Pizzaiolo Perfect Pizza Oven

£ 277.99
Original price: £ 310.99
(incl. VAT)
  • Pizza oven
  • Black
Product number: 10032130
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  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Massive heat storage: charcoal pizza oven with 1.2 mm steel walls for best baking results

  • Crisp and tasty: chamotte pizza stone of 30.5 x 30.5cm for crispy pizza crusts

  • Mobile: easy to move with floor rollers and handle

Product description

Now it’s getting crispy! With the Klarstein Pizzaiolo Perfect pizza oven, la dolce vita comes to the garden or the terrace.

Delicious pizza baked on the stone or crispy wood-fired bread: with the Klarstein Pizzaiolo Perfect grill oven, successfully create Italian specialties as well as rustic bread experiences! On wood or charcoal, the delicacies bake either on the 30.5 x 30.5cm cm large chamotte stone or directly on the 2-piece, 50 x 35 cm stainless steel grate. Of course, the outdoor oven is not just for dough: even BBQ dishes such as pulled pork, spare ribs or burgers can be deliciously prepared in its interior. The built-in thermometer ensures easy monitoring of the correct cooking temperature, so the chef always knows when to open or close the vent. Due to the material thickness of 1.2 mm steel, the grill is not only extremely robust, but also stores the heat in the long term and thus achieves even better grilling results.

Of course, handling is also very important: the Klarstein Pizzaiolo Perfect grill oven is easy to move thanks to its wheels. A separate flap provides access to the combustion chamber at all times to refill wood or charcoal. A removable ash box facilitates cleaning after the pizza is cooked.

Guaranteed Italian moments: enjoy the beautiful life in the garden or on the terrace with the Klarstein Pizzaiolo Perfect pizza oven.

Order additional accessories: please also see our offers for the matching rain cover (article 10032183) as well as for additional pizza stones (article 10032174).


  • Mounting kit, construction required
  • Ground rollers for easy movement
  • Heat-resistant, black powder coating
  • Large floor shelf of 51 x 38 cm
  • 2-piece grill for easy cleaning
  • Removable ash pan
  • For firing with wood (about 2 logs) or charcoal (about 3 kg)
  • Optional accessories: cover (article 10032183) & pizza stone (article 10032174)
Product number: 10032130

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (including fireplace and wheels): about 55 x 160 x 47 cm (WxHxD)
  • Dimensions (pizza stone): about 30.5 x 1 x 30.5 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 28 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x pizza oven (mounting kit)
  • 1 x pizza stone
  • English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

Customer reviews
1 Rating

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Ich habe den Pizzaofen auch schon zum räuchern von Käse genutzt. Einfach etwas Buchenspäne unten rein streiseln, nicht zu dick und den käse aufs obere Rost legen.. ein paar stunden warten.. LECKER. Der Zusammenbau gestaltet sich recht einfach. Ich habe ca 30 Minuten benötigt. Für leckere Pizzas ist ein Pizzastein enthalten, der benötigt etwas Zeit um etwas in fahrt zu kommen. Wir machen unsere Pizza mit einer Mischung aus Holzkohle und obstgehölzen aus dem Garten, Das gibt ein prima aroma

I have also used the pizza oven to smoke cheese. Simply rub some beech shavings in below, not too thick, and place the cheese on the upper grid.. wait a few hours.. DELICIOUS. The assembly is quite easy. I needed about 30 minutes. A pizza stone is included for delicious pizzas, which needs some time to get going. We make our pizza with a mixture of charcoal and fruit trees from the garden, which gives a great aroma