Vanilly Sky Family Ice Cream Maker
- Ice cream machine
- Silver Metallic
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Versatile: easy ice cream maker for cold treats like ice cream, soft ice cream or frozen joghurt
No pre-cooling: fresh ice cream in 5 to 60 minutes without pre-cooling bowl or ingredients
Family size: stainless steel insulated bowl for up to 2.5 l of ice cream
Product description
It is ice cream season! Delicious ice cream at any time! Create tasty ice cream and joghurt delicacies like sherbert and soft ice cream or frozen yoghurt in no time with the Klarstein Vanilly Sky Family Ice Cream Maker. Little and big foodies will get their fill, no matter the season.
"In the mood for family size ice cream portions? Homemade ice cream creation with delicious ingredients without pre-cooling."
The Klarstein Vanilly Sky Family is a real turbo ice cream machine that freezes selected ingredients into up to 2.5 litres deliciously smooth ice cream in its insulated bowl within an hour. Perfect refreshment on hot days and great fun at children's birthday parties are a sure thing- just like the reassuring feeling of knowing that only the best ingredients will find their way into the ice cream. Catering to personal preferences and food restrictions, such as lactose intolerance or allergies is no problem. The ice cream machine handles it all at a very efficient power input of only 250 watts.
"Easy like never before: ice cold sensation in only a few steps."
Operation of the ice cream maker is easy as pie and is handled via an intuitive key control located on the face of the unit. The desired preparation time from 10 to 60 minutes is selected via four keys and a digital display which turns the unit on. This is also where the remaining preparation time is displayed. After completion of preparation time the ice cream machine switches directly to cooling mode to prevent the frozen treats from melting. An ice cream scoop for sharing out and decorating the finished ice cream is included.
Available colours: silver, black (item 10031848)
- trailing, one-hour cooling function prevents ice cream from melting after preparation
- settable timer in minute-increments: 5 - 60 minutes
- remaining preparation time display during operation
- Safety lock inside lid
- no-slip rubber feet for secure footing
- easy to clean due to removable parts
- On/off key on operating panel
- Start/pause key
- includes scoop and cup-size measuring cup
- possible to add ingredients anytime during operation
- refrigerant: R600a
- Power supply: 220-240 V~| 50/60Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Measurements (unit): 26.5 x 38.5 x 31.5 cm (WxHxD)
- Measurements (insulated container): 19.5 x 11 cm (ØxH)
- Weight (unit): approx. 14.3 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x unit
- 1 x stirrer
- 1 x scoop
- 1 x measuring cup
- English instruction manual (addtl. languages: German, Spanish)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 3 - 5 days
Fantastic machine!
Produced perfect ice cream in around 35 mins.
The extra large 2.5L capacity means it can easily fill a standard 2L ice cream tub, with some left over for "quality control"!
It is also very quiet. Cleaning is very simple too. After a lot of research, i feel it offers unbeatable value considering what it offers. Couldn't be happier.
Manque un contenant intermédiaire , le bol a une capacité importante.Résultat correct
Missing an intermediate container, the bowl has a large capacity. Correct result
Geliefert wie beschrieben
Delivered as described
Ottima macchina, il gelato non indurisce molto, ma per la mantecatura è ottima. Basta metterlo in congelatore 3 o 5 ore e la magia è servita. Sono soddisfatto.
Great machine, the ice cream does not harden much, but for churning it is excellent. Just put it in the freezer for 3 or 5 hours and the magic is served. I am satisfied.
très bien machine de très bonne qualité glace type McFlurry 30min le top
very good machine, very good quality ice cream type McFlurry 30min the best
J'ai acheté la turbine à glace.
Excellente glace...
Un seul bémol les recettes à récupérer sur internet.Dommage qu'il n'y a pas un livre avec leurs recettes
I bought the ice cream maker. Excellent ice cream... One downside is the recipes to be found on the internet. Too bad there is not a book with their recipes
Bought it two years ago. Tried endless recippies. After 25 minutes it stops rotating because it gets icy on the sides. Never ever finished an icecream, never ever made a creamy, normal icecream!
I do not recommend!
Nu recomand! In 2 ani de zile nu am reusit sa obtin o inghetata cremoasa cu acest aparat. Dupa 25 minute maxim se opreste din invartit pt ca face gheata pe marginea cuvei.
O dezamagire totala, nu merita banii!
Bought it two years ago. Tried endless recipes. After 25 minutes it stops rotating because it gets icy on the sides. Never ever finished an ice cream, never ever made a creamy, normal ice cream! I do not recommend! I do not recommend! In 2 years I have not been able to get a creamy ice cream with this machine. After a maximum of 25 minutes, it stops spinning because it forms ice on the edge of the tub. A total disappointment, not worth the money!
Fantastica!! Mai speso meglio i miei soldi...
Fantastic!! I've never spent my money better...
meg vagyok elégedve, jó fagyit készít
I am satisfied, it makes good ice cream
makes good ice cream.
makes good ice cream.
E complicato togliere il gelato dalla pala,il resto non dispiace
It's complicated to remove the ice cream from the shovel, the rest is not bad
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Presa qualche mese fa e non ha deluso. Arrivata con doppio imballaggio, un manuale di istruzioni, una palettina ed un misuratore, elegante e piacevole esteticamente (anche se è un opinione soggettiva) Le dimensioni sono un po ingombranti quindi serve uno spazio adeguato. Sono davvero soddisfatto, in meno di un ora tra preparazione, mantecazione e spostamento in contenitore per freezer il gelato è pronto Sul display è visualizzata la temperatura interna del cestello, con il timer regolabile che è di max un'ora, più che sufficiente per il gelato. Nel video ho fatto il fiordilatte a cui ho aggiunto alla fine della cioccolata per la stracciatella. Ho provato anche a fare lo yogurt ed è venuto bene pure quello. La cremosità è funzione degli ingredienti, più sono grassi più questa sarà intensa e si manterrà così anche in freezer. In rete si possono trovare tanti suggerimenti su come ottenere composti cremosi, ovviamente la qualità degli ingredienti è fondamentale, io ho fatto diversi tentativi prima di trovare il giusto equilibrio per una cremosità adeguata. Il lavaggio lo faccio a mano ed è abbastanza semplice, il cestello è estraibile e smontabile. Non ho riscontrato difficolta nell'estrazione, ma faccio sempre attenzione che sulla base, tra macchina e cestello, non ci sia acqua altrimenti questa si ghiaccia e potrebbe attaccarsi (per ora mai successo). Nota negativa, è un po rumorosa, ma credo sia normale e giusto farlo presente In conclusione trovo onesto il rapporto qualità/prezzo, e se si è golosi, è un acquisto che ci si ripaga in neanche un anno di utilizzo
Unable to load media content. Bought a few months ago and it didn't disappoint. Arrived with double packaging, an instruction manual, a spatula and a measuring device, elegant and aesthetically pleasing (even if it's a subjective opinion) The dimensions are a bit bulky so it needs adequate space. I'm really satisfied, in less than an hour between preparation, churning and moving to a freezer container the ice cream is ready. The internal temperature of the basket is shown on the display, with the adjustable timer which is max one hour, more than enough for the ice cream. In the video I made fiordilatte to which I added some chocolate at the end for the stracciatella. I also tried making yogurt and that came out well too. The creaminess depends on the ingredients, the fattier they are the more intense it will be and it will stay that way even in the freezer. Online you can find many suggestions on how to obtain creamy compounds, obviously the quality of the ingredients is fundamental, I made several attempts before finding the right balance for an adequate creaminess. I wash it by hand and it's quite simple, the basket is removable and dismountable. I didn't find it difficult to remove, but I always make sure that there is no water on the base, between the machine and the basket, otherwise it freezes and could stick (never happened yet). On a negative note, it's a bit noisy, but I think it's normal and right to point it out. In conclusion, I find the quality/price ratio honest, and if you're greedy, it's a purchase that pays for itself in less than a year of use.
Makine hasarlı geldi. Vaktimiz olmadığı için geri iade yapamadım. Kullandık. Memnunuz.
The machine arrived damaged. I couldn't return it because we didn't have time. We used it. We are satisfied.
Dondurma makinesi Makine hasarlı geldi. Vaktimiz olmadığı için geri iade yapamadım. Kullandık. Memnunuz.
Ice cream machine The machine arrived damaged. I couldn't return it because we didn't have time. We used it. We are satisfied.
el compresor enfria rapidamente a -27 grados, el helado esta listo en 30 minutos aprox. pesa un poco pero es facil de usar y limpiar, merece la pena la compra
The compressor cools quickly to -27 degrees, the ice cream is ready in about 30 minutes. It is a bit heavy but easy to use and clean, it is worth the purchase.
Guau sorprendente pero muy buena sigue funcionando genial después de muchos años. Como nueva
Wow, surprising but very good. Still working great after many years. Like new.
Top Ware, jederzeit wieder
Top product, anytime again
Eismaschine Top Ware, jederzeit wieder
Ice cream machine top product, anytime again
Esthétique soignée, produit qui respire la santé et fonctionne avec peu de nuisance sonore. Dommage aucune notice digne de ce nom
Careful aesthetics, product that exudes health and operates with little noise pollution. Too bad no instructions worthy of the name
apparecchiatura robusta , facilità nella pulizia dopo l'utilizzo
robust equipment, easy to clean after use
Prodotto ottimo, molto utile. Lo consiglio.
Great product, very useful. I recommend it.
1 Woche bei mir und schon 5 mal Eis gemacht. Und das beste ist das daß Eis schmeckt schmeckt und schmeckt. Diese Eismaschine ist für alle, die Eis lieben, empfehlenswert. Leider keine Eis Rezepte dabei
I've had it for a week and have already made ice cream 5 times. And the best thing is that the ice cream tastes and tastes and tastes. This ice cream maker is recommended for everyone who loves ice cream. Unfortunately, there are no ice cream recipes included.
Maschine rührt cremiges Eis. Ist dabei nicht zu laut. Läßt sich super einfach bedienen und nach dem Gebrauch reinigen.
The machine churns out creamy ice cream. It's not too loud. It's super easy to operate and clean after use.
Diese Eis Maschinen ist einmalig. Es vergeht keine Woche wo wir unser Wunscheis herstellen, Rezepte gibt es ja genügend, aber vor allem bei dieser frechen und respektlosen Abzocker die in den Eisdielen herrscht, ist eine eigene gute Eis Maschine Gold wert!!! Die Anschaffung kostet, aber nach kurzer Zeit, hat man den Preis wieder rein,wenn man bedenkt bei 1,80€ eine Kugel. Viele Zutaten hat man ja zu Hause und da ist ein leckeres Wunscheis schnell fertig. Wir können diese Eis Maschine nur empfehlen und wer nicht so viel Geld übrig hat, kann sich ja in einer gut verstehenden Familie mit dem Preis einteilen und gemein miteinander wöchentlich Eis zubereitet, da gibt es vorallem strahlende und glänzende Kinderaugen.
This ice cream machine is unique. Not a week goes by without us making the ice cream of our dreams. There are plenty of recipes, but especially with these cheeky and disrespectful rip-offs that rule the ice cream parlors, a good ice cream machine of your own is worth its weight in gold! It costs money to buy, but you'll quickly make your money back when you consider that a scoop costs €1.80. You have lots of ingredients at home and a delicious ice cream of your dreams is ready in no time. We can only recommend this ice cream machine, and if you don't have a lot of money to spare, you can share the price with a family that gets along well and make ice cream together every week. This will make children's eyes beam and shine.
È stata la mia prima Gelatiera, un po' di diffidenza ma mi sono subito ricreduta. In meno di un'ora senza fare nulla si ottiene un gelato, cremoso, montato e soprattutto goloso. Ho provato sia gelati in crema che alla frutta, entrambi molto buoni . La capienza è ottima ed è anche abbastanza silenziosa. Molto soddisfatta dell'acquisto
It was my first Ice Cream Maker, a little skeptical but I immediately changed my mind. In less than an hour without doing anything you get an ice cream, creamy, whipped and above all delicious. I tried both cream and fruit ice creams, both very good. The capacity is excellent and it is also quite silent. Very satisfied with the purchase
Ottima gelatiera, fa benissimo il suo lavoro..molto soddisfatto.... spero duri .....
Excellent ice cream maker, does its job very well.. very satisfied.... I hope it lasts.....
Ottima gelatiera, fa benissimo il suo lavoro..molto soddisfatto.... spero duri .....
Excellent ice cream maker, does its job very well.. very satisfied.... I hope it lasts.....
Eislöffel ist defekt. Sonser sind Super.
Ice cream scoop is broken. Otherwise they are great.
Je recommande Conforme à la description Design Fonctionne à merveille
I recommend Conforms to the description Design Works wonderfully
Gelatiera: bella da vedere, non particolarmente rumorosa, rapida nel preparare gelati : ha un unico difetto nessun ricettario : occorre navigare in internet e sperimentare con la gelatiera
Ice cream maker: nice to look at, not particularly noisy, quick to prepare ice cream: it has only one flaw: no recipe book: you need to surf the internet and experiment with the ice cream maker
Macchina ottima per la realizzazione del gelato, facilissima da pulire, unica osservazione che arrivata ad un certo punto si ferma da sola lasciando il gelato si cremoso ma necessita di un passaggio in freezer per alcune ore.
Excellent machine for making ice cream, very easy to clean, only observation that at a certain point it stops by itself leaving the ice cream creamy but requires a passage in the freezer for a few hours.
Macchina ottima per la realizzazione del gelato, facilissima da pulire, unica osservazione che arrivata ad un certo punto si ferma da sola lasciando il gelato si cremoso ma necessita di un passaggio in freezer per alcune ore.
Excellent machine for making ice cream, very easy to clean, only observation that at a certain point it stops by itself leaving the ice cream creamy but requires a passage in the freezer for a few hours.
Un prodotto veramente innovativo e per la qualità che genera, molto utile per chi come me che vuole farsi un gelato Artigianale di alta qualità è veramente molto d'aiuto.. Bella anche esteticamente, non troppo rumoroso, garantisce produzione di alta qualità e sapore impeccabile. Lo consiglio a tutti
A truly innovative product and for the quality it generates, very useful for those like me who want to make a high quality artisanal ice cream is truly very helpful.. Beautiful also aesthetically, not too noisy, guarantees high quality production and impeccable flavor. I recommend it to everyone
Ho acquistato questa gelatiera KLARSTEIN VANILLA SKY 2,5L 250W NERA una seconda volta,la prima gelatiera acquistata 20 giorni prima stesse caratteristiche solamente color ARGENTO purtroppo arrivata AMMACCATA in 2 parti (vedi foto allegate),fatto il reso sono stata rimborsata. La gelatiera esteticamente mi piace,comandi essenziali e semplici. Non ho dato le 5 stelle per un semplice motivo,il gelato non raggiunge la densita' giusta perche' la macchina per salvaguardare il motore dopo 40 minuti circa si ferma e non c'e' verso di farla ripartire; premetto che in fatto di gelato ho una certa esperienza (faccio il gelato in casa da 13 anni) con una macchina SIMAC (che ho dovuto buttare perche' non riparabile) usando prodotti e addensanti naturali decidevo io la densita' del gelato. Devo dire comunque che confronto alla vecchia macchina e' molto piu' silenziosa. Arrivata nei tempi prestabiliti, diciamo che tutto sommato la consiglio.
I bought this KLARSTEIN VANILLA SKY 2.5L 250W BLACK ice cream maker a second time, the first ice cream maker purchased 20 days before had the same features only in SILVER unfortunately it arrived DAMAGED in 2 parts (see attached photos), I returned it and was refunded. I like the ice cream maker aesthetically, essential and simple controls. I didn't give 5 stars for a simple reason, the ice cream doesn't reach the right density because the machine, to protect the motor, stops after about 40 minutes and there's no way to restart it; I'll start by saying that when it comes to ice cream (I've been making ice cream at home for 13 years) with a SIMAC machine (which I had to throw away because it couldn't be repaired) using natural products and thickeners I decided the density of the ice cream. I must say however that compared to the old machine it is much quieter. Arrived on time, let's say that all in all I recommend it.
Ravis de mon achat Je l'utilise au moins une fois par mois La température dépend de la température extérieure
Delighted with my purchase I use it at least once a month The temperature depends on the outside temperature
Been able to make ice cream with out freezing the bowl first.
Been able to make ice cream with out freezing the bowl first.
Es rentiert sich wirklich, wenn man sich für sein "eigenes Eis machen" , etwas mehr auszugeben. Die Maschine wurde bereits früher geliefert, als versprochen und erfüllt alle Wünsche. Das Eis ist rucksack fertig und die Handhabung erklärt sich von selbst. Der Rührwedel funktioniert super, aber auch das Nachfüllen einzelner Zutaten lässt sich sehr gut bewerkstelligen. Einigen Rezenssionen zum Trotz, kann ich diese Maschine für den Privathaushalt nur wärmstens empfehlen. Es machtrichtig Spass mit dieser Maschine zu arbeiten und der Genuss ist garantiert.
It's really worth it if you want to spend a little more to make your own ice cream. The machine was delivered earlier than promised and fulfills all your wishes. The ice cream is ready in no time and it's easy to use. The mixer works great, but adding individual ingredients is also very easy. Despite some reviews, I can only warmly recommend this machine for private households. It's really fun to work with this machine and enjoyment is guaranteed.
es bleibt am Röhrwerk viel Material anhaften
a lot of material sticks to the tube
Estoy muy contenta con la máquina. Aún sigo experimentando. He notado que consigo consistencias más sólidas cuando utilizo nata o yogurt griego en la mezcla. He probado a hacer sorbetes con licor café, helado de piña y nata, otras cremas con mantequilla de cacahuete. Estoy encantada, cada día inventó un sabor nuevo. El ciclo de batido y enfriamiento es de 1 hora y luego mantiene el helado por un buen rato, estimo que por lo menos 2 horas. Suelo comenzar el proceso antes de la comida y al acabar ya disfrutamos del refrescante postre. No encuentro la máquina ruidosa, hace un murmullo aceptable. Es muy fácil de limpiar, porque la máquina tiene una composición muy simple: un recipiente de acero inoxidable y una pala mezcladora de plástico rígido, todo fácilmente extraíble. La parte digital es de uso muy sencillo, de forma intuitiva ya lo puedes usar. Le das al botón de arranque y no tienes que hacer nada más. Puedes regular el tiempo, pero no hace falta, porque el helado estará hecho en 1 hora. Puedes pausarlo para agregar ingredientes o simplemente abrir la tapa y echarlos sin pausar el mezclado. Es igual, la máquina no ofrece complicaciones. Creo que cualquier niño/a podría usarla sin problema. Estoy disfrutando mucho. Vienen visitas y saco un postre o una merienda de la galera! Espero poder ampliar esta reseña con un video en algún momento.
I am very happy with the machine. I am still experimenting. I have noticed that I get firmer consistency when I use cream or Greek yogurt in the mix. I have tried making sorbets with coffee liqueur, pineapple and cream ice cream, other creams with peanut butter. I am delighted, every day I invent a new flavour. The churning and cooling cycle is 1 hour and then it keeps the ice cream for a good while, I estimate at least 2 hours. I usually start the process before the meal and when it is finished we enjoy the refreshing dessert. I don't find the machine noisy, it makes an acceptable murmur. It is very easy to clean, because the machine has a very simple composition: a stainless steel container and a rigid plastic mixing paddle, all easily removable. The digital part is very easy to use, you can use it intuitively. You press the start button and you don't have to do anything else. You can regulate the time, but it is not necessary, because the ice cream will be ready in 1 hour. You can pause it to add ingredients or just open the lid and add them without pausing the mixing. It's all the same, the machine is not complicated. I think any child could use it without any problem. I'm really enjoying it. Guests come over and I pull out a dessert or snack from the hat! I hope to be able to expand this review with a video at some point.
Was zu verbessern ist der rührer er müsste bist an denn Topf rand groß sein und besser rühren kann sonnst ist das gerät super gut
What needs to be improved is the stirrer, it should be big enough to reach the edge of the pot and be able to stir better, otherwise the device is super good
Facile da pulire e da usare Forse fredda anche troppo Personalmente uso latte panne e xilitolo (al posto dello zucchero) in rapporto 4:2:0,3 e aggiungo il sapore (200g di frutta frullata, o 2 cucchiai di crema di whisky o alchermes Gelato cremoso in 30 min massimo
Easy to clean and use Maybe even too cold Personally I use milk cream and xylitol (instead of sugar) in a ratio of 4:2:0.3 and add the flavour (200g of blended fruit, or 2 spoons of whisky cream or alchermes Creamy ice cream in 30 min maximum
1 a Eismaschine... Macht was sie soll. Einziges kleines Problem ist, dass die Eismasse nicht überall gleichmäßig gefriert wodurch die Masse außen viel fester ist als in der Mitte. Lässt sich aber leicht beheben, indem man mehrmals kurz pausiert und ein/zwei Mal selber die feste Masse von außen nach innen umrührt. Für das Geld trotzdem gutes Preis Leistung Verhältnis. Kann sie nur empfehlen.
1 a ice cream maker... Does what it's supposed to. The only small problem is that the ice cream doesn't freeze evenly everywhere, which means that the mixture is much firmer on the outside than in the middle. But this is easy to fix by pausing a few times and stirring the solid mixture from the outside to the inside once or twice. Still, good value for money. I can only recommend it.
Livraison très rapide Après avoir eu un soucis de réception, j'ai eu rapidement un contact avec le fournisseur qui se trouve à Berlin et tout c'est arrangé Je recommande ce produit très costaud
Very fast delivery After having a problem with reception, I quickly had contact with the supplier who is located in Berlin and everything was sorted. I recommend this very sturdy product
Ich hab diese Eismaschine gestern bekommen und natürlich gleich genutzt. Mit dem Eisrezept, welches ich von einem Italiener habe, wurde die Grundmasse vorbereitet. Die Maschine hat die Grundmasse zu einem super leckeren Eis geschlagen. Der größte Vorteil ist, dass das Eis schön cremig wird und selbst im Gefrierschrank nicht hart wird, sondern seine weiche und cremige Konsistenz behält. Da viele Eisdielen immer mehr sparen und das Eis dort teilweise sehr wässrig schmeckt, ist diese Maschine eine absolute Alternative für die leckere Abkühlung. Zudem macht es mich riesig Spaß sein eigenes Eis zu produzieren und man weiß genau was dein ist. Von mir gibt es eine absolute Kaufempfehlung.
I got this ice cream maker yesterday and of course used it straight away. The base mixture was prepared using the ice cream recipe that I got from an Italian. The machine whipped the base mixture into a super tasty ice cream. The biggest advantage is that the ice cream is beautifully creamy and doesn't get hard even in the freezer, but retains its soft and creamy consistency. Since many ice cream parlors are cutting costs more and more and the ice cream there sometimes tastes very watery, this machine is a great alternative for delicious cooling. I also really enjoy making my own ice cream and you know exactly what yours is. I would definitely recommend buying it.
Was sofort auffällt: die Maschine ist kompakt und sehr schwer! Deshalb sollte sie an einem sicheren Platz dauerhaft stehen. Abgesehen vom brennbaren Kühlmittel ist die Machine sicher konstruiert und gebaut. Es ist kein Rezept dabei, diese habe ich mir aus der Unhold-Bedienungsanleitung heruntergeladen. So ist auch zu erklären, dass man NUR 1,5 Liter Eis zubereiten sollte. Bei mehr tritt das Eis aus dem Deckel und versaut alles! Sobald das Eis ausreichend gefroren ist schaltet der Motor zuverlässig ab. Nun kann noch nachgekühlt werden. Das Eis ist cremig und frisch aus der Maschine zubereitet am leckersten! Die Reinigung geht schnell und problemlos. Gute Maschine zum günstigen Preis.
What is immediately noticeable: the machine is compact and very heavy! Therefore, it should be kept in a safe place all the time. Apart from the flammable coolant, the machine is safely designed and built. There is no recipe included; I downloaded this from the Unhold manual. This also explains why you should ONLY make 1.5 liters of ice cream. If you make more, the ice cream will come out of the lid and ruin everything! As soon as the ice cream is sufficiently frozen, the motor switches off reliably. Now you can cool it down. The ice cream is creamy and tastiest when freshly made from the machine! Cleaning is quick and easy. Good machine at a reasonable price.
Siempre he sido un aficionado a los helados caseros. Esta heladera después de haberla probado me ha parecido genial. Muy sencilla de utilizar y totalmente recomendable para aquellas personas que estén interesadas en adquirir su propia heladera. También quiero destacar el buen servicio del fabricante al sustituir el producto por otro ya que en el envío vino golpeada. Quizás el único pero que se le puede poner es su gran tamaño.
I have always been a fan of homemade ice cream. After trying this ice cream maker, I thought it was great. Very easy to use and totally recommended for those people who are interested in buying their own ice cream maker. I would also like to highlight the good service provided by the manufacturer in replacing the product with another one since it came damaged during delivery. Perhaps the only negative point that can be made is its large size.
Ayer recibí esta máquina y ya la he podido utilizar para hacer un helado de vainilla que estaba delicioso. La máquina es silenciosa y funciona muy bien. Recomiendo la compra
I received this machine yesterday and I have already been able to use it to make a vanilla ice cream that was delicious. The machine is quiet and works very well. I recommend the purchase.
Questo macchina x gelati è una delle MIGLIORI!!!! La consiglio a tutti, è innanzitutto bellissima ed elegantissima, professionale e facilissima da usare e pulire ed è tra le più silenziose. Rispetto a molte altre macchine autorefrigeranti è una delle poche che ha il maggior numero di giri per minuto. Se il gelato diventa troppo compatto lei si ferma e continua a refrigerare per circa 1 ora, per evitare questo problema non carico il cestello con troppo gelato. Dopo circa 15 min ottengo il gelato con ottima consistenza, ma fondamentale è inserire il cestello fino in fondo, facendo scendere i ganci laterali negli appositi spazi!!!! Altrimenti non congela e ci si mette molto di più. Bilanciate al meglio le vostre ricette ed utilizzate x bene neutri ed addensanti come guar, carruba, tara anche in combinazione. Se avete bisogno di info contattatemi pure su [email protected]
This ice cream machine is one of the BEST!!!! I recommend it to everyone, first of all it is beautiful and very elegant, professional and very easy to use and clean and it is among the quietest. Compared to many other self-refrigerating machines it is one of the few that has the highest number of revolutions per minute. If the ice cream becomes too compact it stops and continues to refrigerate for about 1 hour, to avoid this problem I do not load the basket with too much ice cream. After about 15 minutes I obtain ice cream with an excellent consistency, but it is essential to insert the basket all the way down, lowering the side hooks into the appropriate spaces!!!! Otherwise it does not freeze and it takes much longer. Balance your recipes as best as possible and use neutrals and thickeners such as guar, carob, tare even in combination. If you need information contact me at [email protected]
Enfria MUY RAPIDO. la pieza mezcladora (aereadora) es de plastico, cuando el helado se endurece (como a los 40 minutos) el motor solo gira a probablemente 12-17 RPM (casi se para) eso es por dos razones: Potencia marginal. La aereadora es plastico y al encajar en el eje metalico (la pieza que rota directo del motor), por causa del torque, se deforma o se sale. La usare varias veces mas y vere si no tengo que devolverla. 2.5L de capacidad esta muy bien. El bowl es acero inoxidable, tambien un plus.
It cools VERY FAST. The mixing piece (aerator) is plastic, when the ice cream hardens (after about 40 minutes) the motor only turns at probably 12-17 RPM (it almost stops) that is for two reasons: Marginal power. The aerator is plastic and when it fits into the metal shaft (the piece that rotates directly from the motor), due to the torque, it deforms or comes off. I will use it several more times and see if I don't have to return it. 2.5L capacity is very good. The bowl is stainless steel, also a plus.
Niveau bruit très silencieuse et facile à nettoyer aussi très facile à utiliser
Noise level very quiet and easy to clean also very easy to use
funziona benissimo.. ma non riesce a fare più di 2 cicli continui, al terzo ha bisogno di riposare. nel complesso buona macchina. Soddisfatto dell'acquisto
works great.. but it can't do more than 2 continuous cycles, on the third it needs to rest. overall good machine. Satisfied with the purchase
Un bel appareil, efficace et facile à un prix qui reste raisonnable
A beautiful, efficient and easy device at a price that remains reasonable
Wir besitzen diese Eismaschine jetzt seit ca. 4 Wochen und sie funktioniert einwandfrei. Sie kühlt die entsprechende Masse gut herunter und das Eis hat am Ende eine gute Konsistenz. Beim Verwenden von gekühlten Zutaten aus dem Kühlschrank (Sahne, Milch, Mascarpone, etc.) ist die Eismasse nach gut einer halben Stunde fertig. Während der Eiszubereitung sollte man aber in der Nähe der Maschine bleiben um die Zubereitungsdauer ggf. manuell nach zu regeln. Dies ist auch der Hintergrund für den Abzug eines Sternes. Leider lässt sich nach dem manuellen Beenden des Programmes die Nachkühlfunktion nicht per Hand aktivieren. Diese Kühlhaltefunktion wird nur nach dem Ablauf der Zeituhr aktiviert. Hier muss man etwas tricksen, das tut aber dem leckeren Eis keinen Abbruch, deshalb Daumen hoch!
We've had this ice cream maker for about 4 weeks now and it works perfectly. It cools the mixture down well and the ice cream has a good consistency at the end. If you use chilled ingredients from the fridge (cream, milk, mascarpone, etc.) the ice cream mixture is ready after about half an hour. However, you should stay close to the machine while the ice cream is being made so that you can adjust the preparation time manually if necessary. This is also the reason why it's deducting a star. Unfortunately, after manually ending the program, the post-cooling function cannot be activated manually. This cooling function is only activated after the timer has elapsed. You have to do a little trickery here, but that doesn't detract from the delicious ice cream, so thumbs up!
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Amazona review. No incentivada (pagué yo). Cualquier duda, pregunta. Heladera con compresor marca Klarstein. Modelo: Canilla sky Red edition. Es el modelo cuadrado. Es muy grande y pesa bastante (sobre 10 kg). Hace bastante ruido pero como el helado está listo entre 30 y 60 minutos, pues es perfectamente tolerable. De momento, experimentando con recetas. Con el tiempo ampliaré review.
The media could not be loaded. Amazon review. Not incentivized (I paid for it). If you have any questions, just ask. Klarstein brand compressor ice cream maker. Model: Canilla sky Red edition. It is the square model. It is very large and weighs quite a bit (about 10 kg). It is quite noisy but since the ice cream is ready in 30 to 60 minutes, it is perfectly tolerable. For now, I am experimenting with recipes. Over time I will expand the review.
Très satisfaite de cette turbine Klarstein rouge 2l. Elle est très jolie, la contenance de 2l est top, elle n'est pas bruyante et pas si imposante que ça pour une turbine de cette contenance (à peu près pareil que celle de grande marque de 1.2l). Livrée avec une cuillère à glace, certes en plastique mais c'est tout de même appréciable. Pas de livre de recettes comme avec la plupart, dommage mais on trouve facilement des recettes. Contrairement à ce que j'avais pu lire, le manuel d'utilisation est également traduit en français. Elle est très facile d'utilisation : un bouton marche/pause, des boutons pour régler le temps, on peut se passer du manuel d'utilisation. Je réalise des glaces de texture très satisfaisante en 30 minutes environ. Je recommande ce produit.
Very satisfied with this Klarstein red 2l turbine. It is very pretty, the 2l capacity is great, it is not noisy and not that imposing for a turbine of this capacity (about the same as the 1.2l big brand one). Comes with an ice cream scoop, certainly plastic but it's still nice. No recipe book like most, which is a shame but recipes are easy to find. Contrary to what I had read, the user manual is also translated into French. It is very easy to use: a start/pause button, buttons to set the time, you can do without the user manual. I make ice creams with a very satisfying texture in about 30 minutes. I recommend this product.
Een aanwinst! Enige lastige is het ijs uit het draaimechanisme te krijgen. Ik las over veel lawaai en dat ie niet op zijn plek blijft staan. Mijn keukenmachine maakt dubbel zoveel geluid als deze. En als ie klaar is staat ie nog steeds daar waar ik 'm achterliet. Denk dat als je alleen naar de prijs kijkt er goedkopere machines te vinden zijn, maar het oog wil ook wat! Hij is snel op -19 en alles wat je er in gooit is zeer snel bevroren. Vullen als je aan het koken bent. Na het eten kun je je ijs halen. Want hij houdt het ook koud. Makkelijk te reinigen. Zoals gezegd, een aanwinst voor je keuken.
An asset! The only difficult part is getting the ice out of the rotating mechanism. I read about a lot of noise and it not staying in place. My food processor makes twice as much noise as this one. And when it's finished it's still where I left it. I think that if you only look at the price, cheaper machines can be found, but the eye also counts! It's fast at -19 and everything you throw at it freezes very quickly. Fill while you are cooking. After dinner you can get your ice cream. Because he also keeps it cold. Easy to clean. As said, an asset to your kitchen.
super machine à glace
great ice machine
L'unico difetto dell'apparecchio è la mancanza di una vite che tenga ferma la pala. Pur mantecando perfettamente la pala tende a sollevarsi e a fare attaccare il gelato al fondo.
The only flaw of the appliance is the lack of a screw to hold the blade in place. Even though it churns perfectly, the blade tends to lift up and make the ice cream stick to the bottom.
Das Christkind hat meiner Frau das Gerät zu Weihnachten gebracht. Meine Frau ist Köchin, also kein Laie in der Küche. Selber Gastro (Weinschenke und Kaffeehaus) und das Eis vom Kaffeehaus ist sehr hochwertig, keines vom Großmarkt. Also schonmal voreingenommen einem Haushaltsgerät gegenüber. Dazu gab es ein Eis-Kochbuch und die Grundzutaten wie Johannesbrotkornmehl und Trockenglukose. Den Rest bekommt man rasch beim Lebensmittler. Jetzt zu den anderen Rezensionen, die schlechte Eisbildung oder kleben bleiben bemängeln: Das ist kein einziges mal passiert. Keine Ahnung, was man da machen muss, aber bei uns hat jedes Eis super geklappt. Bisher haben wir folgende Eissorten hergestellt: Kaffee, Tiramisu, Caramael, Whisky, Blaubeere, Waldbeere, Nougat, Schoko-Lebkuchen, Vanille, Waldbeere-Frischkäse. Wenn man sich ans Rezept hält, werden die Mischungen wirklich köstlich. Wir haben es Freunden und Familie zum verkosten gebracht (Foto mit Styroporboxen). Alle waren begeistert. Was schon wichtig ist, ist der Prozess der Herstellung an sich, weniger die Zutaten. Nach dem Milch aufkochen und einmischen der Zutaten wird die Rührschüssel Kalt gestellt (Winter ist da natürlich sehr praktisch) und über Nacht auskühlen und gleichzeitig ziehen lassen. So kommt mehr Geschmack ins Eis. Am nächsten Tag das Gerät einschalten und nach 10 Minuten, wenn die Maschine kalt genug ist, einfüllen. Je nach Mischung und Konsistenz ist das Eis in 25-40 Minuten fertig. Wenn man noch Stückchen einmischt oder Whisky, dann immer erst kurz vorm Schluß, das dies nur mehr einige wenige male herumgedreht wird. Bei Stückchen das Eis nicht zu hart werden lassen, sonst mischt sich da nix mehr unter. Bei zähen Bestandteilen wie Caramelsauce das Eis in die Gefrierschüssel und mit einem großen Löffel leicht unterheben. Fertig. Idealerweise die Eisgefäße auch schon vorkühlen oder wenn Glas oder V2A, einfrieren. Ab damit in den Tiefkühler. EDIT 12. Jänner 2021: Da wir im Lockdown viel Zeit haben und Freunde/Familie mit frischen, köstlichen Eis versorgen, läuft die Maschine schon mal einige Stunden am Stück. Zu diesem Zweck habe ich an der Rückseite einen 20cm PC Lüfter mit Neodym Magneten an die Rückseite "geklebt". Das Luxusproblem ergab sich durch den Dauerlauf nach der 3. Portion: Das Gerät wurde an der Rückseite schon sehr warm und konnte die notwendige Kühlung nicht mehr bereitstellen. -Seitlich wird Frischluft angesaugt und nach hinten durch die Kühllamellen rausgeblasen. Der eingebaute Lüfter ist einfach zu schwach. Den Lüfter stecken wir einfach mit dem 5V USB Netzteil an. Hätte das Gerät keine Garantie mehr, würde ich den internen Lüfter einfach gegen einen stärkeren tauschen. Wir sind noch immer begeistert von diesem Gerät und meine neuste Lieblingssorte ist "After Eight". Hauptzutat: Pfefferminz Sirup.
Santa Claus brought the appliance to my wife for Christmas. My wife is a cook, so she's not a novice in the kitchen. She runs a restaurant herself (wine bar and coffee house) and the ice cream from the coffee house is very high quality, not from the supermarket. So she's biased towards a household appliance. She also got an ice cream cookbook and the basic ingredients like carob seed flour and dry glucose. The rest can be easily obtained from the grocery store. Now to the other reviews that complain about poor ice cream formation or sticking: That hasn't happened once. I have no idea what you have to do, but every ice cream has worked great for us. So far we've made the following ice cream flavors: coffee, tiramisu, caramel, whiskey, blueberry, wild berry, nougat, chocolate gingerbread, vanilla, wild berry cream cheese. If you stick to the recipe, the mixtures are really delicious. We gave it to friends and family to try (photo with Styrofoam boxes). Everyone was delighted. What is important is the production process itself, rather than the ingredients. After boiling the milk and mixing in the ingredients, put the mixing bowl in the fridge (winter is of course very practical for this) and leave to cool and steep overnight. This gives the ice cream more flavour. Switch on the machine the next day and after 10 minutes, when the machine is cold enough, fill it. Depending on the mixture and consistency, the ice cream is ready in 25-40 minutes. If you add any chunks or whiskey, only do so shortly before the end so that it is only turned around a few times. If there are chunks, don't let the ice cream get too hard, otherwise nothing will mix in. For tough ingredients like caramel sauce, put the ice cream in the freezer bowl and gently fold in with a large spoon. Done. Ideally, pre-chill the ice cream containers or, if they are made of glass or V2A, freeze them. Put them in the freezer. EDIT January 12, 2021: Since we have a lot of time during lockdown and supply friends/family with fresh, delicious ice cream, the machine sometimes runs for several hours at a time. For this purpose, I "glued" a 20cm PC fan with neodymium magnets to the back. The luxury problem arose from the continuous operation after the 3rd portion: The device was already very warm at the back and could no longer provide the necessary cooling. -Fresh air is sucked in from the side and blown out to the back through the cooling fins. The built-in fan is simply too weak. We simply plug the fan into the 5V USB power supply. If the device no longer had a warranty, I would simply replace the internal fan with a stronger one. We are still enthusiastic about this device and my latest favorite flavor is "After Eight". Main ingredient: peppermint syrup.
Optisch - sehr elegant. Macht richtig was her. Erster Versuch veganes Eis herzustellen hat funktioniert. Cremig und sehr lecker. Die Maschine hat keinen unangenehmen Geruch, ist einfach in der Bedienung und stellt mit den richtigen Zutaten auch ein wunderbar cremiges Eis her. Zusätzlich sind die herausnehmbaren Teile auch einfach und schnell zu reinigen. Entgegen mancher Aussagen anderer Rezensenten, was die Lautstärke im Betrieb betrifft, waren wir mehr als überrascht. Diese Eismaschine läuft wesentlich leiser als alle anderen Küchenmaschinen, Spülmaschine, Staubsauger usw. und die bei uns auch ständig im Einsatz sind. Wir können die Eismaschine guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen.
Visually - very elegant. Looks really good. The first attempt at making vegan ice cream worked. Creamy and very tasty. The machine has no unpleasant smell, is easy to use and makes wonderfully creamy ice cream with the right ingredients. In addition, the removable parts are also quick and easy to clean. Contrary to some statements from other reviewers regarding the noise level during operation, we were more than surprised. This ice cream maker runs much more quietly than all other kitchen appliances, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, etc., which we also use all the time. We can recommend the ice cream maker with a clear conscience.
Tout va bien, les produits correspondent à la description et au prix
Everything is fine, the products correspond to the description and the price
El producto cumple con lo que se le exige a la perfección. Es muy senzilla de usar y tiene una gran capacidad. Las texturas de los helados dependen un poco del contenido de la mezcla pero por norma general la textura es impecable, a la que acaba la heladora tienes un helado listo para comer. Hace falta mencionar que es bastante grande, por otra parte es bastante mas bonita que máquinas que hacen la misma función (a mi parecer queda mucho mejor en la cocina)
The product does what is required of it perfectly. It is very easy to use and has a large capacity. The textures of the ice creams depend a little on the content of the mixture but as a general rule the texture is impeccable, when the ice cream maker is finished you have ice cream ready to eat. It is worth mentioning that it is quite large, on the other hand it is much prettier than machines that do the same function (in my opinion it looks much better in the kitchen)
La máquina de hielo es buena y fácil de usar.
The ice maker is good and easy to use.
Dopo anni di indugi, finalmente ho acquistato questa gelatiera. Sono rimasto impressionato dalla qualità della costruzione. I comandi sono semplici, senza molte funzioni per sorbetti, etc. Non si può regolare la temperatura ed è un pochino rumorosa Ma i gelati li fa davvero bene (se usi gli ingredienti e le ricette giusti, ovvio). Non è proprio facilissimo estrarre il gelato perché la pala girante è di forma complicata, ma con un po' di pazienza e pratica si fa tutto. Poi si pulisce tutto facilmente... Consiglio l'acquisto a chi vuole farsi il gelato in casa: l'acquisto si ripaga dopo pochissimi kg di gelato
After years of hesitation, I finally bought this ice cream maker. I was impressed by the quality of the construction. The controls are simple, without many functions for sorbets, etc. You can't adjust the temperature and it's a little noisy. But it makes really good ice cream (if you use the right ingredients and recipes, of course). It's not exactly easy to extract the ice cream because the rotating blade is complicated in shape, but with a little patience and practice you can do everything. Then you can clean everything easily... I recommend buying it to anyone who wants to make ice cream at home: the purchase pays for itself after just a few kg of ice cream.
No me ha gustado que el desperfecto no esta en el embalaje sino en el aparato en sí
I didn't like that the defect was not in the packaging but in the device itself.
Déjà, beaucoup de glaces réalisées. Très bons résultats, et très facile d’usage. POURQUOI ne pas fournir, une vraie notice d’utilisation, avec les temps de turbinages conseillés, avec les recettes adéquates. Très bon matériel, pour faire plaisir, autour de soi.
Already, a lot of ice cream made. Very good results, and very easy to use. WHY not provide real instructions for use, with recommended stirring times, with appropriate recipes. Very good material, to please those around you.
Macht super leckeres Eis Mit der Eismaschine bin ich zufrieden. Der Preis ist mir doch etwas zu hoch angesetzt. Bei diesem Preis hätte ich mir zumindest ein Rezeptbuch dazu gewünscht. Außerdem kommt der Rührer nicht ganz an den Rand, deshalb ist dort das Eis am edelstahlbehälter festgefroren. Das Eis schmeckt aber wirklich gut!
Makes super delicious ice cream I'm happy with the ice cream maker. The price is a bit too high for me. For that price I would have liked at least a recipe book. Also the stirrer doesn't reach all the way to the edge, so the ice cream freezes to the stainless steel container. But the ice cream tastes really good!
Mit der Eismaschine bin ich zufrieden. Der Preis ist mir doch etwas zu hoch angesetzt. Bei diesem Preis hätte ich mir zumindest ein Rezeptbuch dazu gewünscht. Außerdem kommt der Rührer nicht ganz an den Rand, deshalb ist dort das Eis am edelstahlbehälter festgefroren. Das Eis schmeckt aber wirklich gut!
I'm happy with the ice cream maker. The price is a bit too high for me. For that price, I would have liked at least a recipe book to go with it. Also, the stirrer doesn't reach all the way to the edge, so the ice cream freezes to the stainless steel container. But the ice cream tastes really good!
La máquina para usarla en casa, es excelente, llevo usándolo casi 2 años y nunca me ha dado problemas. El reciente es de 2litros, pero recomiendo usar 1 o 1.2 litros de mix (preparación de Ingredientes) ya que al formarse la crema helada incorpora aire y aumenta su tamaño. Sale de la máquina como crema helada, no como helado, hay que poner en congelador por unas 4horas más, pero esto hay que hacerlo con todas las heladoras, incluso las profesionales. Con una buena máquina no tendrás un buen helado sino lo acompañas con una buena receta para preparar el mix. Todo lleva su tiempo, preparar el mix y reservarlo en nevera, elaborar en esta máquina y luego a congelador. Recién ahí podrás disfrutar tu helado
The machine for home use is excellent. I have been using it for almost 2 years and it has never given me any problems. The most recent one is 2 litres, but I recommend using 1 or 1.2 litres of mix (preparation of ingredients) since when the ice cream is formed it incorporates air and increases its size. It comes out of the machine as ice cream, not as ice cream. It has to be put in the freezer for about 4 hours more, but this has to be done with all ice cream makers, even the professional ones. With a good machine you will not have a good ice cream if you do not accompany it with a good recipe to prepare the mix. Everything takes time, preparing the mix and storing it in the fridge, making it in this machine and then in the freezer. Only then will you be able to enjoy your ice cream.
De momento funciona muy bien la he utilizado dos veces y el helado queda de maravilla Llegó rápidamente y estaba muy bien empaquetada el color es precioso
So far it works very well, I have used it twice and the ice cream is wonderful. It arrived quickly and was very well packaged, the color is beautiful.
Compré esta heladera habiendo visto muchos modelos. Estoy contenta con la compra. Los helados salen muy buenos. Echo de menos alguna sugerencia como un recetario, etc. Es de muy fácil manejo. Veo el inconveniente q se queda bastante helado en las aspas. En líneas generales todo un acierto. Eso sí es grande. Se necesita espacio. No hace apenas ruido. Los helados están listos en 40 minutos.
I bought this ice cream maker after looking at many models. I am happy with the purchase. The ice creams come out very good. I miss some suggestions such as a recipe book, etc. It is very easy to use. I see the drawback that a lot of ice remains on the blades. In general terms, it is a success. It is big though. It takes up space. It hardly makes any noise. The ice creams are ready in 40 minutes.
La macchina di per sé non è male. Non è assolutamente paragonabile ad una macchina professionale o anche semiprofessionale, ma comunque, con un po' di pratica, permette di ottenere un gelato decente. Nonostante le apparenze è piuttosto ingombrante. È anche un po' rumorosa. Per quello che è la trovo decisamente cara.
The machine itself is not bad. It is absolutely not comparable to a professional or even semi-professional machine, but still, with a little practice, it allows you to obtain a decent ice cream. Despite appearances, it is rather bulky. It is also a little noisy. For what it is, I find it decidedly expensive.
Si tienes una buena receta de helado logras un buen producto profesional con una maquina de bajo coste
If you have a good ice cream recipe you can make a good professional product with a low-cost machine.
Magnifique très rapide à glacer. Facile à nettoyer. Je suis content de l'appareil
Beautiful, very quick to glaze. Easy to clean. I am happy with the device
Das Produkt ist wie beschrieben, Versand war schnell und unkompliziert. Handhabung total einfach, Ergebnisse sind gut. Kritikpunkt: Man erhält keine gleichmäßig abgekühlte Eismasse. Am Behälterrand kalt, innen noch nicht ganz gefroren. Aber das ist bei diesem Preis völlig in Ordnung. Denn das Eis wird in Kürzester Zeit heruntergekühlt, danach kann es im Eiskühlschrank noch gleichmäßig nachkühlen und aufbewahrt werden. Das Gerät ist sehr leise, hat ein tolles Design und ist auch sehr gut verarbeitet. Behälter ist sehr einfach herauszunehmen und zu reinigen. Ich habe nicht die Rezepte ausprobiert, die in der Anleitung standen, sondern eigene Gelato-Rezepte - mit herausragendem Ergebnis. Rundum sehr zufrieden. Dieses Produkt ist für jeden zu Empfehlen der mit sehr wenig Aufwand, Gelato/ Eis wie in der Eisdiele erreichen möchte.
The product is as described, shipping was quick and uncomplicated. Very easy to use, results are good. Point of criticism: You don't get an evenly cooled ice cream mixture. Cold around the edge of the container, not completely frozen inside. But that's completely fine for this price. Because the ice cream is cooled down in a very short time, after which it can be evenly cooled in the ice cream fridge and stored. The device is very quiet, has a great design and is also very well made. The container is very easy to remove and clean. I didn't try the recipes in the instructions, but my own gelato recipes - with outstanding results. Very satisfied all round. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to make gelato/ice cream like in an ice cream parlor with very little effort.
Die Eismaschine wird zum Eis machen verwendet... . Dabei wurden verschiedene Eissorten (Erdbeere, Himbeere, Schokolade, Vanille, Zitrone,...) bereits ausprobiert. Genug Eis für ca. 4 Personen in einem Durchgang (ca. 30 min). Insgesamt vergebe ich 4/5 Sternen, neben den vielen guten Punkten auch kleine Abstriche zu machen sind. + Eis gemäß mitgeliefertem Rezept funktioniert gut + Rezept leicht modifizierbar zu verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen + Ebenfalls für größere Eismengen zu gebrauchen (Es dauert dann nur etwas länger. Es lohnt sich eher bei der angegebenen Menge zu bleiben und mehr Durchläufe durchzuführen.) + Auch für Früchte geeignet. (Samen raus filtern!) + Gut zu reinigen im Waschbecken o Ein Kühlaggregat macht halt Geräusche - Motor zur Mischung etwas schwach, er müht sich arg sobald die Masse kühl und fester wird.
The ice cream maker is used to make ice cream... . Various flavors of ice cream (strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla, lemon,...) have already been tried out. Enough ice cream for around 4 people in one go (around 30 minutes). Overall, I'd give it 4/5 stars; alongside the many good points, there are also some small drawbacks. + Ice cream works well according to the recipe provided + Recipe can be easily modified to create different flavors + Can also be used for larger quantities of ice cream (It just takes a little longer. It's worth sticking to the amount stated and doing more runs.) + Also suitable for fruit. (Filter out the seeds!) + Easy to clean in the sink o A cooling unit makes noise - Motor for mixing is a bit weak, it struggles as soon as the mixture cools and solidifies.
This is a solid no frills product with a large capacity tub and vertical orientation which takes up less work surface space. Made 2 litres from room temperature custard in 40 mins. Purchased black version to match fridge. Seems to be well engineered and solid.
This is a solid no frills product with a large capacity tub and vertical orientation which takes up less work surface space. Made 2 litres from room temperature custard in 40 mins. Purchased black version to match fridge. Seems to be well engineered and solid.
Zuvor hatte ich eine Eismaschine mit Akku, die man in die Gefriertruhe stellt, für ca. 4 Stunden. Auch bei Amazon erhältlich https://www.amazon.de/Ariete-630-0-Cream-Cordless-Mehrlagig/dp/B071LB4G2F Die macht kein schlechtes Eis, aber ist nicht mit der Klarstein zu vergleichen. Ich habe mich an die Rezeptur in dem beiliegenden Heftchen gehalten (Vanille Eis) und war nach ca. 40 Minuten begeistert. Einfach nur lecker ! Ich musste mich zwingen, die Portion einzufrieren, denn das Eis kommt schon sehr softig raus und schmeckt einfach nur lecker. Wenn man den richtigen Zeitpunkt verpasst, wird die Eismasse am Rührarm sehr hart und drückt gegen den Klarsichtdeckel. Mehr wie -28 Grad, habe ich nicht erreicht. Die Eismaschine ist m.E. sehr leise und sieht wirklich gut aus. Sie ist schwer und wenn man sie mal eben auf dem Regal oben verstauen möchte, so benötigt man da eine Frau mit viel Muskeln oder einen Mann. Bei der Lieferung durch DPD, kam die Eismaschine im Originalkarton, also keine Umverpackung/Schutz,etc. Die Styroporumrandung im Karton, schützte zwar die Maschine, aber nicht den völlig offenen und freiligenden Klarsichtdeckel. Dieser war zersplittert und hatte massive Risse. Nach Kontaktaufnahme mit Klarstein, konnte eine für beide Seiten zufriedenstellende Lösung gefunden werden. Der Klarsichtdeckel ist baugleich mit Unold und wird auch hier bei Amazon angeboten. Die telefonischer Kontaktaufnahme mit Klarstein, gab ich nach 1.5 Stunden in der Warteschleife auf. Hier müsst ihr schreiben, sonst geht wohl nichts. Ich jedoch bin mit der Eismaschine und der Lösung des Problems zufrieden und kann daher nur ein POSITIV aussprechen. Maschine macht lecki Eis und dafür ist sie da ! Im Sommer sehen wir weiter und ich berichte. Bartputzer
I previously had an ice cream maker with a battery that you put in the freezer for about 4 hours. Also available on Amazon https://www.amazon.de/Ariete-630-0-Cream-Cordless-Mehrlagig/dp/B071LB4G2F It doesn't make bad ice cream, but it can't be compared to the Klarstein. I stuck to the recipe in the enclosed booklet (vanilla ice cream) and was impressed after about 40 minutes. Simply delicious! I had to force myself to freeze the portion because the ice cream comes out very soft and tastes simply delicious. If you miss the right time, the ice cream mixture becomes very hard on the stirring arm and presses against the transparent lid. I didn't get any lower than -28 degrees. In my opinion, the ice cream maker is very quiet and looks really good. It's heavy and if you want to quickly store it on the top shelf, you need a woman with a lot of muscles or a man. When delivered by DPD, the ice cream maker came in the original box, so no outer packaging/protection, etc. The polystyrene border in the box protected the machine, but not the completely open and exposed transparent lid. This was splintered and had massive cracks. After contacting Klarstein, a solution was found that was satisfactory for both sides. The transparent lid is identical to Unold and is also offered here on Amazon. I gave up trying to contact Klarstein by phone after 1.5 hours on hold. You have to write here, otherwise nothing will work. However, I am happy with the ice cream maker and the solution to the problem and can therefore only say POSITIVE. The machine makes delicious ice cream and that's what it's there for! We'll see what happens in the summer and I'll report back. Beard cleaner
Buongiorno a tutti, ci tengo a recensire questa macchina del gelato per aiutare i futuri compratori nella scelta del prodotto migliore. In questo caso i feedback sono tra i più disparati e per questo vorrei fare un po’ di ordine nelle idee della gente. Ricevere un elettrodomestico che non funziona non vuol dire che in sé la gelatiera non è buona così come produrre un gelato con cristalli di ghiaccio o poco cremoso o al contrario troppo morbido non è il giusto metro di valutazione di questa macchina (COME HO LETTO IN DIVERSE RECENSIONI). Io ad esempio ho provato mille ricette con diversi dosaggi e vi assicuro che a seconda delle proporzioni panna e latte che ho messo il gelato è venuto più o meno bene. Quindi partendo dal presupposto che ognuno di noi dovrebbe trovare il mix adatto al suo palato LA MACCHINA E’ ECCEZIONALE!!!!!!! I tempi di realizzazione sono super brevi… in 30 – 40 minuti fa un gelato cremoso (come quello della gelateria) mangiabile anche all’istante e che non necessità di essere riposto in freezer prima del consumo. E’ silenziosissima si percepisce a malapena il rumore della pala che gira!!!! Le temperature che raggiunge sono intorno ai -20° C -25° C non costanti ma forse è proprio quella la modalità di funzionamento ideale perché vi assicuro che il gelato è ottimo. La capienza inoltre è perfetta anche per una famiglia numerosa (noi siamo in 5 e vi assicuro che il gelato lo divoriamo!!). Fino ad ora io ho sottoutilizzato il cestello (perché ho inserito sino ad un massimo di circa 750 ml di liquidi tra panna e latte) e sono riuscita a realizzare circa 750 g di gelato. Ma posso assicurare che potrei tranquillamente arrivare a produrne 1kg perché di spazio ne avanza in abbondanza a processo finito. PER tutti coloro che criticano la macchina in base ai cristalli che trovano nel gelato o alla cremosità che raggiunge a processo finito il prodotto vorrei (PER PROVE FISICAMENTE E PERSONALMENTE FATTE) evidenziare che: 1) LA CREMOSITA’ DEL GELATO E’ DATA SOPRATTUTTO DA QUANTO GLI INGREDIENTI CHE USERETE SONO GRASSI (es. latte intero e panna fresca non light danno un risultato tipo gelato della gelateria) 2) LA CRISTALLIZZAZIONE IN FREEZER è minore tanta più panna usate. Se cambiate le dosi (aumentate il latte e riducete la panna…. Come faccio io per rendere più leggero il prodotto finale… ovviamente appena fatto è cremoso ma messo in freezer perde un po’ di cremosità e diventa più duro!!! prove diverse mi hanno dimostrato che aumentando la panna e diminuendo il latte anche dopo una giornata in freezer il gelato era cremoso come appena fatto!!! Vi posso addirittura dire che la prima ricetta in proporzione ho messo un quantitativo di panna fresca doppio rispetto al quantitativo di latte intero... e il risultato è stato eccezionale!!! Ora invece metto un quantitativo di panna che è la metà di quello del latte e uso latte parzialmente scremato e il risultato è cremoso appena fatto, ma più compatto dopo la permanenza in freezer... DIPENDE DAI GUSTI) IL TUTTO PER DIRE CHE LA GELATIERA è PERFETTA!!!!! CAPIENZA ECCELENTE DESIGN ACCATTIVANTE INGOMBRO RELATIVO RUMOROSITA’ SILENZIOSA VELOCITA’ DI REALIZZAZIONE DEL PRODOTTO: 30-40 MINUTI Unica pecca MA INCONSISTENZE RISPETTO A TUTTO IL RESTO!!! La macchina si deve sempre staccare dalla presa elettrica e nei periodi di non uso deve rimanere staccata, non come ad esempio il forno a microonde che quando non si usa, risulta spento e segnala ad esempio l’orario…
Good morning everyone, I would like to review this ice cream maker to help future buyers choose the best product. In this case, the feedback is very varied and for this reason I would like to put some order in people's ideas. Receiving an appliance that doesn't work doesn't mean that the ice cream maker itself isn't good, just as producing ice cream with ice crystals or not very creamy or on the contrary too soft is not the right yardstick for evaluating this machine (AS I HAVE READ IN SEVERAL REVIEWS). For example, I have tried a thousand recipes with different doses and I assure you that depending on the proportions of cream and milk that I put in, the ice cream came out more or less well. So starting from the assumption that each of us should find the right mix for his or her palate, THE MACHINE IS EXCEPTIONAL!!!!!!! The preparation times are super short… in 30 – 40 minutes it makes a creamy ice cream (like the one in the ice cream shop) that can be eaten instantly and that does not need to be put in the freezer before eating. It is very silent, you can barely hear the noise of the blade turning!!!! The temperatures it reaches are around -20° C -25° C not constant but maybe that is the ideal operating mode because I assure you that the ice cream is excellent. The capacity is also perfect for a large family (there are 5 of us and I assure you that we devour the ice cream!!). Up until now I have underused the basket (because I have inserted up to a maximum of about 750 ml of liquid between cream and milk) and I have managed to make about 750 g of ice cream. But I can assure you that I could easily produce 1 kg because there is plenty of space left over at the end of the process. FOR all those who criticize the machine based on the crystals they find in the ice cream or the creaminess that the product reaches at the end of the process, I would like to highlight (FOR PHYSICALLY AND PERSONALLY DONE TESTS) that: 1) THE CREAMINESS OF THE ICE CREAM IS GIVEN ABOVE ALL BY HOW FATTY THE INGREDIENTS YOU USE ARE (e.g. whole milk and non-light fresh cream give a result similar to ice cream from the ice cream shop) 2) CRYSTALLIZATION IN THE FREEZER is lower the more cream you use. If you change the doses (increase the milk and reduce the cream... As I do to make the final product lighter... obviously when freshly made it is creamy but when put in the freezer it loses a bit of creaminess and becomes harder!!! Different tests have shown me that by increasing the cream and decreasing the milk even after a day in the freezer the ice cream was as creamy as when freshly made!!! I can even tell you that in the first recipe I put double the amount of fresh cream compared to the amount of whole milk... and the result was exceptional!!! Now instead I put half the amount of cream and use semi-skimmed milk and the result is creamy when freshly made, but more compact after staying in the freezer... IT DEPENDS ON YOUR TASTE) ALL TO SAY THAT THE ICE CREAM MAKER IS PERFECT!!!!! EXCELLENT CAPACITY ATTRACTIVE DESIGN RELATIVE DIMENSION SILENT NOISE PRODUCT PROCESSING SPEED: 30-40 MINUTES Only flaw BUT INCONSISTENT COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE!!! The machine must always be unplugged from the electrical outlet and must remain unplugged during periods of non-use, not like for example the microwave oven which when not in use, is turned off and indicates for example the time…
Article livré dans les délais. La qualité est tout à fait conforme à la description et vraiment très bonne. La sorbetière donne l'impression d'un matériel professionnel. La réfrigération est très puissante et rapide.
Item delivered on time. The quality is fully consistent with the description and really very good. The ice cream maker gives the impression of professional equipment. The refrigeration is very powerful and fast.
Ho acquistato questa gelatiera, e anche la mia non scende sotto i -20, invece da un'altra recensione si vede dalle foto e dal video che arriva a -38. Per quanto riguarda la durezza del gelato devo dire che mi sembra troppo morbido se confrontato con le mie due precedenti gelatiere (Simac e Gaggia), quando si bloccava la pala il gelato era molto più duro e pronto per essere consumato, invece con questa deve stare in freezer per alcune ore. Io credo che il problema possa essere la scarsa potenza del motore che muove la pala oppure la conformazione della pala stessa, infatti la pala di questa gelatiera raschia molto le pareti del cestello e quindi incontra più resistenza di quelle della Simac e della Gaggia che invece non erano così aderenti alle pareti. Punto molto positivo è che è molto più silenziosa e il gelato è pronto in meno tempo rispetto a quelle che avevo prima. Occupa meno spazio sul piano di lavoro visto che ha uno sviluppo verticale, comunque bisogna lasciare spazio intorno alle griglie di raffreddamento per una corretta circolazione dell'aria. Certo è pesante, ma considerate che ha un motore di un frigorifero e un motore che fa girare la pale, non può essere leggera! Suggerimento: Per evitare che il gelato diventi un mattone quando rimane in freezer per molto tempo provate a utilizzare questo prodotto:Gomma di Tara 250 g basta scioglierne un cucchiaino in un litro di latte caldo, lasciar raffreddare il latte e poi procedere con la preparazione del gelato. E' un prodotto naturale e usato in minime quantità mantiene il gelato cremoso anche dopo giorni di conservazione in freezer.
English: I bought this ice cream maker, and mine also does not go below -20, instead from another review you can see from the photos and the video that it reaches -38. As for the hardness of the ice cream I have to say that it seems too soft compared to my two previous ice cream makers (Simac and Gaggia), when the blade was blocked the ice cream was much harder and ready to be consumed, instead with this one it has to stay in the freezer for a few hours. I believe that the problem could be the low power of the motor that moves the blade or the shape of the blade itself, in fact the blade of this ice cream maker scrapes the walls of the basket a lot and therefore encounters more resistance than those of the Simac and Gaggia which instead were not so adherent to the walls. A very positive point is that it is much quieter and the ice cream is ready in less time than those I had before. It takes up less space on the worktop since it has a vertical development, however you have to leave space around the cooling grids for proper air circulation. Sure it's heavy, but consider that it has a refrigerator motor and a motor that turns the blades, it can't be light! Tip: To prevent the ice cream from becoming a brick when it stays in the freezer for a long time, try using this product: Tara Gum 250 g, just dissolve a teaspoon in a liter of hot milk, let the milk cool and then proceed with the preparation of the ice cream. It's a natural product and used in minimal quantities it keeps the ice cream creamy even after days of storage in the freezer.
Le recenzioni pubblicate sul prodotto sono forvianti. il motivo è che non c'è una guida vera e propria che spiega i vari passaggi. Se la gelatiera arriva a -39 non è che funziona bene e quelle che fanno -20 funzionano male anzi. Come il prodotto arrivatomi deve stare intorno a -18. e lo fa egregiamente. Monta molto bene il gelato. Per tutti quelli che nelle recensioni insistono dicendo che il gelato è molle devono sapere che dalla gelatiera deve uscire morbido e deve riposare in freezer. Come fanno i gelatai professionisti. Il prodotto è ottimo, fa un ottimo gelato (provata subito) incorpora bene l'aria all' interno del gelato. E' bella. Si pulisce bene ed è molto pratica. Il venditore pero' dovrebbe spiegare bene quali sono i passaggi per fare un buon gelato artigianale, evitando di creare dubbi tra i clienti che pensano che se la macchina fa -18 funziona male e se fa -40 funziona bene.
The reviews published on the product are misleading. The reason is that there is no real guide that explains the various steps. If the ice cream maker reaches -39 it does not work well and those that do -20 work badly indeed. Like the product I received it must be around -18. and it does it very well. It whips the ice cream very well. For all those who insist in the reviews saying that the ice cream is soft they must know that the ice cream maker must come out soft and must rest in the freezer. As professional ice cream makers do. The product is excellent, it makes excellent ice cream (tried immediately) incorporates the air well inside the ice cream. It is beautiful. It cleans well and is very practical. However, the seller should explain well what the steps are to make a good artisanal ice cream, avoiding creating doubts among customers who think that if the machine does -18 it works badly and if it does -40 it works well.
Es un poco caro pero una vez que lo tienes te olvidas del precio. Aunque estemos en pleno invierno no me canso de hacer helados. Necesitas un buen espacio para ponerla porque es GRANDE y no es un aparato para mover (aunque puedes). El exterior es metálico, la cubeta de acero inoxidable y todo el conjunto de gran calidad. Te tienes que buscar la vida para buscar recetas porque no tiene libro de recetas, una lástima. Apenas hace ruido. Si cuando acaba no lo apagas, al rato se pone en marcha el sistema para mantener tu helado frío. En fin, no sé qué más contaros, sólo os puedo decir que estoy ENCANTADA. No hay nada como un buen helado casero hecho cuando te da la gana.
It's a bit expensive but once you have it you forget about the price. Even though it's the middle of winter I never get tired of making ice cream. You need a good space to put it because it's BIG and it's not a device to move (although you can). The exterior is metal, the stainless steel bowl and the whole set is of great quality. You have to go out of your way to look up recipes because it doesn't have a recipe book, which is a shame. It hardly makes any noise. If you don't turn it off when it's finished, after a while the system starts to keep your ice cream cold. Anyway, I don't know what else to tell you, I can only say that I'm DELIGHTED. There's nothing like a good homemade ice cream made whenever you feel like it.
Voir mon commentaire sur vanilly argentée , la machine que j ai achetée est bien celle ci ,et j ai bien été remboursé de ma première commande
See my comment on vanilly argente, the machine I bought is indeed this one, and I was reimbursed for my first order