[Returns: -15%] Cosmic Beam Infrarot-Wandstrahler
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 325.99Original price: £ 361.99 -
£ 361.99
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Intuitive Touch-LED-Anzeige für einfache Bedienung
Smarte Steuerung über die Blumfeldt-App möglich
3.300 Watt und zwei Heizstufen
- Zur Wand- oder Deckenmontage
- Heizbereich: 5 bis 50 Grad Celsius
- Wirkungsbereich: 25 - 30 Quadratmeter
- Spritzwassergeschützt gemäß IP44
- Drahtloser Thermostat mit Fernbedienung
- Winkeleinstellbar
- Energiesparmodus
- Timer-Funktion (0 - 24 Stunden)
- Wochenprogrammeinstellung
- Fenster-Offen-Erkennung
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Maße (LxTxH): 139 cm x 6 cm x 30 cm
- Gewicht: 12,3 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x Infrarot-Wandstrahler
- 1 x Fernbedienung / drahtloser Thermostat mit Display
- Montagematerial (Halterung für Wand oder Decke)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 6 - 8 days
No review available for this item.
Nur im Haus oder draußen ohne Wind genug Waermestrahlung.
Only indoors or outdoors without wind is there enough heat radiation.
Es muy efectivo y práctico, calienta rápidamente y tiene un modo eco para ahorrar energía pero……. Muy difícil de colocar por su peso, pesa bastante y se necesitan 2 personas para colocarlo, siempre que no seas Hulk, y puedas sujetarlo con una sola mano mientras con la otras atornillas. Las Instrucciones no están en español con dibujos muy pequeños, hace falta sacar una foto y ampliarlos para poder seguir el montaje. Los anclajes se pueden colocar de dos maneras, recomiendo hacia dentro los tornillos con tuerca para que no se vean.Con el tiempo comprobaremos su consumo. Estamos contentos con el cacharro.
It is very effective and practical, it heats up quickly and has an eco mode to save energy but……. It is very difficult to place because of its weight, it weighs quite a lot and you need 2 people to place it, as long as you are not Hulk, and you can hold it with one hand while you screw with the other. The instructions are not in Spanish with very small drawings, you need to take a photo and enlarge them to be able to follow the assembly. The anchors can be placed in two ways, I recommend placing the screws with nuts inwards so that they cannot be seen. Over time we will check its consumption. We are happy with the gadget.
Bello dal aspetto è funzionante, silenzioso, riscalda subito.
It looks nice, works, is silent and heats up quickly.
Einfache Montage und ein sehr zufrieden stellendes Heizergebnis.Alles passt gut. Schnelle Montage. Wärmeleistung sehr gut.
Easy installation and a very satisfactory heating result. Everything fits well. Quick installation. Very good heat output.
Chauffe très bien pour une cuisine de +50m2. Consommation raisonnable Seul petit bémol est un claquement lorsqu'il refroidit.
Heats very well for a kitchen of +50m2. Reasonable consumption. The only small downside is a clicking sound when it cools down.
Un fort bel appareil qui a beaucoup de classe, moderne, d'un beau design, appoint efficace, une chauffe rapide, une télécommande aisée. Au vu de son poids, il respire la qualité. Me concernant, je l'ai suspendu à une poutre de plafond au dessus du sofa de lecture/tv pour un complément cosi en entre-saison. Montage aisé tout en étant attentif aux précautions dues à poids. Vaut largement son prix et à beaucoup de "standing".
A very beautiful device that has a lot of class, modern, beautiful design, efficient support, fast heating, easy remote control. Considering its weight, it exudes quality. As for me, I hung it from a ceiling beam above the reading/TV sofa for a cozy addition in between seasons. Easy assembly while being attentive to the precautions due to weight. Well worth its price and has a lot of "standing".
Fait le job.
Does the job.
Chauffage pergola bioclimatique
Bioclimatic pergola heating
Comprato dopo lunga ricerca per riscaldare un pergolato in legno su terrazza chiuso da vetrate scorrevoli sui tre lati. Per evitare sovraccarico con i suoi 2400w ho comprato un regolatore di potenza che mi permette facilmente nel caso ci fosse bisogno di usarlo ad una potenza inferiore. Esteticamente molto bello, discreto e posizionato in alto, al centro della struttura, a 30cm dalle travi in legno rivolto con le ottime staffe verso il basso. In un ora e mezza la temperatura è passata da 17 a 24 gradi, direi ottimo! Super soddisfatto
Bought after a long search to heat a wooden pergola on a terrace closed by sliding glass doors on three sides. To avoid overloading with its 2400w I bought a power regulator that allows me to easily use it at a lower power if necessary. Aesthetically very nice, discreet and positioned high up, in the center of the structure, 30cm from the wooden beams facing downwards with the excellent brackets. In an hour and a half the temperature went from 17 to 24 degrees, I would say excellent! Super satisfied
J'ai installé ce chauffage dans ma cuisine d'été, très pratique pour l'hiver. Il est efficace et facile d'utilisation : pas de lumière gênante si ce n’est l’écran de affichage, grand écran LED avec thermostat pour les températures allant de 5 à 45 °C. Equipé d'une minuterie d'extinction : réglable par paliers d'une heure jusqu'à 9h. Interrupteur marche/arrêt à bascule sur le côté de l'appareil. Convient pour un montage au mur ou au plafond, matériel de montage inclus, boîtier noir résistant aux intempéries. Télécommande avec verrouillage des touches et mode ECO pour l'extinction de l'écran. Thermostat et détecteur de chaleur pour surveiller la température ambiante. Adapté pour les pièces entre 14 et 18 m². Très satisfaite de cette achat.
I installed this heater in my summer kitchen, very practical for the winter. It is efficient and easy to use: no annoying light except for the display screen, large LED screen with thermostat for temperatures from 5 to 45 ° C. Equipped with a switch-off timer: adjustable in one-hour increments up to 9 hours. On/off rocker switch on the side of the device. Suitable for wall or ceiling mounting, mounting materials included, black weatherproof housing. Remote control with key lock and ECO mode for turning off the display. Thermostat and heat detector to monitor the room temperature. Suitable for rooms between 14 and 18 m². Very satisfied with this purchase.
E encontrado este calefactor infrarrojos buscando por todos lados Y al final un amigo me recomendó este en especial Al principio yo no era muy positivo con la idea, pero fue probarlo y me encanto Tengo un patio no muy grande y con este aparar en pleno invierno no se pasa ni una pisca de frio Viene muy bien embalada con varias cosas Con un manual en varios idiomas Varios tornillos y todo lo necesario para poder montarlo tanto en una pared como en el propio techo Tiene un control remoto muy eficiente que hasta tiene su propio propio bloqueo de teclas Es ultra silencioso y no emite ningún tipo de luz Tiene temporizador de un máximo de 9 horas Tiene una función eco muy buena y recomendable en estos tiempos Es resistente a la intemperie tanto al viento como al agua Tiene un rango de temperaturas muy agradable Y una de sus mejores cualidades es que es súper chulo
I found this infrared heater by searching everywhere And in the end a friend recommended this one in particular To me At first I wasn't very positive about the idea, but I tried it and I loved it I have a not very large patio and with this device in the middle of winter it doesn't get even a bit cold It comes very well packaged with several things With a manual in several languages Several screws and everything necessary to be able to mount it both on a wall and on the ceiling itself It has a very efficient remote control that even has its own key lock It is ultra quiet and does not emit any type of light It has a timer of a maximum of 9 hours It has a very good eco function and recommended in these times It is weather resistant to both wind and water It has a very pleasant temperature range And one of its best qualities is that it is super cool
Envio rápido, buena calidad muy sólido. la única pega es que no tiene temporizador ni programación. Solo desconecta por temperatura. También puede instalarse con inclinación, aunque no lo pone en las instrucciones.
Fast shipping, good quality, very solid. The only drawback is that it doesn't have a timer or programming. It only disconnects based on temperature. It can also be installed at an angle, although it doesn't say so in the instructions.
Estamos satisfechos con el resultado, está montado en una terraza
We are satisfied with the result, it is mounted on a terrace
Muy buena calidad y muy funcional, en la descripción hablaban de una cobertura concreta de calor y es menor, pero ok
Very good quality and very functional, in the description they talked about a specific heat coverage and it is less, but ok
Ottima fattura
Excellent workmanship
La rapidità di accensione e il giusto consumo ne fanno un prodotto di nicchia che soddisferà tutti. Molto soddisfatto dell'acquisto.
The speed of ignition and the right consumption make it a niche product that will satisfy everyone. Very satisfied with the purchase.
Confrontandolo con il climatizzatore è di gran lunga migliore; il prezzo è molto inferiore, gli infrarossi hanno le giuste priorità prima le persone, poi gli oggetti e quindi l’ambiente, non necessita di manutenzione. Per chi ha solo 3000 Watt non è adatto perché il consumo è di 2400 Watt, mentre io ho 6000 Watt sto tranquillo, va detto che siccome mantiene il calore per molto tempo c’è anche il risparmio.
Compared to the air conditioner it is much better; the price is much lower, infrareds have the right priorities first people, then objects and then the environment, it does not require maintenance. For those who only have 3000 Watts it is not suitable because the consumption is 2400 Watts, while I have 6000 Watts I am calm, it must be said that since it keeps the heat for a long time there is also the saving.
J’ai installé ce chauffage dans un cabanon non isolé Manuel d emploi seulement en anglais et allemand ?! Il est efficace et facile d utilisation : pas de lumière gênante si ce n’est l’écran de affichage.
I installed this heater in an uninsulated shed. User manual only in English and German?! It is efficient and easy to use: no annoying light except for the display screen.
Prodotto praticamente perfetto nelle eretica e nel funzionamento ; silenzioso adatto !!
Product practically perfect in heretics and in functioning; silent suitable!!
Estetica: 9/10; Ottimizzazione spazio: 10/10; riscaldamento: 8/10; velocità riscaldamento per effetto radiante: 4/10. Riassumendo, se avete bisogna di una ottima stufa da accendere 15 prima dell’utilizzo è perfetta, se invece vi attendete calore istantaneo prendete un classico riscaldatore per irraggiamento ad infrarossi a “tubi esposti”
Aesthetics: 9/10; Space optimization: 10/10; heating: 8/10; heating speed by radiant effect: 4/10. In summary, if you need an excellent stove to turn on 15 minutes before use, it is perfect, but if you expect instant heat, get a classic infrared radiant heater with "exposed tubes"
Ho una veranda in giardino e avevo necessità di riscaldarla per passare delle serate con gli amici.... Credo proprio di aver trovato la migliore soluzione possibile di riscaldamento da esterno, riesco a riscaldare questo ambiente di quasi 30mq tranquillamente e soprattutto senza quel fastidioso bagliore rosso creato dalle stufe a resistenza elettrica...ancor di più con la sua linea dritta e moderna si abbina benissimo con le assi del mio pergolato. Sono molto soddisfatto, lo consiglio
I have a veranda in the garden and I needed to heat it to spend evenings with friends .... I really think I have found the best possible solution for outdoor heating, I can heat this room of almost 30 square meters easily and above all without that annoying red glow created by electric resistance heaters ... even more with its straight and modern line it matches perfectly with the boards of my pergola. I am very satisfied, I recommend it
Con questo radiatore ad infrarossi credo di aver risolto ed in termini ragionevolmente economici il problema del riscaldamento nell’ambiente tavernetta ricavato nel piano seminterrato della mia casa, completamente privo di impianto di termico. Anziché ricorrere a stufe e stufette elettriche per rendere fruibile, anche nei mesi freddi la tavernetta, con risultati non sempre soddisfacenti e con l’inevitabile ingombro derivante dalla presenza a pavimento di questi apparecchi, il radiatore ad infrarossi mi ha consentito di risparmiare spazio ma soprattutto grazie alla sua potenza, di avere nell’ambiente il giusto grado di calore. Nella scelta del posizionamento del radiatore, a parete o quella altrettanto possibile a soffitto, ho preferito la prima e l’installazione del dispositivo, anche grazie agli accessori forniti in dotazione non ha creato particolari difficoltà. Il telecomando che comanda l’accensione, la scelta della temperatura d’esercizio e, ove lo si desideri, anche il tempo di funzionamento dello stesso, si è dimostrato semplice nell’utilizzo e preciso nel funzionamento. Il radiatore è contraddistinto da un design essenziale e moderno che consente l’integrazione dello stesso anche in un ambiente dall’arredo rustico, come quello della mia taverna. Considerate le prestazioni ottenute non escludo, in un prossimo futuro, l’acquisto di un identico radiatore ad infrarossi da posizionare, questa volta a soffitto, nel mio garage anch’esso privo di riscaldamento, cosi da potervi trascorrere, anche nei mesi invernai, qualche ora dedicandomi al bricolage.
With this infrared radiator I believe I have solved, in reasonably economical terms, the problem of heating in the basement room of my house, completely devoid of a heating system. Instead of resorting to electric heaters and space heaters to make the basement room usable, even in the cold months, with results that are not always satisfactory and with the inevitable bulk resulting from the presence of these devices on the floor, the infrared radiator has allowed me to save space but above all, thanks to its power, to have the right level of heat in the room. In choosing the positioning of the radiator, on the wall or equally possible on the ceiling, I preferred the first and the installation of the device, also thanks to the accessories supplied, did not create particular difficulties. The remote control that controls the ignition, the choice of the operating temperature and, if desired, also the operating time of the same, has proven to be simple to use and precise in operation. The radiator is characterized by an essential and modern design that allows its integration even in an environment with rustic furnishings, such as that of my basement. Considering the performance obtained, I do not exclude, in the near future, the purchase of an identical infrared radiator to be positioned, this time on the ceiling, in my garage which also has no heating, so that I can spend a few hours there, even in the winter months, dedicating myself to DIY.
Il faut attendre environ 15 minutes pour que la température monte mais fonctionne très bien ,parfait au plafond au dessus d’un canapé ou un lit (rayon non visible )evite de chauffer toute la pièce pour rien .... Surtout pour les plafonds haut ou des radiateurs normaux envoie la chaleur vers le haut et non vers vous .
You have to wait about 15 minutes for the temperature to rise but it works very well, perfect on the ceiling above a sofa or a bed (ray not visible) avoids heating the whole room for nothing.... Especially for high ceilings or normal radiators send the heat upwards and not towards you.
consegna veloce, articolo come da aspettative
fast delivery, item as expected