[Returns: -15%] Coldplayer Air Cooler

£ 108.99
Original price: £ 154.99
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 53034673
Coldplayer Air Cooler
£ 108.99
Original price: £ 154.99
(incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
    £ 123.99
    Original price: £ 154.99
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear

Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • 4-in-1 efficiency: fan, air cooler, air purifier and humidifier in one

  • Cool breeze: four wind speeds for an air flow of up to 384 m³ / h

  • Water cooling: cools the air flow by up to 3 ° C through water evaporation


  • Power: 68 watts
  • Volume water tank: 10 litres
  • Water level indicator
  • Humidification capacity: 1100 ml / h
  • Max. air volume flow: 384 m³ / h
  • Max. operating noise: 62 dB
  • Cooling capacity: up to 3 ° C in the air flow
  • On / off timer
  • Hourly programmable timer between 1 and 15 h
  • Nature mode: automatic change of 4 speeds to simulate natural wind
  • Sleep mode: like natural mode, with hourly reduction of the highest speed by one level until it is switched off
  • Evaporative cooler: lowers airflow temperature by up to 3 ° C - no constant room cooling
  • Automatic horizontal oscillation
  • Automatic vertical oscillation
  • Water tank with side filler flap and drain plug
  • With wheels for easy moving
  • Built-in handle
  • No change necessary: dust and honeycomb filters (nebulizers) are washable
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ | 50 Hz
Product number: 53034673

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 38 x 77 x 29 cm (WxHxD)
  • Power cord length: 115 cm
  • Weight: approx. 8.8 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x air cooler
  • 2 x cold packs
  • 1 x remote control
  • English-language operating instructions (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
37 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Lo recomiendo para purificar el aire

I recommend it to purify the air.


À l’approche de l’été , j’ai investi dans ce petit humidificateur . Il est ultra performant et se fait oublier tellement l’appareil est discret .

As summer approaches, I invested in this little humidifier. It is ultra efficient and makes you forget it because the device is so discreet.


Essai pour le moment

Trying for now


Ottimo prodotto per rinfrescarsi

Great product for freshening up


Bon appareil,il ne faut pas hésiter à mettre des glaçons en plus dans le réservoir pour avoir le plus de rafraîchissement possible, je ne suis pas mécontent de mon achat.

Good device, don't hesitate to put extra ice cubes in the tank to get as much cooling as possible, I'm not unhappy with my purchase.


Sans être aussi efficace que la clim, ce ventilateur, avec des pains de glace, ne rafraichit pas la pièce mais bien le corps si l'on se place à côté. Utilisé en période de canicule par une dame de 85 ans pendant les repas (cuisine avec baie vitrée exposée au sud), dans sa chambre, ou pour regarder la TV. Réglages de l'intensité de la ventilation pertinent, avec ou sans rotation. Nous avons acheté 2 pains de glace de rechange pour alterner si besoin.

Without being as effective as the air conditioning, this fan, with ice packs, does not cool the room but rather the body if you stand next to it. Used during heatwaves by an 85-year-old lady during meals (kitchen with bay window facing south), in her bedroom, or to watch TV. Relevant ventilation intensity settings, with or without rotation. We bought 2 replacement ice packs to alternate if needed.


non è un deumidificatore

it's not a dehumidifier


Fait le job

Does the job


Wir sind sehr zufrieden

We are very satisfied


Utilisé pour une pièce de 35 mètres carrés et c'est parfait.Bien sur cela ne remplacera pas la climatisation mais beaucoup plus économique.

Used for a room of 35 square meters and it is perfect. Of course it will not replace air conditioning but much more economical.


Une livraison 3 jours avant la date prévue, un colis en parfait état, une notice très explicite et simple, un ventilateur très performant, un niveau de bruit très acceptable même en grande vitesse. Rien à reprocher à cet appareil contrairement à certains commentaires qui vous ferez hésiter d'acheter ce rafraichisseur

Delivery 3 days before the scheduled date, a package in perfect condition, very explicit and simple instructions, a very efficient fan, a very acceptable noise level even at high speed. Nothing to criticize about this device unlike some comments which will make you hesitate to buy this cooler


ventilation efficace même en vitesse 1, le bruit est raisonnable, et en rajoutant plus de bac congélation que les deux fournis, fait descendre la température de l'eau ventilée, et donc de la pièce plus rapidement. Il est monté sur roulette, ce qui le rend pratique pour le déplacer d'un pièce à l'autre, parce que bac d'eau chargé, l'engin devient lourd à porter. Je suis content de mon investissement pour le moment.

effective ventilation even at speed 1, the noise is reasonable, and by adding more freezer trays than the two supplied, lowers the temperature of the ventilated water, and therefore of the room, more quickly. It is mounted on wheels, which makes it practical for moving it from one room to another, because when the water tank is loaded, the machine becomes heavy to carry. I'm happy with my investment so far.


Bon appareil avec plusieurs modes de ventilation. Un peu gourmand en eau en utilisation intensive. Taux d'humidité de l'air ambiant à surveiller. Résultats d'utilisation conforme à la description constructeur. Reçu en temps et en heure dans un emballage sérieux.

Good device with several ventilation modes. A little water-intensive in intensive use. Ambient air humidity level to monitor. Results of use conform to the manufacturer's description. Received on time in good packaging.


Il est très grand il contient à peu près 8 litres moi j'y rajoute des glaçons du frigo et j'ai un air très frais dans ma chambre puisque je suis malade et que je dois rester coucher je respire très très bien et je mets la fonction slip pour la nuit franchement je le recommande très facile à Visé avec son système de bouchon.

It is very large it contains about 8 liters I add ice cubes from the fridge and I have very fresh air in my room since I am sick and I have to stay in bed I breathe very very well and I put the brief function for the night frankly I recommend it very easy to Visé with its cap system.


Livré aujourd'hui, jusqu'ici tout va bien ! Cela semble fonctionner très bien! Facile à utiliser et suivre les instructions et tout à fait un bon prix ! Produit de bonne qualité je crois !

Delivered today, so far so good! This seems to work great! Easy to use and follow instructions and quite a good price! Good quality product I believe!


Bon produit pas trop cher très efficace pour faire baisser la température grand réservoir d eau qui prend également les packs de glace.2 sont même fournis a l origine notice claire et réglages simples grosse autonomie je recommande

Good product, not too expensive, very effective in lowering the temperature, large water tank which also takes ice packs. 2 are even provided originally, clear instructions and simple settings, great autonomy, I recommend


Rafraichit la pièce où on le met à condition de mettre plusieurs blocs réfrigérants. C'est beaucoup mieux qu'un ventilateur qui brasse de l'air chaud mais rien à voir avec une vraie clim ! Je n'ai pas testé encore avec une grosse chaleur

Cools the room where you put it provided you put several cooling packs. It's much better than a fan that blows hot air but nothing like real air conditioning! I haven't tested it yet with high heat


Fonctionne bien, rafraîchit même très bien malgré la chaleur. Facile d'utilisation, mais assez bruyant (plus que mon ancien ventilateur, mais il rafraîchit nettement plus, alors il faut savoir ce qu'on veut !) Il est largement suffisant pour toute notre partie salon, et est facilement déplaçable sur du plat, même plein d'eau (je n'ai pas essayé de le monter dans les escaliers, j'imagine que ça ne doit pas être très pratique). Ce n'est pas un "vrai" climatiseur, mais franchement, il est vraiment bien ! Je ne regrette pas mon choix.

Works well, even cools very well despite the heat. Easy to use, but quite noisy (more than my old fan, but it cools significantly more, so you have to know what you want!) It is more than sufficient for our entire living room area, and is easily movable on a flat surface, even full of water (I haven't tried carrying it up the stairs, I imagine it must not be very practical). It's not a "real" air conditioner, but frankly, it's really good! I don't regret my choice.


Le rafraichisseur Klarstein Coldplayer est un produit puissant, esthétique, pratique car possédant des petites roues invisibles et efficaces. Malheureusement, il est très bruyant et même au niveau le plus faible, le bruit ne passe pas inaperçu. A voir maintenant avec le temps et surtout je n'ai pas encore testé le produit en période de très forte chaleur. En tout état de cause, aucun regret car les tests sur le net mettaient en garde sur les nuisances sonores du produit.

The Klarstein Coldplayer cooler is a powerful, aesthetic and practical product because it has small, invisible and efficient wheels. Unfortunately, it is very noisy and even at the lowest level the noise does not go unnoticed. To see now with time and above all I have not yet tested the product in periods of very high heat. In any case, no regrets because the tests on the internet warned about the noise pollution of the product.


Utilisé depuis maintenant environ deux semaines c'est un produit de bonne qualité bien sûr ne vous attendez pas à un effet climatiseur mais c'est suffisant pour souffler un air frais et diffuser un peu d'humidité en été. Toujours plus écologique qu'un climatiseur !

Used for about two weeks now, it's a good quality product of course don't expect an air conditioning effect but it's enough to blow cool air and diffuse a little humidity in summer. Always more ecological than an air conditioner!


efficace pour le moment, j'en ai acheté 3 pour les différentes pièces de la maison. j'attends les grosses chaleur pour voir la sensation ressentie, car rafraichisseur d'air pas climatisation. Une question subsiste, quand, comment et combien de fois par an faut-il changer/nettoyer le filtre arrière?? merci

effective for the moment, I bought 3 for different rooms in the house. I'm waiting for the heat to see what the feeling is, because it's an air cooler, not an air conditioner. A question remains, when, how and how many times a year should the rear filter be changed/cleaned? THANKS


Un buon prodotto funzionale è pratico , solo mancante di istruzioni in italiano e non specificato dove mettere i due blocchetti ghiaccio .

A good functional and practical product, only missing instructions in Italian and not specifying where to put the two ice blocks.


Ho il climatizzatore rotto e provvisoriamente ho acquistato questo prodotto. Lo uso solo di notte ed il suo lavoro lo fa bene è solo lievemente rumoroso ma non dà fastidio.

My air conditioner is broken and I temporarily bought this product. I only use it at night and it does its job well, it is only slightly noisy but it is not annoying.


mi è piaciuto il design estetico, la praticità nell'utilizzo. A mio avviso da migliorare il rumore, specialmente in caso di utilizzo notturno. Come freschezza dipende molto dal numero delle piastre eutettiche.

I liked the aesthetic design, the practicality of use. In my opinion the noise should be improved, especially in case of night use. As for freshness, it depends a lot on the number of eutectic plates.


Meglio di altri prodotti della stessa categoria, presto ne acquisterò un secondo

Better than other products in the same category, I will soon buy a second one


Rinfresca senza consumare troppa energia, buon compromesso per chi cerca un pochino di sollievo senza svenarsi

Refreshes without consuming too much energy, a good compromise for those looking for a little relief without breaking the bank


Je le trouve très esthétique et efficace. Il rafraîchit la pièce sans soucis, avec les glaçons dans le réservoir. Seul inconvénient il est bruyant, moi j'arrive à passer outre mais si on est sensible il faut réfléchir avant de le prendre

I find it very aesthetic and effective. It cools the room worry-free, with the ice cubes in the tank. The only drawback is that it is noisy, I can get past it but if you are sensitive you have to think before taking it


Le rafraisseur d'air fonctionne lorsque la température extérieure reste normale. En période de très forte chaleur, mieux vaut s'equiper d'une clim.

The air cooler operates when the outside temperature remains normal. In periods of very high heat, it is better to equip yourself with air conditioning.


Bonjour, ce rafraichisseur d'air est très bien conçu, élégant ,et très efficace, la propulsion d'air multi directionnelle haut et bas, droite gauche offre un confort agréable, surtout si on ajoute dans le réservoir les accumulateurs de froid... Seuls inconvénients la notice d'emploi qui n'est pas traduite en français.

Hello, this air cooler is very well designed, elegant, and very efficient, the multi-directional air propulsion up and down, right left offers pleasant comfort, especially if you add the cold accumulators to the tank... The only drawbacks are the instructions for use which are not translated into French.


Sono soddisfatto, questo raffrescatore è potente e silenzioso,occupa poco spazio. Mi piace che posso metterlo alla funzione sleep e pure programmarlo con il timer ed anche avere un telecomando per poterlo regolare stando comodamente sdraiato nel letto

I am satisfied, this cooler is powerful and silent, it takes up little space. I like that I can put it on sleep mode and also program it with the timer and also have a remote control to be able to adjust it while lying comfortably in bed


Sono soddisfatto, questo raffrescatore è potente e silenzioso,occupa poco spazio. Mi piace che posso metterlo alla funzione sleep e pure programmarlo con il timer ed anche avere un telecomando per poterlo regolare stando comodamente sdraiato nel letto

I am satisfied, this cooler is powerful and silent, it takes up little space. I like that I can put it on sleep mode and also program it with the timer and also have a remote control to be able to adjust it while lying comfortably in bed


Raffresca benissimo, un ventilatore con tante funzioni, basta riempire d'acqua il serbatoio e aggiungere un pò di ghiaccio o a scelta polaretti, per avere una brezza di freschezza incredibile durante la funzione del del ventilatore viene aspirata l'acqua che viene evaporata rinfrescando la stanza e dando un senso di sollievo il prezzo e comparato alla qualità del prodotto

It cools very well, a fan with many functions, just fill the tank with water and add some ice or optional ice cubes, to have an incredibly fresh breeze during the function of the fan the water is sucked in and evaporated, cooling the room and giving a sense of relief the price is compared to the quality of the product


Raffredda bene considerando che non è un climatizzatore.

It cools well considering it's not an air conditioner.


Chiarito che si tratta di un raffrescatore (freddo) e non di un climatizzatore (freddo-caldo), l'apparecchio assolve egregiamente la sua funzione. Ha prerogative per il trattamento dell'aria di vani sino a 18-20 mq molto valide. In tempo di pandemia è molto apprezzabile la funzione di purificazione dell'aria. Molto silenzioso. Neppure lontanamente comparabile ai raffreddatori (in parte provati) tanto pubblicizzati, di costo e di dimensioni decisamente più contenuti. Consigliabile.

Having clarified that it is a cooler (cold) and not an air conditioner (cold-hot), the device fulfills its function very well. It has very valid prerogatives for treating the air of rooms up to 18-20 m2. In times of pandemic, the air purification function is very appreciable. Very quiet. Not even remotely comparable to the much-advertised coolers (partly tested), of a much smaller cost and size. Recommended.


Prodotto buono che ha raffresca in maniera gradevole

Good product that cools pleasantly





Ottimo prodotto. Tutto secondo aspettativa in base a descrizione dell'articolo. Utile per spezzare la morsa del caldo intenso. Il telecomando ha i tastini un po' duri e va puntato proprio di fronte, lateralmente non funziona. Per quanto riguarda la rumorosità non l'ho trovato proprio silenziosissimo ma probabilmente dopo qualche giorno l'orecchio si abituerà e non lo sentirò più. Le ruote nascoste non solo sono una finezza ma anche utilissime per portare il raffrescatore da una stanza all'altra. Unica cosa che mi è dispiaciuto non trovare è stato un alloggiamento specifico per i ghiaccioli che pertanto vanno messi in acqua a galleggiare liberamente. Nel complesso sono soddisfatto del prodotto acquistato.

Excellent product. Everything as expected based on the description of the item. Useful for breaking the grip of intense heat. The remote control has slightly hard buttons and must be pointed straight ahead, it does not work from the side. As for the noise, I did not find it very silent but probably after a few days the ear will get used to it and I will not hear it anymore. The hidden wheels are not only a nice touch but also very useful for carrying the cooler from one room to another. The only thing I was sorry not to find was a specific housing for ice cubes which therefore must be placed in water to float freely. Overall I am satisfied with the product purchased.