Klarstein AirVital Air Fryer 1300W
- Hot air fryer
- 2,5 liter
- Black
- 1300 watt
- Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Conscious frying: air fryer for healthy and safe frying without any oil
Simple and clear: easy to operate thanks to the digital LCD display and touch panel
No oil & fat: no unpleasant fatty odors and up to 80% fewer calories than conventional fryers
Product description
Are you ready to fry ?!
Sizzling, delectable pleasure with up to 80% less calories with a fryer? True! The Klarstein AirVital air fryer is used to deep fry, bake, roast or grill free from oil and grease. Crunchy, healthy and delicious!
Ready for some fries, get set, go! The Klarstein AirVital hot air fryer revolutionizes the tried and tested, fat-free frying system and takes it to new heights. Its 1300-watt hot air system uses a sophisticated ventilation and circulation system to achieve the desired operating temperatures in just 3 minutes. The desired temperature is set in 5 °C increments between 80 to 200°C via a thermostat. Then program the timer in 1 minute increments for up to 60 minutes and let the AirVital roasts nicely. If that's too complicated, you can just use one of 8 preset programs: fries, bacon, chicken, lobster, steak, muffin, mushrooms & vegetables, as well as fish for your frying, grilling, baking and roasting needs.
Up to 2.5 kg fit into the grill basket for health-conscious cooking. Thanks to the cool-touch handle, the basket can be easily removed and the crispy, hot delicacies brought to the table. Our revolutionary CeraPlus non-stick coating prevents any residue and facilitates cleaning afterwards. A digital display with a touch panel makes the operation a breeze and always displays the selected settings.
Not just for finger food: With the Klarstein AirVital air fryer, healthy, energy-saving food is fried, grilled and baked.
Available colors: black, white (article 10032331)
- Elegant, space-saving designer housing made of plastic
- 8 programs: fries, bacon, chicken, lobster, steak, muffin, mushrooms & vegetables and fish
- Timer adjustable in 1 minute increments: 1-60 minutes
- Cooking temperature adjustable in 5 °C increments: 80-200 ° C
- No addition of oil/grease required
- Capacityof the basket: 2.5 litres
- Power: 1300 W
- Overheating protection
- Cable rewind in the device
- Extendable carrying handle
- Non-slip stand via rubber feet
- Power supply: 220-240V ~ | 50/60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 27 x 35 x 35 cm (WxHxD)
- Inner dimensions of grill basket: 18 x 10 cm (ØxH)
- Cable length: 80 cm
- Weight: approx. 4.4 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x air fryer
- 1 x grill basket
- 1 x grill trough
- User manual in English (further languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
No review available for this item.
En panne après 2 ans d'utilisation. Honteux !
Broke down after 2 years of use. Shameful!
Beschenkte ist sehr zufrieden
Recipient is very satisfied
Kann Ich nichts zu sagen. Bestellung wurde seitens Klarstein storniert wegen Lieferschwirigkeiten.
I can't say anything. Order was canceled by Klarstein due to delivery problems.
Funktionell und optisch ansprechend. Leider längere Zeit starke Kunststoff / chemische Gerüche.
Functional and visually appealing. Unfortunately strong plastic / chemical smells for a long time.
bin ein Single-Haushalt und entsprechend klein die Portionen, die zubereitet werden. Und genau dafür eignet sich dieses Gerät! Kein großes Vorheizen, wie beim Backofen und viel kürzere Zubereitungszeiten. Bin rundherum zufrieden und kann die Heißluftfritteuse nur weiterempfehlen. Ein Punktabzug wegen des empfindlichen Hochglanzgehäuse :(
I'm a single household and the portions that are prepared are correspondingly small. And that's exactly what this device is for! No major preheating, like with the oven, and much shorter preparation times. I am completely satisfied and can only recommend the hot air fryer. A point deduction because of the sensitive glossy case :(
Voll auf zufrieden
Fully satisfied
Manko: es riecht erst mal fürchterlich nach Plastik, chemischen Verbindungen. Ich hoffe sehr, dass sich das bei mehrfachem Gebrauch verliert. Ansonsten bin ich zufrieden. Geht schnell, ist nicht zu laut, Gargut wird knusprig.
Shortcoming: at first it smells terribly of plastic, chemical compounds. I really hope that this will go away with repeated use. Otherwise I'm satisfied. It's quick, not too loud, the food gets crispy.
Super efficiente: consuma poco e può cuocere veramente di tutto. In famiglia siamo 3 ed è perfettamente adeguata per le porzioni abbondanti. E siccome anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte possiamo dire anche che è particolarmente bella. Karlstein è veramente il top, da oggi in poi privilegio questa marca nei miei acquisti
Super efficient: it consumes little and can cook anything. There are 3 of us in the family and it is perfectly adequate for large portions. And since the eye also wants its part, we can also say that it is particularly beautiful. Karlstein is truly the best, from now on I will favor this brand in my purchases
Robusta, carina e molto pratica. Funziona molto bene e può tranquillamente sostituire un forno ventilato per diverse pietanze
Sturdy, cute and very practical. It works very well and can easily replace a fan oven for several dishes
A parte il ritardo (3 giorni) rispetto ai tempi di consegna previsti e quindi una stellina in meno, la friggitrice è arrivata ben chiusa in due scatoloni e con i dovuti imballaggi protettivi all'interno. Una volta aperta è necessario lavare bene il cestello e farle fare un giro "a vuoto" per eliminare in parte l'odore di nuovo, che comunque andrà via dopo il primo/secondo utilizzo. Il display è funzionale e intuitivo e quando in funzione l'ho trovata abbastanza silenziosa. Quanto alla cottura ovviamente non ci si può aspettare un risultato come in una classica friggitrice ad olio ma personalmente trovo che ci si avvicini molto, i cibi risultano abbastanza croccanti e cotti in modo uniforme. Veramente consigliata
Apart from the delay (3 days) compared to the expected delivery times and therefore one less star, the fryer arrived well closed in two boxes and with the necessary protective packaging inside. Once opened, it is necessary to wash the basket well and make it do an "empty" spin to partially eliminate the new smell, which will go away after the first/second use. The display is functional and intuitive and when in operation I found it quite silent. As for cooking, obviously you cannot expect a result like in a classic oil fryer but personally I find that it is very close, the foods are quite crunchy and cooked evenly. Truly recommended
A parte il ritardo (3 giorni) rispetto ai tempi di consegna previsti e quindi una stellina in meno, la friggitrice è arrivata ben chiusa in due scatoloni e con i dovuti imballaggi protettivi all'interno. Una volta aperta è necessario lavare bene il cestello e farle fare un giro "a vuoto" per eliminare in parte l'odore di nuovo, che comunque andrà via dopo il primo/secondo utilizzo. Il display è funzionale e intuitivo e quando in funzione l'ho trovata abbastanza silenziosa. Quanto alla cottura ovviamente non ci si può aspettare un risultato come in una classica friggitrice ad olio ma personalmente trovo che ci si avvicini molto, i cibi risultano abbastanza croccanti e cotti in modo uniforme. Veramente consigliata
Apart from the delay (3 days) compared to the expected delivery times and therefore one star less, the fryer arrived well closed in two boxes and with the necessary protective packaging inside. Once opened, it is necessary to wash the basket well and make it do an "empty" spin to partially eliminate the new smell, which will go away after the first/second use. The display is functional and intuitive and when in operation I found it quite silent. As for cooking, obviously you cannot expect a result like in a classic oil fryer but personally I find that it is very close, the foods are quite crunchy and cooked evenly. Truly recommended
zu klein
too small
alles super
everything great
alles OK, Qualität wie erwartet, gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis
everything OK, quality as expected, good value for money
Es ist einfach gut ich empfehle es weiter
It's just fine, I recommend it
Ottimo prodotto, unica pecca, pochissime direi essenziali spiegazioni di utilizzo. Avrei gradito qualche idea di ricette e soprattutto qualche informazione in più sull’utilizzo. La consiglio. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo
Excellent product, only flaw, very few I would say essential explanations of use. I would have appreciated some ideas of recipes and above all some more information on the use. I recommend it. Excellent value for money
L ho comprata da un mese e per il momento tutto quello che ho cucinato è venuto squisito ovviamente non si può parlare di fritti ma io che utilizzavo sempre il forno mi ha salvato!!
I bought it a month ago and so far everything I've cooked has come out delicious. Obviously we can't talk about fried foods but since I always used the oven it saved me!!
Hält was sie verspricht! es gehen ca. 900 g Pommes rein! Pommes und Chicken Wings usw. 2 x das Programm Stoppen lassen und schütteln/ durchrühren dann bekommt man ein gutes Ergebnis.
Does what it promises! about 900 g fries go in! French fries and chicken wings etc. Stop the program twice and shake/stir then you get a good result.
acquistato come regalo, chi lo ha ricevuto lo utilizza quasi quotidianamente, non pensavo, vivamente consigliato, non illudiamoci, se volete i cibi fritti, utilizzate l'olio, ovviamente con tutti i lati negativi....
bought as a gift, the recipient uses it almost daily, I didn't think so, highly recommended, let's not fool ourselves, if you want fried foods, use oil, obviously with all the negative aspects....
Prodotto consigliato a mia moglie da un'amica. Preso e provato con ottimi risultati (abbiamo fatto cuocere patate,zucchine,pollo,bistecche impanate polpette e altro). Naturalmente dovrete pensare che la capacità di 2,5 l è adatta per il ns. uso (siamo in 2) e non potrebbe di certo essere utilizzata per un nucleo familiare più numeroso. Buon Appetito a tutti.
Product recommended to my wife by a friend. Bought and tried with excellent results (we cooked potatoes, courgettes, chicken, breaded steaks, meatballs and more). Of course you should consider that the 2.5 l capacity is suitable for our use (there are 2 of us) and certainly could not be used for a larger family. Enjoy your meal everyone.
finalmente un fritto che posso mangiare,facile e intuitiva questa macchinetta mi ha fatto riscoprire la gioia di assaporare i fritti ,che mi erano vietati!!.....Ora senza esagerare me li godo.....fa anche un roosbeef fantastico,la stò scoprendo pian piano
finally a fried food that I can eat, easy and intuitive this machine made me rediscover the joy of tasting fried food, which was forbidden to me!!.....Now without exaggerating I enjoy them.....it also makes a fantastic roast beef, I'm discovering it little by little
Vom simplen Brötchenaufbacken, über Pommes, Bratapfel, Lachsfilet und vieles mehr bis hin zum Fertiggaren von Steak... Alles gelingt im Nu. Die erforderliche Temperatur ist schnell erreicht, nach Gebrauch ist alles im Handumdrehen wieder gereinigt. Dass man Gargut wie Pommes mehrfach wenden muss stört mich nicht, das Ergebnis zählt. Klare Kaufempfehlung!
From simply baking a roll, to fries, baked apples, salmon fillet and much more, to finishing cooking a steak... Everything is done in no time. The required temperature is reached quickly, after use everything can be cleaned again in no time at all. It doesn't bother me that you have to turn food like fries several times, the result counts. Clear purchase recommendation!
Der Preis für sie, und der Geschmack ist sehr gut, Das1. Mal waren die Pommes zu lange drinnen 20 Minuten ist so lange auf 15 Minuten ist genau richtig und auf 200C° sind sie goldbraun und super gut !!! Und die Fischstäbchen sind auch gut und knusprig wenn sie 15 Minuten auf 200 C° drin sind !!! Die Chicken Mc Nuggets sind auch so, wenn sie fünfzehn bis zwanzig minuten drin lässt... Ich kann die Heißluftfriteuse nur empfehlen
The price for them and the taste is very good. The first time the fries were in there too long. 20 minutes is so long, 15 minutes is just right and at 200C° they are golden brown and super good!!! And the fish fingers are also good and crispy if they are in there for 15 minutes at 200C°!!! The Chicken Mc Nuggets are also like that if you leave them in there for fifteen to twenty minutes... I can only recommend the hot air fryer
Das1. Mal waren die Pommes zu lange drinnen 20 Minuten ist so lange auf 15 Minuten ist genau richtig und auf 200C° sind sie goldbraun und super gut !!! Und die Fischstäbchen sind auch gut und knusprig wenn sie 15 Minuten auf 200 C° drin sind !!! Die Chicken Mc Nuggets sind auch so, wenn sie fünfzehn bis zwanzig minuten drin lässt... Ich kann die Heißluftfriteuse nur empfehlen
the1. Sometimes the fries were inside too long 20 minutes is so long 15 minutes is just right and at 200C° they are golden brown and super good !!! And the fish fingers are also good and crispy when they are in there for 15 minutes at 200 C°!!! The chicken mc nuggets are also like that if you leave them in for fifteen to twenty minutes... I can only recommend the air fryer
Ha mantenuto quanto prometteva , di facile utilizzo
It delivered what it promised, easy to use
Comodo e pratica
Comfortable and practical
Arrivata nei tempi previsti, molto bella esteticamente, facile da usare. Ordinata per Natale quindi l'ho usata solo 3 volte per patate, zucchine e hamburger con risultati molto buoni per essere ai primi utilizzi: cottura tipo forno ma più croccante in superficie con pochissimo olio! La consiglio!
Arrived on time, very nice looking, easy to use. Ordered for Christmas so I only used it 3 times for potatoes, courgettes and hamburgers with very good results for first-time users: oven-like cooking but crispier on the surface with very little oil! I recommend it!
Mia mamma la voleva e gliel'ho regalata per Natale. È contenta, funziona bene, la sta già usando. Dice che deve prenderci la mano e per ora sta facendo esperimenti soprattutto con le patatine fritte. Se non altro si diverte.
My mom wanted it and I gave it to her for Christmas. She's happy, it works well, she's already using it. She says she has to get the hang of it and for now she's experimenting mostly with French fries. At least she's having fun.
Prodotto che uso quasi giornalmente da ben 2 anni e per ora funziona ancora bene nonostante l'uso costante! Ottimo per le patatine ma io lo uso anche per scaldare il pane o riscaldare gli avanzi in 5 minuti. UNICO DIFETTO che ho notato è che dopo vari lavaggi il rivestimento antiaderente del cestello si è rovinato completamente.
Product that I have been using almost daily for 2 years and for now it still works well despite constant use! Excellent for chips but I also use it to heat bread or reheat leftovers in 5 minutes. ONLY DEFECT that I noticed is that after several washes the non-stick coating of the basket has completely ruined.
L'ho regalata al mio Avvocato che pensa di correre come Kipchoge ma nella realtà è una culona, vediamo se almeno così riusciamo a vincere le olimpiadi del fritto...... Ho altri elettrodomestici di questa marca e mi sono sempre trovato bene sono di design e di ottima qualità. Ora attendo un invito a pranzo.....
I gave it to my Lawyer who thinks he runs like Kipchoge but in reality he is a big ass, let's see if at least this way we can win the fried food Olympics...... I have other appliances of this brand and I have always been happy with them, they are well designed and of excellent quality. Now I'm waiting for an invitation to lunch.....
Molto soddisfatto, anche se bisogna farci un po' la mano all'inizio nell'impostare temperatura e tempo. Comunque per un risultato ottimale basta di tanto in tanto aprire il cestello e controllare a che punto é la cottura. Niente più odore di fritto e si pulisce molto facilmente. É anche bella da vedere.
Very satisfied, even if you have to get used to it a bit at first to set the temperature and time. However, for an optimal result, you just need to open the basket every now and then and check how the cooking is going. No more fried smells and it is very easy to clean. It is also nice to look at.
Lieferung erfolgte innerhalb 24 Stunden, was Top ist. Heute Abend haben wir sie gleich mal getestet mit Frühlingsrollen und Chicken Nuggets. Ich finde wie jedes neue Gerät riecht es am Anfang, finde ich jetzt nicht ungewöhnlich. In Betrieb ist sie wie ich finde echt leise und man kann bei 200C die Hand noch an die Lüftung halten und das Gerät auch berühren. Das Ergebnis war sehr gut, 20 min und es war alles gar und heiß. Das einzige was mir absolut nicht gefällt, ist das der Einschub überhaupt nicht paßgenau abschließt (s. Bilder) das Ärgert mich.
Delivery was within 24 hours which is great. Tonight we tested them with spring rolls and chicken nuggets. I think it smells like every new device at the beginning, I don't find it unusual now. In operation, I think it's really quiet and at 200C you can still hold your hand on the ventilation and touch the device. The result was very good, 20 minutes and everything was done and hot. The only thing I absolutely don't like is that the slot doesn't fit perfectly at all (see pictures) which annoys me.
Habe mir das Gerät gekauft, da eine Speisenzubereitung ohne Zugabe von Fett (Öl, Margarine) versprochen wurde. Mein Gedanke: kein Fett = wenig Geschmack - also ausprobiert und ich war positiv überrascht. Röstkartoffeln, Gemüse und auch Fleisch wurden schonend gegart und schmeckten toll. Mein Urteil: klare Kaufempfehlung 5 Sterne+
I bought the device because food preparation without the addition of fat (oil, margarine) was promised. My thought: no fat = little taste - so I tried it and I was pleasantly surprised. Roasted potatoes, vegetables and meat were gently cooked and tasted great. My verdict: clear purchase recommendation 5 stars+
Kleine Heißluftfritteuse für 2 Personen Die kompakte Heißluftfritteuse ist innerhalb von ca. 3 Minuten vorgeheizt und Pommes sind nach ca. 20 Minuten fertig. Die Menge (ca. 400g) reicht für 2 Personen. Da Gerät ist einfach praktisch, wenn man mal auf die Schnelle einen kleinen Snack zubereiten möchte, da man nicht gleich den ganzen Backofen für eine Portion Pommes heizen muss. Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich zufriede und die Reinigung ist unkompliziert. Durch die kompakten Maße nimmt das Gerät nicht viel Platz weg und durch den integrierten Griff kann man es gut z.B. aus der Speisekammer holen und in der Küche aufbauen.
Small hot air fryer for 2 people The compact hot air fryer is preheated within about 3 minutes and fries are ready after about 20 minutes. The amount (about 400g) is enough for 2 people. The device is simply practical if you want to prepare a quick snack, as you don't have to heat up the whole oven for one portion of fries. I am happy with the result and cleaning is uncomplicated. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device does not take up much space and the integrated handle means you can easily take it out of the pantry and set it up in the kitchen, for example.
Die kompakte Heißluftfritteuse ist innerhalb von ca. 3 Minuten vorgeheizt und Pommes sind nach ca. 20 Minuten fertig. Die Menge (ca. 400g) reicht für 2 Personen. Da Gerät ist einfach praktisch, wenn man mal auf die Schnelle einen kleinen Snack zubereiten möchte, da man nicht gleich den ganzen Backofen für eine Portion Pommes heizen muss. Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich zufriede und die Reinigung ist unkompliziert. Durch die kompakten Maße nimmt das Gerät nicht viel Platz weg und durch den integrierten Griff kann man es gut z.B. aus der Speisekammer holen und in der Küche aufbauen.
The compact hot air fryer is preheated within approx. 3 minutes and fries are ready after approx. 20 minutes. The amount (approx. 400g) is enough for 2 people. The device is simply practical if you want to quickly prepare a small snack, because you don't have to heat the whole oven for a portion of fries. I am satisfied with the result and cleaning is uncomplicated. Thanks to its compact dimensions, the device doesn't take up much space and thanks to the integrated handle, you can easily get it out of the pantry and set it up in the kitchen, for example.
la fameuse friteuse sans huile . Aspect esthétique super moderne avec son écran tactile simple d'utilisation ( est de nombreux programmes pré-enregistré ) . Les frites sont croustillante ( pour des frites maison veuillez à ne pas les couper trop fine ) pour des frites surgelé ne pas oubliez de secouez le panier à mi cuisson . Pour les autres cuissons nuggets ou poulet grillé c'est parfait rien à redire c'est le top . je recommande cet article il est peux encombrant et permet de cuire ( mais surtout griller ) sans huile et conserve le goût des aliments .
the famous oil-free fryer. Super modern aesthetic appearance with its easy-to-use touch screen (there are many pre-recorded programs). The fries are crispy (for homemade fries please do not cut them too thin) for frozen fries do not forget to shake the basket halfway through cooking. For other cooking nuggets or grilled chicken it's perfect, nothing to complain about, it's the best. I recommend this article, it is not bulky and allows you to cook (but especially grill) without oil and preserves the taste of the food.
la fameuse friteuse sans huile . Aspect esthétique super moderne avec son écran tactile simple d'utilisation ( est de nombreux programmes pré-enregistré ) . Les frites sont croustillante ( pour des frites maison veuillez à ne pas les couper trop fine ) pour des frites surgelé ne pas oubliez de secouez le panier à mi cuisson . Pour les autres cuissons nuggets ou poulet grillé c'est parfait rien à redire c'est le top . je recommande cet article il est peux encombrant et permet de cuire ( mais surtout griller ) sans huile et conserve le goût des aliments .
the famous oil-free fryer. Super modern aesthetic appearance with its easy-to-use touch screen (there are many pre-recorded programs). The fries are crispy (for homemade fries please do not cut them too thin) for frozen fries do not forget to shake the basket halfway through cooking. For other cooking nuggets or grilled chicken it's perfect, nothing to complain about, it's the best. I recommend this article, it is not bulky and allows you to cook (but especially grill) without oil and preserves the taste of the food.
Da wir uns keine Friteuse anschaffen wollten musste etwas anderes her. Mit diesem Gerät haben wir auf jeden Fall keinen Mist erworben. Unsere Röstis für den Sonntagsbrunch werden mega knusprig (besser als im Ofen), Hähnchen auch einfach klein machen und rein damit (passt auch). Das einzige was wir tatsächlich nicht ausprobiert haben sind Fritten. Vor allem mit vor"frittieren". Das müsste ich mal ausprobieren. Der Inhalt ist für 2 Personen ok. Für 4 wird es etwas eng (je nach dem was man reinlegt)
Since we didn't want to buy a deep fryer, something else had to be found. We certainly didn't acquire any crap with this device. Our röstis for Sunday brunch are super crispy (better than in the oven), simply chop the chicken up and put it in (also works). The only thing we haven't actually tried are fries. Especially with pre-frying. I should try that. The content is ok for 2 people. For 4 it gets a bit tight (depending on what you put in)
Am Anfang riecht die Fritteuse relativ stark, doch das verfliegt ziemlich schnell (2anwendungen) Man darf natürlich nicht vergessen: Dies ist keine herkömmliche Fritteuse, sondern ein optimierter Umluftofen. Jegliches, was man im Backofen machen kann funktioniert hier also super optimiert. Dementsprechend werden die Pommes/chicken Wings/etc. schön knusprig. Es dauert aber ein wenig und nicht so schnell wie eine herkömmliche Fritteuse. Dadurch ist es aber sehr viel Fettärmer und in dem Sinne auch gesünder. Das Gerät ist leistungsstark, leicht zu reinigen und schick
In the beginning the deep fryer smells relatively strong, but that goes away pretty quickly (2 uses) Of course, one must not forget: This is not a conventional deep fryer, but an optimized convection oven. Anything you can do in the oven is super optimized here. Accordingly, the fries/chicken wings/etc. nice and crispy. But it takes a little time and not as quickly as a conventional deep fryer. As a result, it is much lower in fat and in that sense also healthier. The device is powerful, easy to clean and stylish
Man kann recht flott ein kleines Essen zubereiten. Natürlich kein Sonntagsbraten. Aber sonst top. Mit der Temperatur und den angegebenen Zeiten sollte man ein wenig experimentieren. Aber bis jetzt habe ich sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt.
You can prepare a small meal quite quickly. No Sunday roast, of course. But otherwise great. You should experiment a little with the temperature and the specified times. But so far I have had very good results.
Ohne Fett - klappt gut - etwas ungewohnt - auch Fisch klappt prima - man muss sich halt eingewöhnen. Kein oder kaum Geruch keine Öl/Fettverschmutzung. Ich bin zufrieden.
Without fat - works well - a bit unusual - fish also works great - you just have to get used to it. Little or no odor, no oil/fat contamination. I am happy.
Klappt ganz gut Ohne Fett - klappt gut - etwas ungewohnt - auch Fisch klappt prima - man muss sich halt eingewöhnen. Kein oder kaum Geruch keine Öl/Fettverschmutzung. Ich bin zufrieden.
Works quite well Without fat - works well - a bit unusual - fish works great too - you just have to get used to it. No or hardly any smell, no oil/fat contamination. I'm satisfied.
Die Bedienung des Touchpads ist gewöhnungsbedürftig. 500g dünne Aldi Pommes sind für das Gerät kein Problen. Gerät richt beim ersten Gebrauch.
Using the touchpad takes some getting used to. 500g of thin Aldi fries are no problem for the device. The device works fine the first time it is used.
Non ho ancora usato tutti i programmi ma mi sto trovando molto bene. Ho preparato oltre alle patatine, anche mozzarelline, panzerotti, alette di pollo, anelli di cipolla e tutto quello che mi veniva in mente. Oltre ai vari programmi predefiniti c'è la possibilità di modificare la temperatura ed il tempo.
I haven't used all the programs yet but I'm finding it very good. In addition to chips, I've also prepared mozzarella, panzerotti, chicken wings, onion rings and everything else I could think of. In addition to the various predefined programs, there is the possibility of changing the temperature and time.
Ci ho pensato molto prima di acquistarla ma devo dire che ho fatto bene a prenderla! Intanto ha un bel design che si adatta bene ad ogni cucina, facilità di montaggio ed utilizzo. Bisogna solo imparare i tempi e l'eventuale aggiunta di un cucchiaio d'olio per alcune pietanze, come patate o verdure fresche, perché i programmi pre impostati sono un'ottima guida ma in alcuni casi i tempi devono essere leggermente variati, a seconda di come si tagliano le verdure. Consegna puntuale. Buono l'imballo. Assolutamente consigliata. Di questa marca avevo già la planetaria e mi ero già trovata molto bene. Offrono elettrodomestici completi e ben fatti ad un prezzo decisamente inferiore rispetto agli equivalenti di altre marche
I thought about it a lot before buying it but I have to say that I did well to take it! First of all, it has a nice design that adapts well to any kitchen, easy to assemble and use. You just have to learn the times and the possible addition of a spoonful of oil for some dishes, such as potatoes or fresh vegetables, because the pre-set programs are an excellent guide but in some cases the times must be slightly varied, depending on how the vegetables are cut. Punctual delivery. Good packaging. Absolutely recommended. I already had the planetary mixer from this brand and I had already found it very good. They offer complete and well-made appliances at a price decidedly lower than the equivalents of other brands
Die Heißluftfrittöse ist wirklich einfach zu bedienen und man erhält schnell leckere und gesunde Lebensmittel. Es gibt verschiedene Programme, direkt auf die Lebensmittel abgestimmt. Zeit und Temperatur kann man individuell einstellen. Der Display lässt sich einfach durch Berührung bedienen und die gesamte Maschine sieht sehr edel und elegant aus. Das Rausholen des Korbes und Portionieren wird durch den zweifach geteilten Korb ganz einfach gemacht. Bisher habe ich Pommes, Nuggets und Chicken Wings gemacht.
The hot air fryer is really easy to use and you can quickly get tasty and healthy food. There are various programs that are directly tailored to the food. Time and temperature can be set individually. The display is easy to operate by touch and the whole machine looks very classy and elegant. Getting out the basket and portioning is made very easy by the two-part basket. So far I've made fries, nuggets and chicken wings.
Ci ho pensato a lungo prima di aquistarlo perché non sapevo se funzionasse veramente. Che dire, wow. Funziona eccome. Il fritto esce croccante e non bisogna aggiungere un minimo d'olio. Si può mettere le patatine, il pollo, il pesce, la verdura, le mozarelline... tutto quello che volete. Bisogna impostare la temperatura e il tempo. Lo consiglio a tutte le famiglie
I thought about it for a long time before buying it because I didn't know if it really worked. What can I say, wow. It really works. The fried food comes out crispy and you don't have to add a single bit of oil. You can put in chips, chicken, fish, vegetables, mozzarella balls... whatever you want. You have to set the temperature and time. I recommend it to all families