[Returns: -15%] Ecowash-Pico Camping Washing Machine

£ 66.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 52030791
Ecowash-Pico Camping Washing Machine
£ 66.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 50.99
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Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Energy-saving top loader 380W washing machine with centrifugal function

  • 135W centrifugal performance and 3.5kg wash capacity

  • Adjustable washing and centrifugal bucket


  • On / off switch on the device
  • Wash timer: 0 to 10 minutes
  • Spin timer: 1 to 3 minutes
  • Fixed drain hose
  • Low noise operation
  • Foldable carrying handle
  • Rear cable rewind
  • Anti-slip rubber feet
  • Electricity supply: 220-240V ~ 50/60 Hz
Product number: 52030791

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Measurements: about 35 x 44 cm (ØxT)
  • Supply hose: about 1.5 x 112 cm (ØxL)
  • Drain hose: 2 x 35 cm (ØxL)
  • Cable length: 135 cm
  • Weight: about 5 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x drain hose
  • 1 x supply hose
  • Instruction manual in English(other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
52 Ratings

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Veramente ottimo acquisto, lava benissimo, nonostante sia piccola è anche molto capiente.

Really great purchase, it washes very well, even though it is small it is also very roomy.


Questa cara amica mi ha aiutato tantissimo quando stavo in affitto fuori città e non sapevo quanti mesi sarei stato via. Facile, non rovina capi o scarpe. Si può riporre in spazi sufficientemente ristretti

This dear friend helped me so much when I was renting out of town and didn't know how many months I would be gone. Easy, doesn't ruin clothes or shoes. Can be stored in fairly small spaces


Direi funzionante e ottimo unica pecca non ho acquistato quella da 3 kili e mezzo ma non lava nemmeno 2 kili direi una maglietta e 1 paio di calzini comunque molto utile x il pre ammollo direi abbastanza soddisfatta

I would say it works and is excellent. The only flaw is that I didn't buy the 3.5 kilo one but it doesn't even wash 2 kilos. I would say a t-shirt and a pair of socks. However, it is very useful for pre-soaking. I would say I am quite satisfied.


X lavare poca roba é perfetta

For washing a few things it's perfect


Ho dato 4 stelle perché non sono soddisfatto delle condizioni della lavatrice che mi hanno spedito. È stata applicata prima la pellicola ai pezzi singoli e poi assemblata, rendendo così difficile la rimozione della pellicola che è rimasta incastrata fra le giunture. I gommini di sotto sono tutti rovinati, anche la stessa lavatrice presenta graffi e ammaccature e anche un po' di sporco. Credo sia già stata utilizzata da qualcuno, resa e rimessa in commercio. Comunque per il resto fa il suo lavoro! Facile da usare e da capire.

I gave 4 stars because I am not satisfied with the condition of the washing machine that was sent to me. The film was applied first to the individual pieces and then assembled, making it difficult to remove the film that remained stuck between the joints. The rubbers underneath are all ruined, even the washing machine itself has scratches and dents and also a little dirt. I think it has already been used by someone, returned and put back on the market. However, for the rest it does its job! Easy to use and understand.


This is great for soaking washing overnight, ready to wash next day. The drum turns round, so you need to agitate the washing, to get the dirt out. I put the draining hose into a bucket, so that I can recycle the water. It doesn't spin much water out, so I bought a spin dryer.

This is great for soaking washing overnight, ready to wash next day. The drum turns round, so you need to agitate the washing, to get the dirt out. I put the draining hose into a bucket, so that I can recycle the water. It doesn't spin much water out, so I bought a spin dryer.


il prodotto è di buona qualità , la centrifuga non è così efficace ma non si può pretendere di più. le istruzioni sono un po' confuse IMPORTANTE .Viene consigliato dopo ogni lavaggio di pulire il filtro ma non si capisce proprio come si possa fare .

the product is of good quality, the spin cycle is not that effective but you can't expect more. the instructions are a bit confusing IMPORTANT. It is recommended to clean the filter after each wash but it is not clear how this can be done.


La mini lavatrice, arrivata con largo anticipo e ben imballata, non ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative, dal punto di vista qualitativo e strutturale. L'idea è buona, ma andrebbe rivista, a mio avviso, la progettazione (materiali, collocazione dei tubi di carico e scarico acqua, grandezza del cestello). Ho effettuato il reso, subito approvato dal venditore. Ho spedito il pacco seguendo le indicazioni e dopo appena tre giorni è stato effettuato il rimborso. Serietà e precisione che meritano comunque 5 stelle. N.B. Ci sono le istruzioni in italiano.

The mini washing machine, which arrived well in advance and well packaged, did not meet my expectations, in terms of quality and structure. The idea is good, but in my opinion the design should be reviewed (materials, placement of the water inlet and outlet pipes, size of the drum). I returned it, which was immediately approved by the seller. I sent the package following the instructions and after just three days the refund was made. Seriousness and precision that still deserve 5 stars. NB There are instructions in Italian.


La mini lavatrice, arrivata con largo anticipo e ben imballata, non ha soddisfatto le mie aspettative, dal punto di vista qualitativo e strutturale. L'idea è buona, ma andrebbe rivista, a mio avviso, la progettazione (materiali, collocazione dei tubi di carico e scarico acqua, grandezza del cestello). Ho effettuato il reso, subito approvato dal venditore. Ho spedito il pacco seguendo le indicazioni e dopo appena tre giorni è stato effettuato il rimborso. Serietà e precisione che meritano comunque 5 stelle. N.B. Ci sono le istruzioni in italiano.

The mini washing machine, which arrived well in advance and well packaged, did not meet my expectations, in terms of quality and structure. The idea is good, but in my opinion the design should be reviewed (materials, placement of the water inlet and outlet pipes, size of the drum). I returned it, which was immediately approved by the seller. I sent the package following the instructions and after just three days the refund was made. Seriousness and precision that still deserve 5 stars. NB There are instructions in Italian.


Bella capiente, la uso per lavare i panni di mio figlio neonato che vengono molto bene. Unica pecca il cestello della centrifuga troppo piccolo..

Nice and roomy, I use it to wash my newborn son's clothes and they come out very well. The only flaw is the spin basket which is too small.


L’ho comprata per il campeggio e per ora l’ho testata solo in casa ma mi ha soddisfatta. Pulisce bene e anche la centrifuga seppur piccola fa il suo dovere. Se si ha premura bisogna tener conto che per il risciacquo bisogna cambiare l’acqua e che la centrifuga come può contenere al massimo due magliette. Ho dato 4 stelle e non 5 perché la manopola e il rifinimento dei profili non sono di qualità, ma nell’insieme sembra ben fatta.

I bought it for camping and for now I have only tested it at home but I am satisfied. It cleans well and even the centrifuge, although small, does its job. If you are in a hurry you have to take into account that for rinsing you have to change the water and that the centrifuge can hold a maximum of two t-shirts. I gave 4 stars and not 5 because the knob and the finishing of the profiles are not of quality, but overall it seems well made.


Prodotto interessante, svolge la sua funzione discretamente.sostituisce di fatto il solo lavaggio a mano. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Unico difetto forse servirebbe uno strumento di chiusura del cestello per evitare che qualche schizzo d'acqua possa uscire fuori.

Interesting product, it does its job discreetly. It actually replaces hand washing only. Excellent value for money. The only flaw is that a tool for closing the basket would be useful to prevent any splashes of water from coming out.


Utilizzata al mare. È una soluzione per piccoli indumenti delicati e non. Meglio del lavaggio a mano perché non li rovina. Centrifuga praticamente inutile ma i lavaggi vengono decentemente.

Used at the beach. It is a solution for small delicate and non-delicate garments. Better than hand washing because it does not ruin them. Spin cycle is practically useless but the washes come out decently.


Buon prodotto sembra un po’ fragile . Spero che mi duri nel tempo. Ne ho un’altra della stessa marca ed è stata buona funziona tutt’ora . Ho comprato questa perché è più bella da vedere ,spero sia come la precedente in fatto di qualità.

Good product seems a bit fragile. I hope it lasts me over time. I have another one of the same brand and it was good, it still works. I bought this one because it is nicer to look at, I hope it is like the previous one in terms of quality.


La mini lavatrice dopo 15 giorni di vacanza posso dire che funziona bene e anche se tutta in plastica ha un design veramente carino. E' una alternativa perfetta al lavaggio a mano quindi non va certo paragonata ad una lavatrice normale anche semplicemente per il costo e la facilità di installazione. Il lavaggio della biancheria è ottimo anche nella quantità ma senza eccedere, il risciacquo anche ma la centrifuga lasciatela stare perchè è tempo perso, la strizzatura se volete risparmiare sul tempo di asciugatura va fatto a mano. Nell'insieme un giudizio più che positivo e gli dò 5 stelle solo perchè per me va paragonata al lavaggio a mano. Attenzione a non eccedere con il detersivo altrimenti bisogna aumentare i cicli di riscacquo , ottima con il detersivo in polvere per lavatrice: poca schiuma e potere detergente in genere superiore ai detersivi liquidi.

The mini washing machine after 15 days of vacation I can say that it works well and even if it is all plastic it has a really nice design. It is a perfect alternative to hand washing so it certainly should not be compared to a normal washing machine even simply for the cost and ease of installation. The washing of the laundry is excellent also in quantity but without overdoing it, the rinsing too but leave the spin cycle alone because it is a waste of time, the wringing if you want to save on drying time should be done by hand. Overall a more than positive judgment and I give it 5 stars only because for me it should be compared to hand washing. Be careful not to overdo it with the detergent otherwise you have to increase the rinse cycles, excellent with washing machine powder detergent: little foam and generally superior cleaning power to liquid detergents.


This product is very good for washing but for dry spinning I can give them 60%dry But it’s not a big issue it’s acceptable

This product is very good for washing but for dry spinning I can give them 60%dry But it’s not a big issue it’s acceptable


Does what I wanted..spin not too good so used mine..washed well..use it on the draining board..I love it...

Does what I wanted..spin not too good so used mine..washed well..use it on the draining board..I love it...


Esteticamente superiore, pratica e funzionale per piccolo bucato, l'ho comprata per la casa al mare, perfetta per lavare indumenti leggeri. Penso di portarla con me anche in viaggio, trasportabile senza problemi in in borsone. Chiaramente non sostituisce la lavatrice di casa, ma utilissima per non accumulare indumenti sudati di uso giornaliero. Semplice da usare, istruzioni anche in italiano, il prezzo non ha paragoni, meno di 100 euro. È arrivata prima del previsto con Bartolini, sono soddisfatta di questo acquisto, la consiglio vivamente per chi come me viaggia per lunghi periodi e non sempre trova lavanderie self service vicine e pulite.

Aesthetically superior, practical and functional for small laundry, I bought it for the beach house, perfect for washing light clothing. I think I'll take it with me on trips, easily transportable in a bag. Obviously it doesn't replace the home washing machine, but very useful for not accumulating sweaty clothes from daily use. Simple to use, instructions also in Italian, the price is unmatched, less than 100 euros. It arrived earlier than expected with Bartolini, I'm satisfied with this purchase, I highly recommend it for those like me who travel for long periods and don't always find self-service laundries nearby and clean.


Progettata per essere molto funzionale, ottima l'estetica molto bella da vedere. Peccato per i materiali utilizzati, al tatto si nota che non siano di ottima qualità (anche la maniglia) ma l'importante credo sia fare molta attenzione a non farle prendere colpi. Per quanto riguarda il lavaggio è ok, fa il suo dovere per ora utilizzando dei detersivi liquidi è il top visto il ristretto tempo del ciclo di lavaggio (10'). Attenzione a non sovraccaricare ne impedisce il corretto uso e la macchina va sotto sforzo. - Accappatoio ok (singolo) - Pantalone lungo più 2 t-shirt ok - 3/4 paia di boxer+ 5/6 paia di calzini ok -2 max 3 maglie lunghe ok -3 t-shirt ok Naturalmente questi sono consigli di carico per un lavaggio più accurato con 2 cicli almeno da 10'. Consiglio il 2° ciclo (non obbligato) di risciacquo per eliminare completamente il detersivo ed 1 da 5' per l'ammorbidente. Per quanto riguarda la parte centrifuga non bisogna avere pretese, il cestello naturalmente è molto ridotto quindi un accappatoio non entra, consiglio strizzata a mano e stendere. Nel complesso per ora darei un 7 su 10. La ricomprerei? Si. (per ora)

Designed to be very functional, excellent aesthetics very nice to look at. Too bad about the materials used, to the touch you can tell they are not of excellent quality (even the handle) but I think the important thing is to be very careful not to let it take a hit. As for washing it is ok, it does its job for now using liquid detergents is the best given the limited time of the wash cycle (10 '). Be careful not to overload it prevents correct use and the machine is under stress. - Bathrobe ok (single) - Long trousers plus 2 t-shirts ok - 3/4 pairs of boxers + 5/6 pairs of socks ok -2 max 3 long shirts ok -3 t-shirts ok Naturally these are loading suggestions for a more thorough wash with 2 cycles of at least 10'. I recommend the 2nd (not obligatory) rinse cycle to completely eliminate the detergent and 1 of 5' for the fabric softener. As for the spin cycle, you shouldn't have any expectations, the basket is obviously very small so a bathrobe won't fit, I recommend wringing it out by hand and hanging it out. Overall, for now, I would give it a 7 out of 10. Would I buy it again? Yes. (for now)


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Ci sono da dire alcune cose su questo prodotto,l'ho provata per l'intera estate alla casa al mare,in primis mi viene da dire, di non aspettarvi una lavatrice, dall'altra mi viene da dire wow. Incominciamo dalla capacità, secondo me non è 3.5kkg di bucato,perché se la carichi troppo non gira.si deve avere la pazienza di lavare poco per volta,io sono riuscita a lavare,un lenzuolo matrimoniale con angolo, senza aggiungere niente,oppure 3 t-shirt e due pantaloncini in cotone leggero tutto insieme, E anche un telo mare,sempre da solo. Parliamo del ciclo lavaggio:è TROPPO BREVE!... potevano farlo più lungo,dura 10 minuti,io lo faccio andare x 3 volte ,il risciacquo invece ehhm.... lo faccio sempre per tre volte avendo la santa pazienza ogni volta di scaricarla e ricaricarla. La centrifuga invece è inesistenza non strizza x niente, io lo faccio a mano! Nel complesso con tanta pazienza e detersivo di ottima qualità, il risultato è senza dubbio ottimo, i capi vengono lavati bene ,e io non potendo avere la lavatrice in casa mi sono salvata le vacanze.

Unable to load media. There are a few things to say about this product, I tried it all summer at the beach house, first of all I have to say, don't expect a washing machine, on the other hand I have to say wow. Let's start with the capacity, in my opinion it is not 3.5kkg of laundry, because if you load it too much it doesn't spin. You have to have the patience to wash a little at a time, I managed to wash, a double bed sheet with a corner, without adding anything, or 3 t-shirts and two light cotton shorts all together, and also a beach towel, always alone. Let's talk about the washing cycle: it is TOO SHORT! ... they could have made it longer, it lasts 10 minutes, I run it x 3 times, the rinse instead ehhm.... I always do it three times having the holy patience each time to unload and reload it. The spin cycle on the other hand is non-existent, it doesn't wring at all, I do it by hand! Overall, with a lot of patience and excellent quality detergent, the result is undoubtedly excellent, the clothes are washed well, and since I can't have a washing machine at home, I saved my holidays.


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Il pacco è arrivato dalla Germania. Il venditore mi ha inviato subito lo scontrino di acquisto (oltre la ricevuta di Amazon). Il pacco è arrivato nei giorni previsti. L'imballaggio è ottimo, c'erano tre scatolo più il cellofan bianco per gli urti. La lavatrice è molto leggera. Ha due differenti timer (5 e 10 minuti). In se, trovando brevi i timer, non scarico l'acqua col sapone, ma faccio ripartire il timer. Non ho ancora capito come inserire il timer per 10 minuti (in quanto il timer se provo a girarlo sul 10 fa resistenza) , ma vado di 5 in 5 per un 20/25 minuti. Il capo poi lo sciacquo velocemente a mano prima di fare un risciacquo. La centrifuga non è fenomenale, ma meglio di nulla. Per lo scarico bisogna stendere il cavo, in quanto non è provvista di motore apposito per far defluire l acqua. L'interno non è enorme, ma neanche minuscolo ( come indicavano alcune recensioni); Come da foto ci entra tranquillamente un lenzuolo 190x200, quindi un matrimoniale. In se il lenzuolo è fatto con un tessuto leggero, ma ospita tranquillamente anche lenzuola più spesse per lettino e per letto da una piazza e mezzo. Per la centrifuga una parte delle lenzuola rimangono fuori, quindi sono costretta a girarlo al termine della prima centrifuga. Non è la lavatrice della vita, ma alla fine non è neanche malissimo. Certo se uno ha lo spazio con 250 euro (anche qui su Amazon) compra una lavatrice normale da 5/6 chili. Io personalmente l'ho presa in quanto ho una lavatrice da 12 chili e non posso farla con tre panni in croce. Non ho inserito un video sul funzionamento della lavatrice in quanto già presenti. Inoltre state attenti alle offerte che mettono per questo prodotto, io alla fine sono riuscita a comprarla per 70 euro, ma poco dopo il mio acquisto ci fu un ulteriore ribasso (un 55/60 euro).

Unable to load media. The package arrived from Germany. The seller immediately sent me the receipt of purchase (in addition to the Amazon receipt). The package arrived on schedule. The packaging is excellent, there were three boxes plus white cellophane for shocks. The washing machine is very light. It has two different timers (5 and 10 minutes). In itself, finding the timers short, I do not drain the water with soap, but I restart the timer. I still have not understood how to insert the timer for 10 minutes (as the timer resists if I try to turn it to 10), but I go from 5 to 5 for 20/25 minutes. I then rinse the garment quickly by hand before doing a rinse. The spin cycle is not phenomenal, but better than nothing. To drain, you have to stretch the cable, as it does not have a special motor to drain the water. The interior is not huge, but not tiny either (as some reviews indicated); As shown in the photo, a 190x200 sheet fits easily, so a double bed. The sheet is made of a light fabric, but it can also easily accommodate thicker sheets for a cot and a queen-size bed. During the spin cycle, some of the sheets remain outside, so I am forced to turn it over at the end of the first spin cycle. It is not the washing machine of a lifetime, but in the end it is not bad either. Of course, if you have the space, with 250 euros (even here on Amazon) you can buy a normal 5/6 kilo washing machine. I personally bought it because I have a 12 kilo washing machine and I cannot do it with three clothes crosswise. I have not included a video on how the washing machine works because they are already available. Also, be careful about the offers they put on this product, in the end I managed to buy it for 70 euros, but shortly after my purchase there was a further discount (55/60 euros).


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Il pacco è arrivato dalla Germania. Il venditore mi ha inviato subito lo scontrino di acquisto (oltre la ricevuta di Amazon). Il pacco è arrivato nei giorni previsti. L'imballaggio è ottimo, c'erano tre scatolo più il cellofan bianco per gli urti. La lavatrice è molto leggera. Ha due differenti timer (5 e 10 minuti). In se, trovando brevi i timer, non scarico l'acqua col sapone, ma faccio ripartire il timer. Non ho ancora capito come inserire il timer per 10 minuti (in quanto il timer se provo a girarlo sul 10 fa resistenza) , ma vado di 5 in 5 per un 20/25 minuti. Il capo poi lo sciacquo velocemente a mano prima di fare un risciacquo. La centrifuga non è fenomenale, ma meglio di nulla. Per lo scarico bisogna stendere il cavo, in quanto non è provvista di motore apposito per far defluire l acqua. L'interno non è enorme, ma neanche minuscolo ( come indicavano alcune recensioni); Come da foto ci entra tranquillamente un lenzuolo 190x200, quindi un matrimoniale. In se il lenzuolo è fatto con un tessuto leggero, ma ospita tranquillamente anche lenzuola più spesse per lettino e per letto da una piazza e mezzo. Per la centrifuga una parte delle lenzuola rimangono fuori, quindi sono costretta a girarlo al termine della prima centrifuga. Non è la lavatrice della vita, ma alla fine non è neanche malissimo. Certo se uno ha lo spazio con 250 euro (anche qui su Amazon) compra una lavatrice normale da 5/6 chili. Io personalmente l'ho presa in quanto ho una lavatrice da 12 chili e non posso farla con tre panni in croce. Non ho inserito un video sul funzionamento della lavatrice in quanto già presenti. Inoltre state attenti alle offerte che mettono per questo prodotto, io alla fine sono riuscita a comprarla per 70 euro, ma poco dopo il mio acquisto ci fu un ulteriore ribasso (un 55/60 euro).

Unable to load media. The package arrived from Germany. The seller immediately sent me the receipt of purchase (in addition to the Amazon receipt). The package arrived on schedule. The packaging is excellent, there were three boxes plus white cellophane for shocks. The washing machine is very light. It has two different timers (5 and 10 minutes). In itself, finding the timers short, I do not drain the water with soap, but I restart the timer. I still have not understood how to insert the timer for 10 minutes (as the timer resists if I try to turn it to 10), but I go from 5 to 5 for 20/25 minutes. I then rinse the garment quickly by hand before doing a rinse. The spin cycle is not phenomenal, but better than nothing. To drain, you have to stretch the cable, as it does not have a special motor to drain the water. The interior is not huge, but not tiny either (as some reviews indicated); As shown in the photo, a 190x200 sheet fits easily, so a double bed. The sheet is made of a light fabric, but it can also easily accommodate thicker sheets for a cot and a queen-size bed. During the spin cycle, some of the sheets remain outside, so I am forced to turn it over at the end of the first spin cycle. It is not the washing machine of a lifetime, but in the end it is not bad either. Of course, if you have the space, with 250 euros (even here on Amazon) you can buy a normal 5/6 kilo washing machine. I personally bought it because I have a 12 kilo washing machine and I cannot do it with three clothes crosswise. I have not included a video on how the washing machine works because they are already available. Also, be careful about the offers they put on this product, in the end I managed to buy it for 70 euros, but shortly after my purchase there was a further discount (55/60 euros).


Very cute little washing machine, only one problem spinner not very good

Very cute little washing machine, only one problem spinner not very good


Un po’ scomoda perché bisogna inserire e cambiare l’acqua, ma il suo lavoro lo fa. In ogni caso, diventa di volta in volta più facile, bisogna abituarcisi però. Attenzione al detersivo, meglio non esagerare perché poi il risciacquo è un po’ una scocciatura. La centrifuga non è potentissima, ma nemmeno da buttare. Insomma, se non si può disporre di una lavatrice è una buona soluzione. Faccio magliette, camicie (quattro o cinque ci vanno) e biancheria (abbastanza), anche pantaloni (massimo due paia per volta). Diciamo che è come fare il bucato a mano con un validissimo aiuto. A volte la uso anche per lavare una singola camicia o maglietta, o un maglioncino singolo. Per assicurarmi che i panni siano davvero puliti, prima li metto a bagno con un prodotto prelavaggio disinfettante; do una sciacquata veloce sotto il getto d’acqua del rubinetto e li pongo in lavatrice con poco detersivo per 10 minuti; l’acqua la metto con il microfono doccia, più comodo, posso pure regolare la temperatura; risciacquo un paio di volte cambiando acqua, max 5 minuti per volta; in genere aggiungo anche ammorbidente (poco); li tiro fuori, strizzo prima a mano, infine metto in centrifuga. Sì possono comunque mettere direttamente a centrifugare senza bisogno di strozzatura a mano. Bucato fatto, pulito e profumato. Attenzione, quando fa la centrifuga balla molto! Non esagerare con il detersivo o l’ammorbidente! Non è indicata per le lenzuola (almeno io non ci ho provato). Scomoda per gli asciugamani, ma si possono fare. Ho lavato anche quello grande da doccia. La scomodità è il risciacquo e poi strizzarli.

A little inconvenient because you have to put the water in and change it, but it does its job. In any case, it gets easier from time to time, but you have to get used to it. Be careful with the detergent, better not to overdo it because then rinsing is a bit of a nuisance. The spin cycle is not very powerful, but not to be thrown away either. In short, if you can't have a washing machine it's a good solution. I do t-shirts, shirts (four or five will fit) and underwear (enough), even trousers (maximum two pairs at a time). Let's say it's like doing the laundry by hand with a very valid help. Sometimes I also use it to wash a single shirt or t-shirt, or a single sweater. To make sure the clothes are really clean, I first soak them in a disinfectant pre-wash product; I give them a quick rinse under the tap and put them in the washing machine with a little detergent for 10 minutes; I put the water in with the shower microphone, more convenient, I can also adjust the temperature; I rinse a couple of times changing the water, max 5 minutes at a time; I usually also add fabric softener (a little); I take them out, wring them out first by hand, and then put them in the spin cycle. They can still be put directly into the spin cycle without having to wring them out by hand. Laundry done, clean and smelling nice. Be careful, when it spins it wobbles a lot! Don't overdo it with the detergent or fabric softener! It's not suitable for sheets (at least I haven't tried). Inconvenient for towels, but they can be done. I also washed the large shower towel. The inconvenience is rinsing and then wringing them out.


Pratica lavatrice d'emergenza e da vacanza. La lavatrice si presenta di un bel verde brillante e, una volta chiusa, può stare anche in mezzo a casa dando l'idea di un pezzo d'arredamento. E' anche sufficientemente robusta da poter sopportare dei carichi sul coperchio piano (ma non mi ci sono seduto sopra). Buona la qualità costruttiva delle plastiche ed elettrica: non ho riscontrato nessuno dei difetti lamentati da altri recensori. Ancora, a differenza di altri recensori, a mio parere è molto meglio usare questa lavatrice che lavare a mano i vari capi. E' stata usata intensamente durante un mese di vacanza consentendo il bucato di capi di biancheria e magliette (e anche qualche asciugamano in spugna e microfibra) non troppo sporchi. Non può lavare jeans o lenzuola, almeno non in maniera efficiente. Quando la usate, mettete in conto di fare un paio di cicli di lavaggio (a seconda di quanto è sporco il bucato) e un paio di risciacquo: il posto ideale è dentro la doccia o la vasca da bagno, per facilitare lo scarico dell'acqua a fine ciclo tramite il tubicino apposito. Per evitare che i capi rimangano insaponati, è sufficiente dosare bene il detersivo e non esagerare. Decisamente consigliata per spazi piccoli e situazioni dove non c'è a disposizone una lavatrice tradizionale. Da mettere in conto che durante le operazioni di lavaggio dovrete restare "in zona", quindi l'approccio è diverso rispetto alle lavatrici normali. Questa la ragione delle quattro stelle.

Practical emergency and holiday washing machine. The washing machine is a nice bright green and, once closed, can also stand in the middle of the house giving the idea of a piece of furniture. It is also sturdy enough to be able to support loads on the flat lid (but I have not sat on it). The construction quality of the plastics and electricity is good: I have not found any of the defects complained about by other reviewers. Again, unlike other reviewers, in my opinion it is much better to use this washing machine than to wash the various garments by hand. It was used intensively during a month of vacation allowing the washing of underwear and t-shirts (and also some terry and microfiber towels) that are not too dirty. It cannot wash jeans or sheets, at least not efficiently. When you use it, plan to do a couple of wash cycles (depending on how dirty the laundry is) and a couple of rinses: the ideal place is inside the shower or bathtub, to facilitate the drainage of the water at the end of the cycle via the special tube. To avoid that the clothes remain soapy, it is sufficient to dose the detergent well and not to overdo it. Definitely recommended for small spaces and situations where there is no traditional washing machine available. It should be taken into account that during the washing operations you will have to stay "in the area", so the approach is different compared to normal washing machines. This is the reason for the four stars.


Pratica lavatrice d'emergenza e da vacanza. La lavatrice si presenta di un bel verde brillante e, una volta chiusa, può stare anche in mezzo a casa dando l'idea di un pezzo d'arredamento. E' anche sufficientemente robusta da poter sopportare dei carichi sul coperchio piano (ma non mi ci sono seduto sopra). Buona la qualità costruttiva delle plastiche ed elettrica: non ho riscontrato nessuno dei difetti lamentati da altri recensori. Ancora, a differenza di altri recensori, a mio parere è molto meglio usare questa lavatrice che lavare a mano i vari capi. E' stata usata intensamente durante un mese di vacanza consentendo il bucato di capi di biancheria e magliette (e anche qualche asciugamano in spugna e microfibra) non troppo sporchi. Non può lavare jeans o lenzuola, almeno non in maniera efficiente. Quando la usate, mettete in conto di fare un paio di cicli di lavaggio (a seconda di quanto è sporco il bucato) e un paio di risciacquo: il posto ideale è dentro la doccia o la vasca da bagno, per facilitare lo scarico dell'acqua a fine ciclo tramite il tubicino apposito. Per evitare che i capi rimangano insaponati, è sufficiente dosare bene il detersivo e non esagerare. Decisamente consigliata per spazi piccoli e situazioni dove non c'è a disposizone una lavatrice tradizionale. Da mettere in conto che durante le operazioni di lavaggio dovrete restare "in zona", quindi l'approccio è diverso rispetto alle lavatrici normali. Questa la ragione delle quattro stelle.

Practical emergency and holiday washing machine. The washing machine is a nice bright green and, once closed, can also stand in the middle of the house giving the idea of a piece of furniture. It is also sturdy enough to be able to support loads on the flat lid (but I have not sat on it). The construction quality of the plastics and electricity is good: I have not found any of the defects complained about by other reviewers. Again, unlike other reviewers, in my opinion it is much better to use this washing machine than to wash the various garments by hand. It was used intensively during a month of vacation allowing the washing of underwear and t-shirts (and also some terry and microfiber towels) that are not too dirty. It cannot wash jeans or sheets, at least not efficiently. When you use it, plan to do a couple of wash cycles (depending on how dirty the laundry is) and a couple of rinses: the ideal place is inside the shower or bathtub, to facilitate the drainage of the water at the end of the cycle via the special tube. To avoid that the clothes remain soapy, it is sufficient to dose the detergent well and not to overdo it. Definitely recommended for small spaces and situations where there is no traditional washing machine available. Take into account that during the washing operations you will have to stay "in the area", so the approach is different compared to normal washing machines. This is the reason for the four stars.


Die Maschine ist gut aber nicht für große Badetücher und Bettdecke geeignet. Für Camping ist es super toll.

The machine is good but not suitable for large bath towels and duvets. It's great for camping.





Das Produkt wird mit zum Camping genommen. Dafür ist es vorgesehen. Es ist formschön, ausreichend für die Waschleistung zwischendurch und schön grün.

The product is taken to the campsite. That's what it's designed for. It is shapely, sufficient for washing in between and nice and green.


First load washed right on arrival out of the box........ I put it i the baht tub and let the drain hose into the tub whenn washig was done. No rocket science to get it working, and the washing results are surprisingly good. Forget the spin cycle or let it run for 20 minutes to get some water out of the clothes. All in All, a perfect little washig machine just right for my ONE man show.

First load washed right on arrival out of the box........ I put it i the baht tub and let the drain hose into the tub whenn washig was done. No rocket science to get it working, and the washing results are surprisingly good. Forget the spin cycle or let it run for 20 minutes to get some water out of the clothes. All in All, a perfect little washig machine just right for my ONE man show.


I think you need to look at this in terms of what it's designed for, not to compare it with a fully automatic washer dryer. It's cheap, aimed at mobile clothes washing, but can, at a pinch, function well in a small apartment. It does 2 things. Moves water around clothes and spins gently. Not more and not without manual intervention. In addition it's easy to make a big mess, so needs using with care. And the small capacity means many washes instead of the chuck it all in approach for the big machines. Construction is plastic. Pretty light (great for camping/mobile homes) but doesn't feel robust. Time will tell if it lasts or not. Small and compact, easy to stow. An annoyance is that the protective plastic on the lid doesn't come off cleanly, and it now has a fringe of this between the lid centre and the trim ring around it. Looks very scruffy. Load capacity is small and the spin basket much smaller, so although it will easily wash a pair of my (gents large) jeans, these won't fit in the spin basket. So the sequence is wash, rinse (maybe 2 or 3 times), hang jeans up wet after squeezing the worst out by hand. For full mixed loads separate into smaller batches and spin separately. Yes, you'll need a wash bucket to go with it. First attempt with this was close to being a disaster. I set it up, put washing liquid in, added water and knocked the hose off. Out comes water... Mostly soap as that went in first. Oops. Double oops, cos that means mess and that if you add the soap first, much of it drops into the hose and doesn't get to the clothes. The hose hook/clip is not good, and the hose extension seems to have a life of it's own, constantly making a dive for the floor like a South American soccer player. And each time it succeeds, there's more mess. Secure that hose well. And only add the soap after you've put the water in. However the clothes come out clean - and if not clean enough after the first 10 minute cycle, put it on for a further 10 minutes. The water that comes out from dirty clothes looks disgusting. I never realised just how much crap they pick up until I saw this. Significant rinsing is needed, I found 3 3 minute cycles with half the original amount of water worked well. Unless there was too much soap originally. But be sure to drain completely in between cycles. Tipping the machine towards the hose gets a bit more out. And just continue until you get clean, soap free water coming out. Spin - gets the worst out, but don't expect too much. You'll need mains power and a sink fairly close together. And using warm-hot water improves cleaning a lot. All in all it works for me. Just don't expect full functionality from this - it's not designed for it.

I think you need to look at this in terms of what it's designed for, not to compare it with a fully automatic washer dryer. It's cheap, aimed at mobile clothes washing, but can, at a pinch, function well in a small apartment. It does 2 things. Moves water around clothes and spins gently. Not more and not without manual intervention. In addition it's easy to make a big mess, so needs using with care. And the small capacity means many washes instead of the chuck it all in approach for the big machines. Construction is plastic. Pretty light (great for camping/mobile homes) but doesn't feel robust. Time will tell if it lasts or not. Small and compact, easy to stow. An annoyance is that the protective plastic on the lid doesn't come off cleanly, and it now has a fringe of this between the lid centre and the trim ring around it. Looks very scruffy. Load capacity is small and the spin basket much smaller, so although it will easily wash a pair of my (gents large) jeans, these won't fit in the spin basket. So the sequence is wash, rinse (maybe 2 or 3 times), hang jeans up wet after squeezing the worst out by hand. For full mixed loads separate into smaller batches and spin separately. Yes, you'll need a wash bucket to go with it. First attempt with this was close to being a disaster. I set it up, put washing liquid in, added water and knocked the hose off. Out comes water... Mostly soap as that went in first. Oops. Double oops, cos that means mess and that if you add the soap first, much of it drops into the hose and doesn't get to the clothes. The hose hook/clip is not good, and the hose extension seems to have a life of it's own, constantly making a dive for the floor like a South American soccer player. And each time it succeeds, there's more mess. Secure that hose well. And only add the soap after you've put the water in. However the clothes come out clean - and if not clean enough after the first 10 minute cycle, put it on for a further 10 minutes. The water that comes out from dirty clothes looks disgusting. I never realised just how much crap they pick up until I saw this. Significant rinsing is needed, I found 3 3 minute cycles with half the original amount of water worked well. Unless there was too much soap originally. But be sure to drain completely in between cycles. Tipping the machine towards the hose gets a bit more out. And just continue until you get clean, soap free water coming out. Spin - gets the worst out, but don't expect too much. You'll need mains power and a sink fairly close together. And using warm-hot water improves cleaning a lot. All in all it works for me. Just don't expect full functionality from this - it's not designed for it.


I live off grid on a small narrowboat. This machine was the perfect size for me to store. It has a low power consumption - only drawing .2volts on the wash cycle. It also uses very little water. I was amazed how dirty the water was that came out. It’s perfect for clothes that aren’t too filthy. The water inlet pipe is a bit flimsy but I just used a jug to fill it with water. A great buy for a narrowboater!

I live off grid on a small narrowboat. This machine was the perfect size for me to store. It has a low power consumption - only drawing .2volts on the wash cycle. It also uses very little water. I was amazed how dirty the water was that came out. It’s perfect for clothes that aren’t too filthy. The water inlet pipe is a bit flimsy but I just used a jug to fill it with water. A great buy for a narrowboater!


I brought this product for university accommodation where washing is expensive. It’s pretty easy to use and if you keep on top of your washing every couple of days it’s brilliant. Wouldn’t recommend doing bedding or towels. But clothes is great and has saved me money over the years.

I brought this product for university accommodation where washing is expensive. It’s pretty easy to use and if you keep on top of your washing every couple of days it’s brilliant. Wouldn’t recommend doing bedding or towels. But clothes is great and has saved me money over the years.


Diese kleine Maschine erspart einen die Handwäsche. Wir haben sie für unsere Ferienwohnung gekauft. Die Wäsche ist topp sauber, natürlich nicht so gut wie zu Hause. Die Schleuder benutzen wir nicht, diese ist zu klein und man muss hinterher ohnehin noch mal wringen. Fakt ist die Maschine ist zu empfehlen und ich würde sie wieder kaufen.

This little machine saves you having to wash by hand. We bought them for our vacation home. The laundry is super clean, of course not as good as at home. We don't use the slingshot, it's too small and you have to wring again afterwards anyway. In fact, the machine is recommended and I would buy it again.


Ich war beeindruckt von der Vielseitigkeit und Funktionalität der oneConcept Ecowash -Maschine, sobald ich diese gekauft habe. Nicht nur wegen seiner geringen Größe, die zum Beispiel auch in ein kleines Badezimmer passt. Es ist auch so, dass der Ecowash ein so leistungsstarkes und hilfreiches Werkzeug für Ihre täglichen Reinigungsaufgaben ist. Müssen Sie nur ein oder zwei Kleidungsstücke waschen? Bitte benutzen Sie Ihre große Maschinenwaschmaschine nicht (oder waschen Sie sie nicht von Hand). Lassen Sie sie einfach in die Ecowash fallen und in weniger als 10 Minuten können Sie sie drehen und aufhängen. Müssen Sie Unterwäsche waschen, ohne während des Badens oder der Benutzung des Waschbeckens viel Wasser zu verbrauchen? Legen Sie ein paar davon in die Ecowash und drücken Sie Start. Reinigen Sie viel Unterwäsche, ohne jedes Mal viel Wasser auszugeben, wenn Sie sie separat waschen. Und wenn man von der geringen Größe spricht, passt es auch perfekt für einen Campingausflug mit der Familie. Ich empfehle es für Singles, Paare, kleine Familien und Familien mit Kindern, die ständig ein oder zwei Kleidungsstücke waschen müssen.

I was impressed with the versatility and functionality of the oneConcept Ecowash machine as soon as I bought it. Not only because of its small size, which also fits into a small bathroom, for example. It's also that the Ecowash is such a powerful and helpful tool for your daily cleaning tasks. Do you only need to wash one or two clothes? Please do not use your large machine washing machine (or wash by hand). Just drop them in the Ecowash and in less than 10 minutes you can rotate and hang them. Do you need to wash underwear without using a lot of water while taking a bath or using the sink? Put a few of these in the Ecowash and press start. Clean a lot of underwear without spending a lot of water every time when you wash them separately. And speaking of the small size, it also fits perfectly for a family camping trip. I recommend it for singles, couples, small families and families with children who need to constantly wash one or two clothes.


Um ehrlich zu sein, hab ich sie ein ganz klein wenig größer erwartet. Aber die Maße hab ich wohl überlesen. Die erste Enttäuschung wich dann aber nach dem Probelauf. Da die Waschmaschine nun ja als Camping-Waschmaschine gekauft wurde, kam sie auch beim Camping zum Einsatz und hat nicht enttäuscht. Skiunterwäsche und Shirts, Socken und selbst Handtücher ... rein, Flüssigwaschmittel zu und laufen lassen. Keine Handwäsche mehr im Waschbecken... perfekt. Das Schleudern hats auch gebracht und die Wäsche ist nicht mehr tropfnass auf die Leine. Das Ablassen der Waschlauge ... nunja, keine Pumpe - aber sie ist ja auch fürs Camping und nicht für die Alltagswäsche. Hochheben und auskippen oder eben - welch Glück - mit Fussbodenablauf. Die Lieferung erfolgte problemlos und in doppelter Umverpackung. Von mir gibts die volle Punktzahl, da die "Maschine" macht was sie soll. Mir etwas Arbeit abnehmen.

To be honest, I expected them to be a tiny bit bigger. But I guess I missed the measurements. The first disappointment then gave way after the test run. Since the washing machine was bought as a camping washing machine, it was also used for camping and did not disappoint. Ski underwear and shirts, socks and even towels ... put in, add liquid detergent and let it run. No more hand washing in the sink... perfect. The spin cycle also helped and the laundry is no longer dripping wet on the line. Draining the suds ... well, no pump - but it's for camping and not for everyday laundry. Lift it up and tip it out or - what luck - with a floor drain. The delivery was easy and in double outer packaging. I give it full marks because the "machine" does what it's supposed to. relieve me of some work


Macht alles was ich will. Für Alltagswäsche wie Socken, Unterwäsche oder Shirts gut geeignet. Die Schleuderfunktion ist eher ein Witz. Da dringe ich die nassen Sachen lieber aus.

Does anything I want. Well suited for everyday laundry such as socks, underwear or shirts. The spin function is more of a joke. Since I penetrate the wet things rather.


Gute Qualität für diese Preisklasse. Jedoch wenig Platz - zum verdeutlichen zwei Jeans Hosen maximal können gewaschen werden... weil das Material dick ist, bei t-shirts ist das Limit sicherlich mindestens bei vier.

Good quality for this price range. However, little space - to make it clear, a maximum of two pairs of jeans can be washed... because the material is thick, with t-shirts the limit is certainly at least four.


Gut aber sollte besser sein

Good but should be better


Practical size, light and easy to use. Perfect for one person laundry. Spin function could be improved (the basket is too small and the speed is not fast)

Practical size, light and easy to use. Perfect for one person laundry. Spin function could be improved (the basket is too small and the speed is not fast)


Good small washing machine, Is not like a normal Washing machine that you program and do everything automatic, you have to stay to control and change the water But very good

Good small washing machine, Is not like a normal Washing machine that you program and do everything automatic, you have to stay to control and change the water But very good


Die Waschmaschine ist klein und praktisch, bis jetzt hatten wir keinen Probleme mit waschen. Aber Schleuderfunktion ist absolut Alptraum: in Schleuder-Kammer passen nicht so viele Wäsche rein und nachher bleiben die Wäsche immer noch sehr nass

The washing machine is small and convenient, so far we haven't had any problems with washing. But the spin function is an absolute nightmare: not so many laundry fit in the spin chamber and afterwards the laundry is still very wet


Gut ist, dass man in einem Gerät waschen und Schleudern kann und dass die Miniwaschmaschine sehr klein ist und wenig Platz benötigt.

It is good that you can wash and spin in one device and that the mini washing machine is very small and takes up little space.


Leider ist das Gerät gar nicht zu empfehlen. Es passt nicht mal ein großes bade Handtuch rein und so richtig sauber wird die Wäsche leider auch nicht. Leider mussten wir das Wasser auch per Hand reinmachen da der dazugehörige Schlauch an keinen Anschluss passt. Das gute daran ist das es schnell geht und relativ unkompliziert von der Anwendung und dem Aufbau ist.

Unfortunately, the device cannot be recommended at all. It doesn't even fit a large bath towel and unfortunately the laundry doesn't get really clean either. Unfortunately, we also had to put the water in by hand because the hose that came with it didn't fit into any connection. The good thing about it is that it's quick and relatively uncomplicated to use and set up.


It gets a few items decently washed, like a hand-wash really. The spin at the end isn't powerful enough to really dry the clothes but it serves a purpose.

It gets a few items decently washed, like a hand-wash really. The spin at the end isn't powerful enough to really dry the clothes but it serves a purpose.


I like this so much. It gets things really clean. My white towels are a lot less grey! I have washed a double duvet cover successfully but it was a squeeze. I like being able to make full use of the hot water by washing whites first then mediums dirty stuff followed by a pair of jeans, though I do have a separate spin dryer so I have never used the spinner function and I imagine that it would be tedious to do the multiple washes without my separate highly efficient spinner. One downside might be that it empties by gravity. I overcome that by using it on a raised surface and emptying it into a bucket. It needs to be a surface that won't wobble when the machine is working.

I like this so much. It gets things really clean. My white towels are a lot less grey! I have washed a double duvet cover successfully but it was a squeeze. I like being able to make full use of the hot water by washing whites first then mediums dirty stuff followed by a pair of jeans, though I do have a separate spin dryer so I have never used the spinner function and I imagine that it would be tedious to do the multiple washes without my separate highly efficient spinner. One downside might be that it empties by gravity. I overcome that by using it on a raised surface and emptying it into a bucket. It needs to be a surface that won't wobble when the machine is working.


Washes really well. Spinner is not up to much and instructions are awful. For a small washing machine it's good but lacks on spin speed.

Washes really well. Spinner is not up to much and instructions are awful. For a small washing machine it's good but lacks on spin speed.


This product is ideal for caravan holidays,students or maybe even 1 person who doesn't make a lot of washing.It will do a full sheet set,a couple of towels etc.Easy to use just wash,spin put clean water in and spin.Great

This product is ideal for caravan holidays,students or maybe even 1 person who doesn't make a lot of washing.It will do a full sheet set,a couple of towels etc.Easy to use just wash,spin put clean water in and spin.Great


Great item. Compact and efficient.

Great item. Compact and efficient.


Fair chuffed at this Wee Wash Machine. Spin not exactly powerful so twang clothes out myself. Ideal for our Caravan clothes washing.

Fair chuffed at this Wee Wash Machine. Spin not exactly powerful so twang clothes out myself. Ideal for our Caravan clothes washing.


I love this little thing. It's much better built than many other mini-washers I've tried. It's cute and compact, with no real fuss involved. It's pretty small, but I've managed to do not only a full load of laundry with it (delicates, sweatshirts, and leggings, all in small batches), but I have even managed to wash my towels and full-sized sheets! It takes about an hour to do a full wash of everything, since I do a small wash, the spin cycle, and then switch out that load for another small load. I keep it under my sink in my bathroom because I put it in the shower when I do washes just in case I get water everywhere. The only draw-back is that it could use a longer extension cord since my nearest outlet is outside the bathroom door. Definitely give it a try!

I love this little thing. It's much better built than many other mini-washers I've tried. It's cute and compact, with no real fuss involved. It's pretty small, but I've managed to do not only a full load of laundry with it (delicates, sweatshirts, and leggings, all in small batches), but I have even managed to wash my towels and full-sized sheets! It takes about an hour to do a full wash of everything, since I do a small wash, the spin cycle, and then switch out that load for another small load. I keep it under my sink in my bathroom because I put it in the shower when I do washes just in case I get water everywhere. The only draw-back is that it could use a longer extension cord since my nearest outlet is outside the bathroom door. Definitely give it a try!


Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Oggi voglio parlarvi di un prodotto decisamente utile per coloro che amano i campeggi e per coloro che sono single. Si tratta della minilavatrice centrifuga Ecowash Pico prodotta da oneConcept e distribuita da Electronic Star, un prodotto che permette di fare lavaggi di pochi capi e di risparmiare sulla corrente elettrica. E' di dimensioni piuttosto ridotte e pesa solamente 5 Kg; potrete quindi trasportarla piuttosto facilmente e riporla senza problemi in un angolo. Ha una capacità di 3.5 kg ed una potenza di 380 W; la centrifuga ha invece una potenza di 180 W. Ha un solo lavaggio disponibile la cui durata può essere impostata tramite il timer fino ad un massimo di 10 minuti; la centrifuga ha invece 3 velocità selezionabili ed anch'essa è scandita dalla manopola timer. Per lavare potrete usare l'acqua calda o l'acqua fredda a seconda del tipo di tessuto che volete lavare e di quanto è sporco; nelle istruzioni( purtroppo solo in inglese e tedesco) sono riportati degli utili consigli sulle quantità di acqua e di detersivo da utilizzare in base al tipo di tessuto da lavare. L'acqua può essere caricata tramite il tubo fornito in dotazione che viene fissato nell'apposito foro presente sul bordo della lavatrice; l'altra estremità del tubo deve essere però adattata al rubinetto da cui attingerete per l'acqua. Io per ora sto caricando l'acqua tramite una bacinella. Per lo scarico è presente un tubo laterale fissato al bordo della lavatrice; non c'è un vero meccanismo di sicurezza che impedisce all'acqua di fuoriuscire dal tubo, basterà mantenerlo fissato al bordo tramite l'apposito gancetto in posizione verticale per impedire all'acqua di essere scaricata. Quando vorrete scaricare l'acqua basterà inclinare verso il basso il tubo di scarico e l'acqua defluirà piuttosto velocemente dall'interno della lavatrice. Ecowash Pico funziona con una presa Shuko quindi dovrete premunirvi di recuperare un adattatore bipolare; il cavo può essere avvolto posteriormente grazie ai due supporti. Una pratica maniglietta permette il trasporto o lo spostamento della minilavatrice. Sul fondo della lavatrice c'è un rotore che impartisce il moto circolare ai capi immersi nell'acqua permettendone quindi il lavaggio. Il lavaggio è piuttosto soddisfacente, ho lavato diversi capi di abbigliamento(magliette, felpe, boxer) e devo dire che sono rimasti piuttosto puliti. Durante il lavaggio la lavatrice fa davvero un minimo rumore. Finito il lavaggio potremo centrifugare i nostri capi agganciando il cestello al rotore; purtroppo il cestello non è molto grande e quindi riusciremo a metterci dentro solamente magliette, intimo o comunque capi non voluminosi come pantaloni e felpe. Il cestello è fornito di una sorta di coperchio forato che si posiziona sui capi appena lavati per esercitare una certa pressione. La centrifuga funziona perfettamente, rimuovendo moltissima acqua da ciò che abbiamo appena lavato; potrete così mettere ad asciugare sullo stendino in casa senza il rischio di gocciolamenti fastidiosi, situazione che d'inverno è ricorrente vista la difficoltà di asciugare i capi con le basse temperature. Per me che abito da solo questa minilavatrice mi risolve il problema di dover per forza accumulare un pò di roba per fare una lavatrice; posso lavare anche solo 2-3 capi per volta senza consumare troppa corrente e senza sprecare troppa acqua. Sostanzialmente è un modo più efficace di lavare a mano i propri vestiti; se le macchie sono più ostiche basterà pretrattarle prima con un apposito prodotto. L'unico aspetto negativo che riscontro in Ecowash Pico sono le dimensioni del cestello per la centrifuga, davvero troppo ridotte per poter centrifugare tutto. Per il resto il prodotto ha molti pregi e per il prezzo a cui viene proposto direi che merita di essere acquistato. Per gli amanti del campeggio una soluzione molto pratica per lavare quotidianamente e velocemente il vostro abbigliamento senza dovervi portare dietro per forza tutto l'armadio. Anche gli studenti fuori sede troveranno in Ecowash Pico un valido alleato per affrontare al meglio la lontananza da casa. Ennesimo prodotto distribuito da Electronic Star promosso a pieni voti.

Unable to load media content. Today I want to talk to you about a very useful product for those who love camping and for those who are single. It is the Ecowash Pico mini-washing machine produced by oneConcept and distributed by Electronic Star, a product that allows you to wash a few items and save on electricity. It is quite small in size and weighs only 5 kg; you can therefore transport it quite easily and store it without problems in a corner. It has a capacity of 3.5 kg and a power of 380 W; the centrifuge instead has a power of 180 W. It has only one available wash whose duration can be set via the timer up to a maximum of 10 minutes; the centrifuge instead has 3 selectable speeds and is also marked by the timer knob. To wash you can use hot or cold water depending on the type of fabric you want to wash and how dirty it is; in the instructions (unfortunately only in English and German) there are useful tips on the quantities of water and detergent to use based on the type of fabric to wash. The water can be loaded using the tube provided which is fixed in the appropriate hole on the edge of the washing machine; the other end of the tube must however be adapted to the tap from which you will draw water. For now I am loading the water using a basin. For the drain there is a lateral tube fixed to the edge of the washing machine; there is no real safety mechanism that prevents the water from coming out of the tube, it will be enough to keep it fixed to the edge using the appropriate hook in a vertical position to prevent the water from being discharged. When you want to drain the water, simply tilt the drain tube downwards and the water will flow out quite quickly from inside the washing machine. Ecowash Pico works with a Shuko socket so you will need to make sure to get a bipolar adapter; the cable can be wound on the back thanks to the two supports. A practical handle allows the mini washing machine to be transported or moved. On the bottom of the washing machine there is a rotor that imparts a circular motion to the items immersed in the water, thus allowing them to be washed. The washing is quite satisfactory, I washed several items of clothing (t-shirts, sweatshirts, boxers) and I must say that they remained quite clean. During the wash the washing machine makes very little noise. Once the wash is finished we can spin our clothes by attaching the basket to the rotor; unfortunately the basket is not very large and therefore we will only be able to put in it t-shirts, underwear or in any case not bulky items such as trousers and sweatshirts. The basket is provided with a sort of perforated lid that is placed on the freshly washed clothes to exert a certain pressure. The spin works perfectly, removing a lot of water from what we have just washed; you can therefore put them to dry on the clothes horse at home without the risk of annoying drips, a situation that is recurrent in winter given the difficulty of drying clothes at low temperatures. For me who lives alone this mini washing machine solves the problem of having to accumulate a bit of stuff to do a wash; I can also wash just 2-3 items at a time without consuming too much electricity and without wasting too much water. Basically it is a more effective way to wash your clothes by hand; if the stains are more difficult it will be enough to pre-treat them first with a specific product. The only negative aspect that I find in Ecowash Pico is the size of the basket for the spin cycle, really too small to be able to spin everything. For the rest the product has many advantages and for the price at which it is offered I would say it is worth buying. For camping lovers a very practical solution to wash your clothes daily and quickly without having to necessarily carry the whole wardrobe with you. Even students away from home will find in Ecowash Pico a valid ally to better deal with the distance from home. Yet another product distributed by Electronic Star promoted with flying colors.