vers une solution avec containers séparés : poubelle 15L pour déchets non-recyclables ou compostables (sous évier par exemple), poubelle 30L pour emballages (sur le balcon) et une poubelle pour le verre. Cela évite d'avoir un bloc tout-en-un volumineux prenant la largeur d'un lave-vaisselle (sauf si vous avez le dégagement nécessaire). A part cela le produit est solide et bien fini.
The product corresponds to its description but in terms of practicality (in my case), I would not have taken it. Indeed, when sorting, 15L is sufficient for non-recyclable waste but much too tight for recyclables. In my opinion, it is better to turn to a solution with separate containers: 15L bin for non-recyclable or compostable waste (under the sink for example), 30L bin for packaging (on the balcony) and a bin for glass. This avoids having a bulky all-in-one unit taking up the width of a dishwasher (unless you have the necessary clearance). Other than that the product is solid and well finished.
Hace un par de semanas que tengo este cubo triple de reciclaje y estoy encantado. Me gusta el color y diseño. Se ve de buena calidad el sistema de pedal-palanca para abrir las tapas. Por poner un pero, me gustaria que fuesen un poco mas anchos los cubos (aunque entonces seria mas grande el conjunto y con las medidas actuales esta perfecto). Buena compra hasta el momento... El tiempo dira que tal la calidad.
I've had this triple recycling bin for a couple of weeks now and I'm delighted with it. I like the colour and design. The pedal-lever system for opening the lids looks good quality. On the downside, I wish the bins were a bit wider (although then the set would be bigger and with the current measurements it's perfect). Good purchase so far... Time will tell how good the quality is.
Livraison rapide (même plus tôt que prévue) et emballage au top. Je recommande cette poubelle, pratique, simple d’utilisation. Les trois bacs séparés permettent de sortir les poubelles au fur et à mesure et de ne pas être incommodé des odeurs. Ne prend pas trop de place.
Fast delivery (even earlier than expected) and top packaging. I recommend this trash can, practical, easy to use. The three separate bins allow you to take out the trash as you go and not be bothered by odors. Doesn't take up too much space.
Me parece un producto casi perfecto, quizas un poco grande para el espacio que yo tengo pero es superpractico, de hecho estuve a punto de devolverlo, pero me gusta y me lo he quedado. Su tono negro y material lo hace muy adecuado Muy buen y practico producto
I think it's an almost perfect product, maybe a little big for the space I have but it's super practical, in fact I was about to return it, but I like it and I've kept it. Its black tone and material make it very suitable. Very good and practical product.
Super contente de cet achat,oblige toute la famille à faire le tri . Recommande cet achat
Super happy with this purchase, forces the whole family to sort it out. Recommend this purchase
spedìzione e imballaggio perfetti, oggetto come da descrizione, molto robusto e pratico.
perfect shipping and packaging, item as described, very sturdy and practical.
design et pratique
design and practicality
Es bonito y cómodo, funciona bien los pedales y los cubos son cómodos de sacar. Losi materiales, tapa y cubierta no son muy robustos, pero cumple su funcion
It is nice and comfortable, the pedals work well and the buckets are easy to remove. The materials, lid and cover are not very robust, but it does its job.
Non è esattamente "regalato" ma vale quello che costa: plastica di qualità, sembra ben assemblato e durevole. Ottima alternativa ai bidoni in dotazione dal comune, che in casa non si possono guardare...
It's not exactly "free" but it's worth the price: quality plastic, seems well assembled and durable. Great alternative to the bins supplied by the municipality, which you can't look at at home...
un producto de buena calidad, sólido y no demasiado pesado. Fácil de sacar los cubos. Las pegas son que no vino en condiciones cien por cien. Había un trozo roto de uno de los cubos y uno de los pedales estaba un poco suelto. No me mereció la pena devolverlo. Eso si, el comprador excelente ; se puso en contacto conmigo para ver como solucionarlo.
A good quality product, solid and not too heavy. Easy to remove the cubes. The drawbacks are that it did not come in 100% condition. There was a broken piece of one of the cubes and one of the pedals was a little loose. It was not worth the trouble to return it. However, the buyer was excellent; he contacted me to see how to fix it.
Mi piace perché quando hai bisogno di mettere un prodotto esempio plastica schiacci il pedale non apri tutte e tre gli scomparti. Secondo è bella grande...terzo ha una bella linea e in un angolo della mia cucina sta benissimo. L'ho regalata anche ad una mia amica.
I like it because when you need to put a product for example plastic you press the pedal you do not open all three compartments. Second it is nice and big...third it has a nice line and in a corner of my kitchen it looks great. I also gave it to a friend of mine.
Possiedevo gia' tre contenitori distinti per la differenziata posati accanto alla cucina. Ma non erano una bellezza. Funzionali si ma non guardabili. Poi cercando altri prodotti con le stesse caratteristiche mi sono imbattuto in questo prodotto. Mi e' subito piaciuto che fosse in metallo all'esterno. Nero era perfetto per la mia cucina. Ricevuto rapidamente grazie a Prime. Molto ben imballato. Entrato subito in funzione. Davvero ben fatto e lo consiglio.
I already had three separate containers for recycling placed next to the kitchen. But they were not a beauty. Functional yes but not lookable. Then looking for other products with the same characteristics I came across this product. I immediately liked that it was metal on the outside. Black was perfect for my kitchen. Received quickly thanks to Prime. Very well packaged. Started working immediately. Really well made and I recommend it.
Va genial. El sistema de cubos que trae es muy práctico para quitar/poner bolsas y los pedales y tapas tienen la resistencia y el "tacto" justo. Me llegó un poco aboyado (daños estéticos menores) el embalaje podría haber sido mucho mejor. Las asas de los cubos a veces se enganchan con las bolsas al sacarlas. Es bonito a la vista (todo lo bonito que un cubo de basura puede ser) pero hecho de menos un asa para poder abrir las tapas con la mano desde la tapa misma.
It works great. The bucket system is very practical for removing/inserting bags and the pedals and lids have just the right amount of resistance and "feel". It arrived a little dented (minor cosmetic damage) and the packaging could have been much better. The handles of the buckets sometimes get caught in the bags when removing them. It is nice to look at (as nice as a trash can can be) but I miss a handle so I can open the lids by hand from the lid itself.
Plus: Funktioniert wie erwartet. Hübsche Optik, wirkt wertig. Nimmt nicht so viel Platz weg. Trotzdem nur 4 Sterne: Minus: Auch nach mehreren Tagen ist der Kunststoffgeruch sehr penetrant, sobald man einen der Deckel öffnet. Ich hoffe, das gibt sich bald. Wenn nicht, werde ich die Bewertung anpassen. Tipps: Eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit die Eimer mit der Hand zu öffnen wäre hilfreich und technisch sicherlich leicht umzusetzen. Wenn die Fußmechanik nur an einem Eimer kaputt gehen sollte, wäre im Grunde das Ganze unbrauchbar. Erwartungsgemäß füllen sich die Eimer verschieden schnell (meist der gelbe zuerst). Hier wären flexible Angebote in verschieden Größen hilfreich, z.B. 25 / 20 / 15 l oder 15 / 15 / 12 l usw. Nachtrag: Der Geruch hat sich nach einigen Wochen gegeben.
Plus: Works as expected. Pretty optics, looks valuable. Doesn't take up that much space. Still only 4 stars: Minus: Even after several days, the plastic smell is very penetrating as soon as you open one of the lids. I hope that will happen soon. If not, I'll adjust the rating. Tips: An additional way to open the buckets by hand would be helpful and technically easy to implement. If the foot mechanics were to break on just one bucket, the whole thing would basically be useless. As expected, the buckets fill up at different speeds (usually the yellow one first). Flexible offers in different sizes would be helpful here, for example 25/20/15 l or 15/15/12 l etc. Addendum: The smell went away after a few weeks.
Fin ora è perfetto. Funziona bene e la qualità è ottima. Il nero però lascia i segni di unto. Unica pecca è che se poggiato al muro, se si va troppo spediti nello schiacciare lo sportello, sbatte contro il muro. A tal fine ho messo dei gommini
So far it's perfect. It works well and the quality is excellent. The black one does leave grease marks though. The only flaw is that if you lean it against the wall, if you push the door too fast, it hits the wall. For this purpose I put some rubber pads
Da uns das Abfallsystem aus Edelstahl sehr gut gefallen hat, wurde dieser bestellt. Die Qualität ist gut, Kunstoff macht einen wertigen Eindruck, das Edelstahlblech wirkt, zumindest um die Trettklappen herum, fast zu dünn oder zu wenig versteift. Ob sich der Klappmechanismus auf Dauer bewährt wird sich noch herausstellen. Um Diesen beim Dauergebrauch ein wenig zuentlasten, ist es leider nicht möglich die Deckel händisch zu öffen, da sie versenkt sind. Hätt ich mir gewünscht. Ansonsten sind wir zufrieden. Lieferung erfolgte schnell und Verpackung war in Ordnung.
Since we really liked the waste system made of stainless steel, we ordered it. The quality is good, plastic makes a valuable impression, the stainless steel sheet seems almost too thin or not stiffened enough, at least around the foot pedals. It remains to be seen whether the folding mechanism will stand the test of time. In order to relieve this a little during long-term use, it is unfortunately not possible to open the lid by hand because it is recessed. I would have wished. Otherwise we are satisfied. Delivery was quick and packaging was fine.
Très bonne poubelle de tri que j'ai placé dans la cuisine dans le coin. Elle est donc composé de 3 seaux d'une contenance de 15L chacun ce qui est suffisant pour ma part. Pour les familles avec plusieurs enfants, je vous conseille de vous rabattre sur une poubelle plus grande sinon vous allez devoir la changer régulièrement. J'apprécie également le fait que les trois parties soient séparés et que chaque pédale soit doté d'une couleur différente. Rien de plus simple à expliquer pour les enfants. Le seul défaut qui a été dit dans un commentaire précédent est la hauteur de la poubelle. Elle est finalement assez basse : 48cm. PS: Elle arrive très très bien emballé, dans son emballage puis dans un 2ème carton. J'apprécie réelement surtout lorsqu'on connait la délicatesse de certains transporteurs.
Very good sorting bin that I placed in the kitchen in the corner. It is therefore made up of 3 buckets with a capacity of 15L each, which is sufficient for me. For families with several children, I advise you to opt for a larger trash can otherwise you will have to change it regularly. I also like the fact that the three parts are separate and that each pedal has a different color. Nothing could be simpler to explain for children. The only fault that was mentioned in a previous review is the height of the trash can. It is ultimately quite low: 48cm. PS: It arrives very very well packaged, in its packaging then in a 2nd box. I really appreciate it especially when you know the delicacy of certain carriers.
Il bidone pattumeria Klarstein ha un design compatto e molto elegante ed è realizzato in acciaio, dunque grande resistenza.
Ha tre scomparti per tre differenti tipi di rifiuti. Ogni scomparto contiene circa 15 litri (che corrispondono all'incirca a un sacchetto di supermercato) e i tre secchi, con maniglia di trasporto, sono rimovibili per lo svuotamento e una pulizia più accurata. Il meccanismo di apertura a pedale (tre pedali, tre differenti colori: giallo, verde, marrone) è ben costruito e funziona in modo impeccabile. Ovviamente la capienza è di 45 litri totali e la pattumiera è dunque sconsigliata per famiglie molto numerose.
The Klarstein waste bin has a compact and very elegant design and is made of steel, which means it is very durable. It has three compartments for three different types of waste. Each compartment holds around 15 liters (roughly equivalent to a supermarket bag) and the three buckets, with carry handle, are removable for emptying and more thorough cleaning. The pedal opening mechanism (three pedals, three different colors: yellow, green, brown) is well built and works flawlessly. Obviously the capacity is 45 liters in total and the bin is therefore not recommended for very large families.
J'apprécie énormément ce produit. j'aurais juste apprécier que la poubelle soit un peu plus haut pour avoir plus de capacité. Mais sinon rien à redire sur la qualité. Emballage très bien pour la livraison. jamais de mauvaise surprise avec Amazon pour le moment.
I really like this product. I would just like the trash can to be a little higher to have more capacity. But otherwise nothing to complain about the quality. Very good packaging for delivery. never any bad surprises with Amazon at the moment.