schmatzfatz drinking bottle

£ 34.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Bottle
  • Orange
Product number: 10045641
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Top features

  • Sporty all-rounder: comfortable drinking bottle for school, sports, outdoors or kindergarten

  • Fresh taste: made of tasteless and odourless BPA free Tritan

  • For little athletes: practical 1-click closure and carrying strap

Product description

The Klarstein schmatzfatz drinking bottle is the perfect everyday companion. Whether small or large: you are always supplied with your favourite drink. And you always travel light. Owing to the plastic material, the drinking bottle is hardly any additional weight, even though it contains half a litre of liquid. Whether in your school bag, backpack or in your bike holder: nothing leaks, because this convenient drinking bottle has a very leak-proof closure.

The special thing about the Klarstein schmatzfatz drinking bottle is its sporty design. You experience unique drinking comfort, because the 1-click closure allows you to open the bottle with just one hand. There is also a carrying handle on the side, which you can simply put around your wrist when doing sports, for example. This way, you have the important liquid immediately at hand.

Made of BPA-free Tritan, this drinking bottle is perfectly suited as a water bottle, because the material is neutral in taste.A fine extra: the fruit attachment allows you to sweeten the water with delicious fruits. The fruit pulp remains in the bottle when drinking and develops a fine aroma in the water.

Whether at school, kindergarten, sports or on trips: the Klarstein schmatzfatz drinking bottle offers you many advantages in all everyday situations. It convinces with its sporty design in a vibrant colour and cute logo.


  • Material: Tritan plastic
  • Leak-proof closure
  • 1-click closure
  • BPA free
  • Capacity: 500 ml
  • Easy to clean and child-friendly
  • Flavourless and odourless
  • Child-friendly, colourful design
Product number: 10045641

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Height: 24 cm
  • Diameter: 7 cm
  • Weight: 160 g

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x drinking bottle
  • 1 x lid with screw cap
  • 1 x fruit attachment

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
31 Ratings

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Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden.
  Ich habe diese Trinkflasche gekauft, weil ich ständig mit einem nassen Rucksack meines Sohnes zu kämpfen hatte – die alten Flaschen liefen immer wieder aus. Mit dieser Flasche ist das endlich kein Problem mehr! Der Auslaufschutz funktioniert wirklich gut, und er kann sie problemlos verschließen und in seinem Rucksack verstauen.Das Design ist praktisch und die Flasche lässt sich einfach öffnen und schließen. Auch der Tragekomfort ist super, sie liegt gut in der Hand. Ideal für den Kindergarten oder die Schule, ohne sich Sorgen um nasse Sachen machen zu müssen.Klare Kaufempfehlung für alle, die viel unterwegs sind und eine zuverlässige, auslaufsichere Trinkflasche suchen!

The media could not be loaded. I bought this water bottle because I was constantly struggling with my son's wet backpack - the old bottles kept leaking. With this bottle, that's finally no longer a problem! The leak protection works really well and he can close it and store it in his backpack without any problems.The design is practical and the bottle is easy to open and close. It is also very comfortable to carry, it fits well in the hand. Ideal for kindergarten or school without having to worry about wet things.Clearly recommend buying it for anyone who is on the go a lot and is looking for a reliable, leak-proof water bottle!


Wir brauchen langsam etwas mehr zu Trinken für den Tag. Da ist die 800 ml Flasche eine gute Lösung. Wir haben schon mehrere kleinere und sind immer noch voll zufrieden.Leichte Reinigung und einfache Bedienung, auch schon mit 2 Jahren - ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!!!

We're starting to need a little more to drink during the day. The 800 ml bottle is a good solution. We already have several smaller ones and are still completely satisfied. Easy to clean and easy to use, even at 2 years old - a clear recommendation to buy!!!


Wir haben vor 2 Jahren das Vorgängermodell gekauft und waren damit bereits sehr zufrieden. Mit ein paar kleinen Änderungen ist die neue Flasche noch besser.

We bought the previous model 2 years ago and were already very happy with it. With a few small changes, the new bottle is even better.


Bestes Teil, dass ich letztes Jahr geshoppt hab! Endlich eine Flasche, die man nicht wie den eigenen Augapfel hüten muss. Hält wunderbar dicht :-)In der Schule ist nur Wasser und Tee erlaubt, aber mit dem kleinen Siebeinsatz lässt sich das wunderbar pimpen. Ich geb da täglich was anderes mit rein: Orangenstücke oder Himbeeren oder Gurke …. Wir lieben diese Flasche!

Best thing I bought last year! Finally a bottle that you don't have to guard like the apple of your eye. It's wonderfully leak-proof :-) At school, only water and tea are allowed, but the little strainer insert is great for pimping things up. I put something different in there every day: orange pieces or raspberries or cucumber... We love this bottle!


Super Flasche, hält dicht und es läuft nix aus!

Great bottle, keeps it tight and nothing leaks!


Super Verarbeitung wie wir es gewohnt sind!

Great workmanship as we are used to!


Für die Schule gut brauchbar, Erstklässler.

Suitable for school, first graders.


Ho acquistato la borraccia Schmatzfatz da 800 ml per avere una soluzione pratica e sicura per bere durante le sessioni in palestra e in ufficio, e sono davvero soddisfatto della scelta.La capacità di 800 ml è perfetta: abbastanza grande per contenere una buona quantità di acqua senza risultare ingombrante. La plastica senza BPA è una garanzia in termini di sicurezza e salute, e si sente che la qualità del materiale è davvero alta, senza odori sgradevoli.Il design è moderno ed elegante, disponibile in vari colori, ed è perfetto sia per l’uso quotidiano che per l’attività fisica. Il tappo è a prova di perdite, quindi posso tranquillamente metterla in borsa senza temere fuoriuscite. La bocca larga permette di riempirla facilmente e anche di aggiungere ghiaccio o frutta per aromatizzare l’acqua.Inoltre, è leggera e facile da trasportare, quindi la uso sia in palestra che durante le lunghe ore in ufficio. È comoda da bere, grazie alla forma ergonomica, e il materiale è resistente agli urti.In conclusione, una borraccia pratica, sicura e dal design accattivante, ideale per l’uso quotidiano. Consigliatissima a chi cerca una bottiglia funzionale e resistente!

I bought the Schmatzfatz 800ml water bottle to have a practical and safe solution for drinking during sessions at the gym and in the office, and I am really happy with the choice. The 800ml capacity is perfect: large enough to hold a good amount of water without being bulky. The BPA-free plastic is a guarantee in terms of safety and health, and you can feel that the quality of the material is really high, without unpleasant odors. The design is modern and elegant, available in various colors, and is perfect for both everyday use and for physical activity. The cap is leak-proof, so I can safely put it in my bag without fear of spills. The wide mouth allows you to fill it easily and also add ice or fruit to flavor the water. In addition, it is light and easy to carry, so I use it both in the gym and during long hours in the office. It is comfortable to drink from, thanks to the ergonomic shape, and the material is shock-resistant. In conclusion, a practical, safe and attractively designed water bottle, ideal for everyday use. Highly recommended for those looking for a functional and resistant bottle!


Nach 1 Jahr Nutzung immer noch wie am ersten Tag. Die Farben und das Muster sind nicht abgenutzt, obwohl sie mehrmals in der Spülmaschine gewaschen wurde. Mein Sohn liebt seine Flasche.

After 1 year of use, it's still as good as the first day. The colors and pattern haven't worn off even though it's been washed in the dishwasher several times. My son loves his bottle.


Cette gourde est très bien. Fidèle à la description et solide.

This bottle is very good. True to description and sturdy.


Colori belli forse più luminosi delle immagini.Come da foto, buona qualità.Carina

Beautiful colors perhaps brighter than the pictures. As per photo, good quality. Nice


Scelta in quanto era tra le migliori nel test di laboratorio eseguiti da una nota rivista per consumatori.Il prodotto ha rispecchiano le mie aspettative. Ottimo al tatto, non c’è odore sgradevole anche dopo molti usi. Ottima resistenza alle cadute. L’unica perplessità è la doppia chiusura (ottima) in plastica. In metallo mi avrebbe dato una sensazione di maggior durevolezza. Ma, al momento, dopo settimane di uso quotidiano, è come nuova

Chosen because it was among the best in the laboratory test performed by a well-known consumer magazine. The product met my expectations. Excellent to the touch, there is no unpleasant odor even after many uses. Excellent resistance to falls. The only doubt is the double closure (excellent) in plastic. In metal it would have given me a feeling of greater durability. But, at the moment, after weeks of daily use, it is as good as new





Sehr gute Trinkflasche. Einfach perfekt für die Schuke

Very good drinking bottle. Simply perfect for the school


Tolle Flasche. Funktioniert. Auslaufsicher, leicht zu reiniger, stabil.

Great bottle. Works. Leak-proof, easy to clean, sturdy.


Wir haben die Flasche zum Schuleintritt geschenkt bekommen. Sie eignet sich super für den Schulalltag. Toll ist auch, dass man Getränke mit Kohlensäure einfüllen kann, ohne dass die Flasche ausläuft bzw. aufgeht. Einziges Manko. Die Beschichtung klebt mittlerweile. Trotz mehrmaligen Spülens bleibt sie klebrig. Leider ist die Rückgabefrist bereits um.

We were given the bottle as a gift when we started school. It's perfect for everyday school life. It's also great that you can fill it with carbonated drinks without the bottle leaking or bursting. The only downside is that the coating has become sticky. Despite rinsing it several times, it remains sticky. Unfortunately, the return period has already expired.


Leider muss ich für diese Flasche einen Stern abziehen. Wir haben zwei Flaschen gekauft und seit 2 Monaten in Gebrauch. Die Größe und das Material sind super. Ohne Plastikgeruch und super einfach zu reinigen, Spülmaschine rein und fertig. Leider ist jetzt bei dieser pinken Flasche die Feder gebrochen und der Verschluss geht nicht mehr richtig auf. Ich wollte mich über den Support informieren was es für Möglichkeiten gibt, leider ohne Erfolg. Die Website zeigt nur Werbung an, die nicht entfernt werden kann. Sehr schade

Unfortunately, I have to take one star off this bottle. We bought two bottles and have been using them for 2 months. The size and material are great. No plastic smell and super easy to clean, just put it in the dishwasher and you're done. Unfortunately, the spring on this pink bottle has broken and the cap no longer opens properly. I wanted to find out what options there are via support, but unfortunately to no avail. The website only shows advertisements that cannot be removed. It's a real shame


Dies ist nun schon unsere 2. Trinkflasche, da mein Sohn total begeistert ist. Eine für die Schule, eine für den Sport. Die Flasche ist auslaufsicher, auch mit kohlesäurehaltigen Getränken. Handlich und einfach zum öffnen und schließen. Absolute Kaufempfehlung

This is now our second drinking bottle, as my son absolutely loves it. One for school, one for sports. The bottle is leak-proof, even with carbonated drinks. Handy and easy to open and close. Absolutely recommend buying


Mein Sohn hat die Flasche für die Schule und bin total begeistert von der Qualität. Das bereits die 2 die wir haben und würden sie immer wieder kaufen

My son has the bottle for school and I am totally impressed by the quality. This is the 2 we have and we would buy it again and again


Auf der ewigen Suche nach einer guten haltbaren Trinkflasche bin ich auf diese gestoßen. Bislang überzeugt sie mich schon sehr. Sie hält kohlensäurehaltige Getränke ohne auszulaufen. Für die Kids einfach zu öffnen und zu schließen. Hoffe wir haben lange Freude daran. Einige Waldspaziergänge und Ausflüge hat sie schon ohne Blessuren überstanden!

In my endless search for a good, durable drinking bottle, I came across this one. So far, I'm very impressed with it. It holds carbonated drinks without leaking. It's easy for the kids to open and close. I hope we'll enjoy it for a long time. It's already survived a few walks in the woods and trips without any injuries!


Wir nutzen diese Flaschen schon seit vielen Jahren und bei uns ist noch nie etwas abgebrochen. Ich stecke sie regelmäßig in die Spülmaschine und ich finde sie super zum reinigen. Allerdings ist meiner Tochter jetzt eine Flasche mehrfach auf die Fliesen gefallen. Dabei war die Flasche sehr voll und am Boden ist ein Riss entstanden. Das hätte ihr aber auch mit anderen Flaschen passieren können. Wir sind sehr zufrieden damit. Ich habe direkt eine neue bestellt.

We have been using these bottles for many years and nothing has ever broken. I put them in the dishwasher regularly and I find them great to clean. However, my daughter has dropped a bottle on the tiles several times. The bottle was very full and a crack appeared in the bottom. But that could have happened with other bottles too. We are very happy with them. I ordered a new one straight away.


Qualitativ hochwertige Trinkflasche - Preis-Leistung sehr gut - Abwicklung erfolgte ohne Probleme und sehr schnell

High quality drinking bottle - very good value for money - processing was carried out without any problems and very quickly


De muy buena calidad y muy bonita.

Very good quality and very pretty.


Es una botella de muy buena calidad tanto para niños como para adultos.

It is a very good quality bottle for both children and adults.


Resistente. Finalmente una borraccia che non puzza.

Durable. Finally a water bottle that doesn't stink.


Gourde très belle,super matière agréable au toucher. Ouverture facile et pratique et AUCUNE FUITE Facile à a nettoyer. Je recommande et j'en recommanderais une autre pour moi aussi . Au top du top

Very beautiful bottle, great material pleasant to the touch. Easy and practical opening and NO LEAKS Easy to clean. I recommend and would recommend another one for me too. At the top of the top


Resistente, caduta un paio di volte ma non si è rotta. Ormai la tengo da un po’

Sturdy, dropped a couple of times but didn't break. I've had it for a while now


Resistente, caduta un paio di volte ma non si è rotta. Ormai la tengo da un po’

Sturdy, dropped a couple of times but didn't break. I've had it for a while now


Facile à nettoyer

Easy to clean


il est joli tout est parfait sauf que je croyais de leau ne se renverse pas si on fait tourner la bouteille alors que non, ma fille a pas l habitude de gourde comme sa, donc svt elle met de leau par tout , et la verrouillage semble pas tres solide , mais la matiere de la bouteille est parfait sans odeur

It's pretty, everything is perfect except that I thought the water wouldn't spill if you turn the bottle, but no, my daughter isn't used to a bottle like that, so please put water everywhere, and the lock seems not very solid, but the material of the bottle is perfect without odor


Perfetto per la scuola e facile a pulire...

Perfect for school and easy to clean...