[Returns: -15%] Audrey Mini Retro Fridge

£ 236.99 (incl. VAT)
Product number: 52034321
Audrey Mini Retro Fridge
£ 236.99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 180.99
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • Rock 'n' Roll: fridge in a '50s look

  • Universal: for singles, offices, guest rooms, etc.

  • Stylish: large, chrome-plated handle


  • Control: rotary control
  • Energy efficiency class: F
  • Operating noise: 39 dB max.
  • Built-in appliance: no
  • Compression cooling
  • Capacity (litres): 48
  • Temperature: 0 to 10°C
  • Ideal ambient temperature: 16 to 38 °
  • Number of shelves: 1
  • Shelf drawer material: grid
  • Bottle and can compartment in the door
  • Door hinge: right, not exchangeable
  • Height-adjustable feet
  • Refrigerant: R600a
  • Easy to clean
  • Chromed handle
  • Rounded edges
  • '50s retro design
  • Available in a variety of colours
Product number: 52034321

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (without / with door handle): approx. 44 x 50 x 49.8 / 55 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (interior upper level): approx. 35.5 x 21 x 36.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (interior lower level): approx. 35.5 x 19 x 21 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (large door compartment): approx. 30.5 x 36.5 / 22 x 7.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (door compartment small): approx. 15.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: approx. 19 kg
  • Annual energy consumption: 101.11 kWh / a
  • Power supply: 220-240 V~ | 50 Hz

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x refrigerator
  • Multilingual user manual

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
61 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Buen funcionamiento, silenciosa y diseño vintage atractivo.

Good performance, quiet and attractive vintage design.


Article arrivé avec le carton endommagé et les protections en polystyrène cassées. Quand on sait avec quelle violence sont manipulés les colis par les personnes chargées de leur tri et de leur acheminement, on s'étonne toujours que des marques continuent à vouloir faire des économies en refusant de protéger correctement leurs produits. L'article a un léger enfoncement à l'arrière. Ça aurait pu être bien pire. C'est terrible de se dire qu'en 2023 il n'est plus possible de recevoir un produit neuf en parfait état... Le réfrigérateur est très grand pour ses 68l. Il est aussi très silencieux, au point qu'on s'est demandé à plusieurs reprises s'il fonctionnait. Sa consommation est modérée : 0,15kw par jour, mesurée avec une prise connectée. Nous l'avons réglé à 5 pour une température de 4 degrés. Cette température est constante. Le réfrigérateur est esthétique et convient parfaitement à nos attentes, si on excepte le point noir de la livraison.

Item arrived with damaged cardboard and broken polystyrene protections. When we know how violently packages are handled by the people responsible for sorting and delivering them, we are always surprised that brands continue to want to save money by refusing to properly protect their products. The item has a slight dent in the back. It could have been much worse. It's terrible to think that in 2023 it is no longer possible to receive a new product in perfect condition... The refrigerator is very large for its 68l. It's also very quiet, so much so that we wondered several times if it was working. Its consumption is moderate: 0.15 kW per day, measured with a connected socket. We set it to 5 for a temperature of 4 degrees. This temperature is constant. The refrigerator is aesthetic and perfectly meets our expectations, except for the downside of delivery.


Es muy bonita y enfría muy bien.

It is very pretty and cools very well.


Beau produit mais peinture fragile. Format idéal pour camping à 1 ou deux personnes. Congélateur indépendant fonctionnel. Peu parfois chauffer, donc voir durée de vie du produit.

Beautiful product but fragile paint. Ideal format for camping with 1 or two people. Functional independent freezer. Can sometimes heat up, so see product lifespan.


Such a good size fridge. It can fit quite a lot of food and drink items. Worth buying.

Such a good size fridge. It can fit quite a lot of food and drink items. Worth buying.


J'ai acheté ce frigo pour une chambre d'hôte pour qu'ils ne l'entendent pas la nuit et j'en suis très satisfaite, aucun bruit, je l'ai ouvert à plusieurs reprises pensant qu'il ne fonctionnait pas

I bought this fridge for a guest room so that they don't hear it at night and I am very satisfied with it, no noise, I opened it several times thinking that it was not working


Bell'oggetto di design, funzionale e silenzioso. L'ho sistemato in una stanza per gli ospiti.

Beautiful design object, functional and silent. I placed it in a guest room.


Super joli. Livraison rapide. Point négatif: pas de bac en bas de frigidaire

Super pretty. Quick delivery. Negative point: no bin at the bottom of the fridge


L‘ho comprato perché ne avevo bisogno per la verdura essendo senza cantina e ho potuto usufruire di uno spazio proprio adatto a questo frigorifero e poi essendo nero non dà all’occhio. Mi piace

I bought it because I needed it for vegetables since I didn't have a cellar and I was able to use a space just right for this refrigerator and then being black it doesn't attract attention. I like it


Buon rapporto qualità prezzo stile estetico eccellente materiali leggeri ma ben

Good value for money excellent aesthetic style light but well materials


Veramente bello, cercavo un frigo retro che non ingombrasse molto, soprattutto con l’apertura della porta. Questo è perfetto, ha molto stile!

Really nice, I was looking for a retro fridge that didn't take up much space, especially with the door opening. This is perfect, it has a lot of style!


La graduación del termostato no corresponde a la temperatura en grados, es el nivel de potencia del compresor. Puede inducir en error.

The thermostat setting does not correspond to the temperature in degrees, it is the power level of the compressor. It can be misleading.


esteticamente ma si sapeva è strepitoso per il resto non è assolutamente un frigo per una famiglia, io l'ho messo in una tavernetta e comunque è stato un successo ma MAI l'avrei preso come frigo "principale" troppo minimale in tutto per non parlare del vano bottiglie. Anche se come capienza puo' bastare è molto scarso come concepito l'interno quindi sconsigliato anche per chi non avrebbe bisogno di più spazio. Il funzionamento sembra efficiente testato con apposito termometro spero che duri nel tempo

aesthetically but it was known it is amazing for the rest it is absolutely not a fridge for a family, I put it in a rumpus room and in any case it was a success but I would NEVER have taken it as a "main" fridge too minimal in everything not to mention the bottle compartment. Even if as capacity it can be enough it is very poor as conceived the interior therefore not recommended even for those who would not need more space. The operation seems efficient tested with a special thermometer I hope it lasts over time


Attention le blanc est plutôt crème

Be careful the white is rather cream


Ottimo prodotto perfetto esteticamente.fa il suo dovere.abbastanza silenzioso

Excellent product, perfect aesthetically. It does its job. Quite silent.





Assolutamente fanstastico e stra consigliato!.... dopo aver reso altro prodotto sempre della stessa marca, ma perchè non aveva un compressore vero e proprio, questo Vintage frigor è un portento... raffredda come un normale frigorifero con 4 stadi di raffreddamento, include una zona freezer a zero gradi che è effettiva. Lo consiglio senza dubbi.... inoltre è molto capiente ed ha anche una zona porta bottiglie (mezzo litro) o lattine di tutto rispetto. Veramente un valido mini frigorifero che io tengo in zona sottotetto/cantina.... notevolmente soddisfatto.

Absolutely fantastic and highly recommended!.... after having returned another product of the same brand, but because it did not have a real compressor, this Vintage frigor is a marvel... it cools like a normal refrigerator with 4 cooling stages, includes a freezer area at zero degrees which is effective. I recommend it without doubts.... it is also very roomy and also has a bottle holder area (half a liter) or cans of great respect. Truly a valid mini refrigerator that I keep in the attic/cellar area.... greatly satisfied.


Piccolo ma spazioso, linea e colore come rappresentati dal venditore. Acquistato con bollitore crema… stesso colore! Coffee bar corner stilosissimo!!

Small but spacious, line and color as represented by the seller. Purchased with cream kettle ... same color! Very stylish coffee bar corner !!


Ottimo design e funzionalità

Great design and functionality


Ottimo design e funzionalità

Great design and functionality


Il frigo è molto silenzioso e rinfresca benissimo. Molto bello anche da vedere!

The fridge is very quiet and cools very well. Very nice to look at too!


Frigo mis dans ma chambre.Bel esthétique vintage , vraiment très sympa.Il refrigere très bien.Je le trouve puissant pour sa modeste taille.Malheureuselent , il est assez bruyant.

Fridge put in my room. Beautiful vintage aesthetic, really very nice. It cools very well. I find it powerful for its modest size. Unfortunately, it is quite noisy.


La nevera es preciosa. En mi lugar de trabajo hay una cocina muy antigua, para hacer café y calentar alguna cosa. Ahora está algo más divertida, con los electrodomésticos en rojo. La nevera no cabe bajo los muebles de arriba, no tiene regulador de temperatura, ni tiene hielo. He encontrado un sitio donde ponerla y no me tengo que preocupar de que se forme escarcha. Sí hubiera estado bien el regulador de temperatura.

The fridge is lovely. I have a very old kitchen at work, where I make coffee and heat up a few things. Now it's a bit more fun, with red appliances. The fridge doesn't fit under the top cabinets, it doesn't have a temperature regulator, and it doesn't have ice. I found a place to put it and I don't have to worry about frost forming. A temperature regulator would have been nice.











Nous utilisons ce petit frigo comme réfrigérateur à boisson dans notre salle de jeux/multimédia. Les boissons sont toujours très fraîches même s'il n'est qu'à la position 2/5. Côté bruit, je m'attendais à un bruit continu mais faible, il m'a surprise en restant totalement silencieux la plupart du temps ! Il se contente de refaire le plein de fraicheur après l'ouverture, et comme nous ne l'ouvrons qu'une dizaine de fois par jour, il passe inaperçu le plus clair du temps ! Côté style, je suis tombée amoureuse de ce design un peu rétro, indémodable et classe, adopté en rouge pour ma part, il fait une touche de couleur vive dans ma pièce blanche. Côté encombrement, il peut se déplacer à une personne, ce qui est pratique en cas de déménagement, la porte est réversible au besoin et je le trouve que le système de refroidissement est bien compact. Attention toutefois à ne pas toucher l'arrière de l'appareil car les composants sont accessibles directement sans grille. Je l'ai depuis environ deux mois et j'en suis très satisfaite ! Si j'avais eu une modification à faire sur le produit, ce serait une grille à l'arrière en bas pour ne pas risquer d'accrocher un câble par inadvertance.

We use this little fridge as a drinks fridge in our games/media room. The drinks are always very cold even if it is only at position 2/5. In terms of noise, I expected a continuous but low noise, it surprised me by remaining completely silent most of the time! It simply replenishes its freshness after opening, and as we only open it around ten times a day, it goes unnoticed most of the time! Style-wise, I fell in love with this slightly retro, timeless and classy design, adopted in red for my part, it makes a touch of bright color in my white room. In terms of size, it can be moved by one person, which is practical when moving, the door is reversible if necessary and I find that the cooling system is very compact. However, be careful not to touch the back of the device because the components are directly accessible without a grill. I've had it for about two months and I'm very satisfied with it! If I had a modification to make to the product, it would have been a grid at the bottom rear so as not to risk catching a cable inadvertently.


Nous utilisons ce petit frigo comme réfrigérateur à boisson dans notre salle de jeux/multimédia. Les boissons sont toujours très fraîches même s'il n'est qu'à la position 2/5. Côté bruit, je m'attendais à un bruit continu mais faible, il m'a surprise en restant totalement silencieux la plupart du temps ! Il se contente de refaire le plein de fraicheur après l'ouverture, et comme nous ne l'ouvrons qu'une dizaine de fois par jour, il passe inaperçu le plus clair du temps ! Côté style, je suis tombée amoureuse de ce design un peu rétro, indémodable et classe, adopté en rouge pour ma part, il fait une touche de couleur vive dans ma pièce blanche. Côté encombrement, il peut se déplacer à une personne, ce qui est pratique en cas de déménagement, la porte est réversible au besoin et je le trouve que le système de refroidissement est bien compact. Attention toutefois à ne pas toucher l'arrière de l'appareil car les composants sont accessibles directement sans grille. Je l'ai depuis environ deux mois et j'en suis très satisfaite ! Si j'avais eu une modification à faire sur le produit, ce serait une grille à l'arrière en bas pour ne pas risquer d'accrocher un câble par inadvertance.

We use this little fridge as a drinks fridge in our games/media room. The drinks are always very cold even if it is only at position 2/5. In terms of noise, I expected a continuous but low noise, it surprised me by remaining completely silent most of the time! It simply replenishes its freshness after opening, and as we only open it around ten times a day, it goes unnoticed most of the time! Style-wise, I fell in love with this slightly retro, timeless and classy design, adopted in red for my part, it makes a touch of bright color in my white room. In terms of size, it can be moved by one person, which is practical when moving, the door is reversible if necessary and I find that the cooling system is very compact. However, be careful not to touch the back of the device because the components are directly accessible without a grill. I've had it for about two months and I'm very satisfied with it! If I had a modification to make to the product, it would have been a grid at the bottom rear so as not to risk snagging a cable inadvertently.


Nous utilisons ce petit frigo comme réfrigérateur à boisson dans notre salle de jeux/multimédia. Les boissons sont toujours très fraîches même s'il n'est qu'à la position 2/5. Côté bruit, je m'attendais à un bruit continu mais faible, il m'a surprise en restant totalement silencieux la plupart du temps ! Il se contente de refaire le plein de fraicheur après l'ouverture, et comme nous ne l'ouvrons qu'une dizaine de fois par jour, il passe inaperçu le plus clair du temps ! Côté style, je suis tombée amoureuse de ce design un peu rétro, indémodable et classe, adopté en rouge pour ma part, il fait une touche de couleur vive dans ma pièce blanche. Côté encombrement, il peut se déplacer à une personne, ce qui est pratique en cas de déménagement, la porte est réversible au besoin et je le trouve que le système de refroidissement est bien compact. Attention toutefois à ne pas toucher l'arrière de l'appareil car les composants sont accessibles directement sans grille. Je l'ai depuis environ deux mois et j'en suis très satisfaite ! Si j'avais eu une modification à faire sur le produit, ce serait une grille à l'arrière en bas pour ne pas risquer d'accrocher un câble par inadvertance.

We use this little fridge as a drinks fridge in our games/media room. The drinks are always very cold even if it is only at position 2/5. In terms of noise, I expected a continuous but low noise, it surprised me by remaining completely silent most of the time! It just fills up with freshness after opening, and as we only open it around ten times a day, it goes unnoticed most of the time! Style-wise, I fell in love with this slightly retro, timeless and classy design, adopted in red for my part, it makes a touch of bright color in my white room. In terms of size, it can be moved by one person, which is practical when moving, the door is reversible if necessary and I find that the cooling system is very compact. However, be careful not to touch the back of the device because the components are directly accessible without a grill. I've had it for about two months and I'm very satisfied with it! If I had a modification to make to the product, it would have been a grid at the bottom rear so as not to risk catching a cable inadvertently.


La recomiendo. Vino perfecta y no hace ruido

I recommend it. It came perfectly and it doesn't make any noise.


Preciosa neverita retro. Es un pelin cara en comparación con otras marcas pero KARSTEIN siempre es sinónimo de mucha calidad. No hace nada de ruido y es espaciosa, con estantes en la puerta, por ejemplo. Me encanta, la recomiendo y volvería a comprarla

Beautiful retro fridge. It's a bit expensive compared to other brands but KARSTEIN is always synonymous with quality. It doesn't make any noise and it's spacious, with shelves on the door, for example. I love it, I recommend it and I would buy it again.


Très satisfait. Petit bruit donc éviter la chambre

Very satisfied. Small noise so avoid the room


Attention ce réfrigérateur ne comporte pas d’éclairage intérieur malgré que la notice vous informe de l’endroit de l’interrupteur arrière (inexistant) Bel objet mais la re Classification de la consommation énergétique est relèguée de À+ à F…

Please note, this refrigerator does not have interior lighting although the instructions inform you of the location of the rear switch (non-existent) Beautiful object but the re Classification of energy consumption is relegated from A+ to F…


Mini frigo superbe pris en bleue un peu grand pour mètre dans une chambre le l,ai mis à la cuisine parfait pour mettre des cannettes de jus de fruit je recommande ce produit livraison rapide

Superb mini fridge taken in blue a little big for one meter in a room, I put it in the kitchen perfect for putting cans of fruit juice I recommend this product fast delivery


La nevera es muy coqueta pero algo elevado el precio

The fridge is very cute but the price is a bit high


frigo joli et efficace

nice and efficient fridge


La consegna non buona ma la qualità del prodotto sia come estetica che funzionamento ottimo. Consigliato

The delivery was not good but the quality of the product both in terms of aesthetics and operation was excellent. Recommended


Lo que más me gusta es su diseño, el ruido no molesta y enfria muy bien

What I like most is its design, the noise does not bother and it cools very well.


Silenzioso, a parte lo scatto che si sente quando parte il compressore. Abbastanza spazioso e raffredda bene. L'unico problema è lo spazio della porta, che non può contenere bottiglie, nonostante l'altezza, perché stretto. In compenso si può utilizzare per i cartoni di succo o latte

Silent, except for the click you hear when the compressor starts. Quite spacious and cools well. The only problem is the door space, which cannot contain bottles, despite the height, because it is narrow. On the other hand, it can be used for juice or milk cartons


Non mi è piaciuto il coperchio di plastica superiore e la qualità dei ripiani interni

I didn't like the top plastic lid and the quality of the internal shelves


Très bon rapport qualité prix, peu bruyant et fait beaucoup de froid. Super achat , je suis ravie

Very good value for money, not very noisy and very cold. Great purchase, I'm delighted


Prodotto arrivato perfetto e in breve tempo, imballato accuratamente e dal design vintage wow! Rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo. È un po' strettino e di poche pretese (manca ventola interna), ma nel complesso soddisfatta

Product arrived perfect and in a short time, carefully packaged and with a vintage design wow! Excellent value for money. It is a little narrow and unpretentious (it lacks an internal fan), but overall satisfied


On adore la petite touche esthétique, et le congel fonctionne très bien en plus de ça! Il y a juste la place pour ce qu'il faut et s'allie bien à notre frigo de couleur grise. Petite plus sur le fait qu'il ne fasse pas de bruit.

We love the little aesthetic touch, and the freezer works very well on top of that! There is just enough room for what you need and goes well with our gray fridge. Little more on the fact that it doesn't make noise.


Producto fantastico tanto en la estetica cuanto en funcionalidad. De tamaño reducido llega a tener una capacidad de casi 6 botellas de litro e medio., siempre que se pongan tumbadas. La mini nevera viene también con un pequeño congelador que viene útil para poder guardar unos cuantos cubitos de hielo. Pesa un poco así que para moverla es casi mejor os puedan ayudar. También tiene luz interior cosa que viene bien siempre. Por lo que es la parte exterior se presenta como una nevera de estilo años 60 y tiene un manillar de plástico plateado que viene por separado. Yo elegí un color azul pastel aun que parezca gris en la foto. Estoy súper satisfecha también porque hace poco ruido y lo único que me gustaría cambiar sería que fuera de calificación energética un poco mejor visto que dentro lleva un papel specificando que es G.

Fantastic product both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Small in size, it can hold almost 6 and a half litre bottles, as long as they are placed flat. The mini fridge also comes with a small freezer which is useful for storing a few ice cubes. It is a bit heavy so it is better to have help to move it. It also has an interior light which is always useful. As for the outside, it looks like a 60s style fridge and has a silver plastic handle which comes separately. I chose a pastel blue colour even though it looks grey in the photo. I am also super satisfied because it makes very little noise and the only thing I would like to change would be for it to have a slightly better energy rating as it has a paper inside specifying that it is G.


Produit conforme

Compliant product


Preciosa, algo más grande de lo esperaba, envío rápido, solo falta comprobar lo q enfría ya q la he puesto hace un ratito y aún no se nota mucho frío espero q no me falle ese detalle ya q me encanta

Beautiful, a little bigger than I expected, fast shipping, I just need to check how cold it is since I put it on a little while ago and it still doesn't feel very cold. I hope that detail doesn't fail me since I love it.


Excellent produit. Silencieux et très beau.

Excellent product. Quiet and very beautiful.


Funciona genial y es monísima

It works great and it's so cute


le produit est en tout point conforme à mes attentes et correspond parfaitement au descriptif. La livraison aprés commande a été rapide.

The product meets my expectations in every way and corresponds perfectly to the description. Delivery after ordering was quick.


A part qu'il est un peu bruyant, beau design, satisfait de mon achat

Apart from it being a bit noisy, nice design, happy with my purchase


La nevera parece sólida y el compresor esperemos que vaya bien.

The fridge seems solid and hopefully the compressor works well.


Stile retrò molto carino forse avrei aggiunto dei piedini un pó più visibili per ottenere un effetto ancora più carino; avevo inteso che era dotato di luce interna ma non la vedo (forse nel più grande). Comunque funziona bene e non è rumoroso. Nel complesso lo consiglio

Very nice retro style, maybe I would have added some more visible feet to get an even nicer effect; I understood that it had an internal light but I don't see it (maybe in the bigger one). Anyway, it works well and is not noisy. Overall I recommend it


Bello nel design e più che accettabile nella capienza. A tratti un po' rumoroso, nel complesso soddisfatto, lo ricomprerei.

Beautiful in design and more than acceptable in capacity. A bit noisy at times, overall satisfied, I would buy it again.


il frigorifero è silenzione e raffreda perfettamente, l' unico problema è che è arrivato con una piccola ammaccatura sullo sportello del congelatore,inoltre l'ultima lettera la N sulla marca klarstein era scollata ,ho provveduto ad attaccarla con una colla conil rischio di macchiare il frigo.Non posso rimandarlo indietro, per farlo cambiare , perché il vecchio frigo è già stato smaltito .,Questo frigo sta bene con la mia cucina di legno scuro,anche se il mobile non è perfetto ,lo tengo così come è.,

the refrigerator is silent and cools perfectly, the only problem is that it arrived with a small dent on the freezer door, also the last letter N on the Klarstein brand was unglued, I proceeded to attach it with a glue with the risk of staining the refrigerator. I cannot send it back, to have it changed, because the old refrigerator has already been disposed of. This refrigerator goes well with my dark wood kitchen, even if the cabinet is not perfect, I will keep it as it is.


Per il momento funziona bene, design vintage accattivante, silenzioso, spero di confermare questo mio giudizio nel futuro.

For now it works well, attractive vintage design, silent, I hope to confirm this opinion of mine in the future.


Frigo pour canette très esthétique pour mettre dans le bar style retro! Capacité relativement grande, de quoi mettre au frais de nombreuses cannettes pour les invités. La fraîcheur est bonne. Rien à changer !

Very aesthetic can fridge to put in the retro style bar! Relatively large capacity, enough to cool many cans for guests. The freshness is good. Nothing changed !


j ai commandé ce mini frigo pour faire un complement avec le miens je l ai commander en bleu ciel j adore la couleur et surtout son coté vintage il est livré avec sa notice et la poigné qu il faut monté sois meme il possède 2 niveaux et 2 compartiments de porte pour bouteilles pour y mettrent canette,brique jus de fruit ou petite bouteille .c est ideale pour avoir des boissons fraiche pour l été La température peut être réglée entre 0 et 10 °C.il fait 48l et ne consommera pas car il est en A+ il y a l eclairage a l intérieur du mini frigo et pour l ouvrir il faut enclencher la poignée vers la droite ont peut l'installer ou ont veut c est a dire cuisine,salon,salle bureau ect ce qui est super je suis super ravi de mon achat

I ordered this mini fridge to complement mine I ordered it in sky blue I love the color and especially its vintage side it comes with its instructions and the handle which you have to assemble yourself it has 2 levels and 2 door compartments for bottles to put cans, fruit juice bricks or small bottles. It is ideal for having cold drinks for the summer. The temperature can be adjusted between 0 and 10°C. It is 48l and will not consume because it is in A+ there is lighting inside the mini fridge and to open it you have to turn the handle to the right you can install it where you want it i.e. kitchen, living room, office room etc which is great I'm great delighted with my purchase


Questo mini frigo è stato un ottimo acquisto. Abbiamo deciso di acquistarlo per utilizzarlo in terrazza così da mantenere fresche le bevande durante pranzi e cene con gli amici. È molto capiente e funziona alla grande. Con la sua classe energetica risparmiamo pure tanto sulla bolletta, molto utile dato che lo utilizziamo come secondo frigo. Il design retro è super accattivante, ci ha colpito nella colorazione “rosso” perché è identico al famosissimo frigo anni ‘50. Inoltre le forme arrotondate e la maniglia arrotondata portano in casa questo fantastico stile retrò. Per mantenere una freschezza perfetta si può impostare la temperatura tra 10 e 0 gradi. Le dimensioni sono ideali per chi, come noi, lo utilizza come secondo frigo o per chi a casa non ha molto spazio o non ha l’esigenza di un grande frigo. Che dire? È la scelta migliore che potete fare per avere un ottimo frigo funzionale e con un look accattivante.

This mini fridge was a great purchase. We decided to buy it to use on the terrace to keep drinks cool during lunches and dinners with friends. It has a lot of space and works great. With its energy class we also save a lot on the bill, very useful since we use it as a second fridge. The retro design is super attractive, we were struck by the "red" color because it is identical to the very famous 50s fridge. In addition, the rounded shapes and the rounded handle bring this fantastic retro style into the home. To maintain perfect freshness, you can set the temperature between 10 and 0 degrees. The dimensions are ideal for those who, like us, use it as a second fridge or for those who do not have much space at home or do not need a large fridge. What can I say? It is the best choice you can make to have an excellent functional fridge with an attractive look.


Muy bonita.

Very pretty.


Para hacer un pequeño espacio de frio y cafe al Lado del Dormitorio

To make a small cold and coffee space next to the bedroom


Ho acquistato questo bellissimo frigorifero e sono soddisfatta, il suo design anni 50 e il suo colore rosso danno un tocco speciale alla mia cucina. Il frigorifero è molto capiente 194 litri, suddivisi in 56 congelatore e il resto frigorifero. Il vano congelatore ha una mensola removibile che lo divide in 2 ripiani, invece il frigorifero oltre ai comodissimi balconcini da sportello che sono ben 4 ripiani in cristallo, un comodissimo porta vini e un assetto portafrutta. In frigorifero e un classe A++ con soli 186 kWh/anno, ed e’ molto silenzioso solo 40 dB. Grazie alla funzione Automatic DeFrost può essere sbrinato con facilità. Le dimensioni sono di 55 x 172 x 55 cm (LxAxP) L’ interno congelatore: 39 x 36 x 38 cm (LxAxP) Interne frigorifero: 46 x 105 x 40 cm (LxAxP) Scomparto per le verdure: 42 x 18 x 15 cm (LxAxP) Il manuale contiene anche la lingua Italiana!

I bought this beautiful refrigerator and I am satisfied, its 50s design and its red color give a special touch to my kitchen. The refrigerator is very capacious 194 liters, divided into 56 freezer and the rest refrigerator. The freezer compartment has a removable shelf that divides it into 2 shelves, instead the refrigerator in addition to the very comfortable door balconies which are 4 glass shelves, a very comfortable wine rack and a fruit rack. The refrigerator is an A++ class with only 186 kWh/year, and is very quiet only 40 dB. Thanks to the Automatic DeFrost function it can be defrosted easily. The dimensions are 55 x 172 x 55 cm (WxHxD) The freezer interior: 39 x 36 x 38 cm (WxHxD) The refrigerator interior: 46 x 105 x 40 cm (WxHxD) Vegetable compartment: 42 x 18 x 15 cm (WxHxD) The manual also contains the Italian language!